Another Chunk Lost

well....maybe I'm the idiot here but wasn't that why states got the land?? produce revenue to support public schools???.....not to supply a place for fat utards to hunt???
Yes....."to produce revenue to support public schools".

We assumed the revenue would come from leasing such as Forest and BLM, not from interest on the sale of the land. Technically, it is apparently legal, or they wouldn't be selling it. But if selling and generating revenue for schools was the original intent, why didn't the State sell it decades ago? I believe they didn't decades ago because the land was believed to be an "endowment, not to be sold" but apparently it wasn't so stated, the State is therefore legally able to sell it now.........after all these years of abusing these State lands through neglect and a lack of desire to manage them for income for schools. Now it's just easier to sell them and take the interest off the trust. A lot less work and it's easier to "play games with cash" than it is with real estate.

So, can they? certainly? Should they? Not in my opinion.

So............shouldn't they sell all public lands, using the same rational?

Not in my opinion.

When the folks are willing to sell the public golf courses, the public lakes, rivers and reservoirs, the highways and county roads, the National Parks, the wilderness, then I'll understand them also selling the public real estate that I choice to use.

Ridiculous you so?

One guy wants a public park, another guy want a public forest. Who the hell say's one has more rights than another? The answer is, be darn sure who you vote for!

>well....maybe I'm the idiot here but
>wasn't that why states got
>the land?? produce revenue to
>support public schools???.....not to supply
>a place for fat utards
>to hunt???

Easy with the 'fat utard' RACIST Remarks!


We laugh, we cry, we love
Go hard when the going's tough
Push back, come push and shove
Knock us down, we'll get back up again and again
We are Members of the Huntin Crowd!
>Hey, BC back off.....I am both
>fat and Utard. How
>the truth be inappropriate?

Well I am too Lumpy but GEEZUS!

We laugh, we cry, we love
Go hard when the going's tough
Push back, come push and shove
Knock us down, we'll get back up again and again
We are Members of the Huntin Crowd!
Thanks for posting this lumpy. So the State of Utah sold off another 2500 acres, and the trend continues. So far, Utah has sold roughly 3.8 million out of 7 million acres they received at the time of statehood. Is there really any question what Utah will do if it somehow obtains control of the roughly 32 million acres of federal lands within our state? Drill it, mine it, log it, develop it and sell it.

I believe commissions are paid on the sale of Utah school sections. Red Flag if your on the fence about land transfer debate.
The vast majority of the properties sold are very small, isolated parcels typically surrounded by private land with very limited public access. Does anybody think a 40 acre parcel next to the Bryce airport (tiny as it is) was really hunting land?

I personally know of at least one such sale that resulted in a land trade between the forest service and the private property owner that allowed thousands of acres of formerly landlocked public land to be hunted. I've seen properties as small as 1 acre, currently owned by the state, be auctioned on these annual sales before. The process of consolidating and managing state lands means some properties should be sold and some acquired.

While the possibility for abuse remains within every governmental organization, I support the active management of the state lands program in Utah and having attended quite a few of these annual auctions over the last 20 years, haven't seen much of concern to sportsmen. This is chicken little once again...


I think you're off point. This is just another example of what the state would do if they had more land and believe me all of the land wouldn't be sage brush by Bryce Canyon or desert. A lot of it would be prime hunting land full of cabins or large ranch owners. "If ya got a lot of money it would be nice - If ya ain't it would be terrible. Chicken Little -Nay! Going to annual auctions, I'd say you come from a family with a lot of money or land and just want to catch us poor boys a snoozing.
funny you say it was originally meant for leasing.....cause it really was originally meant to be sold for mineral and timber development. Not saying that is the best use of the land, and luckily there was a shift from fee simple sales to the current leasing structure.

*sorry to interject facts into an otherwise delightful controversy in the brewing.

Good to hear from you. The 40 acre parcel might have been a small piece but altogether the state sold 2400 acres in that auction. Over time, it is sales like these that have led to the state selling off 3.8 million acres since it was granted statehood. You know the old saying, death by a thousand cuts.

Here is a question, how often does the state purchase private lands and convert them to public state lands? I am aware of a few instances but I would guess is it rarely happens given the number of acres the state had in 1896 and what they have today.

LAST EDITED ON Jun-16-15 AT 03:58PM (MST)[p]Do you think it's just the States that sell public land? Here is some info on BLM land recently sold in Nevada. Harry Reid and the Federal Government are looking out for you?


?We have allowed special interest groups ? hunters and ranchers ? to control and ?manage? wild animals for too long, and only in their selfish and narrow interests. Grizzlies, wolves and mountain lions, as well as coyotes, bobcats and smaller predators, must be valued and encouraged wherever possible.?
LAST EDITED ON Jun-16-15 AT 07:58PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jun-16-15 AT 07:51?PM (MST)

Of the ORIGINAL SCHOOL TRUST ACERAGE {7,475,297.00}...
{4,003,679.24} Acres have already been sold.

Utah has always sold school trust lands,, for a lot of differant reasons.

Take the 40 acres close to the Bryce airport.

The local schools in that county will get a lot more money from the property tax that the lodging development thier going to put on that property will generate,, than the half dozen cows brought in to graze there.

That is how the school trust lands are suppost to be managed. They are not for the public to recreate on unless that recreation brings in money for some sort of public education.
Another MM prayer.

"Lord I just want to thank you for blessing me with enough money to get the matching muledeer full back tattoos for me and my girlfriend. While you're at it could you help me figure out a way to make more money so my son Zachariah can go to college and be smart like me."
So if 2400 acres a year of the approximately 3,500,000 acres of school trust land are sold each year, how long until it is ALL gone? Easy math.
These kinds of sales are exactly what the School Trust Lands Board is expected to do to generate maximum funding for our schools. Trust lands were not set up to be hunting ground, but a funding source for the schools.
I don't like seeing public land converted to private. But there have been some very high profile cases of private land turning public as well. The Range Creek acquisition is one such example, even though it wasn't everything I wanted it to be. Still, quite an opportunity for sportsmen to use this land, even though there are some severe restrictions. The book cliffs is another area where some good land deals were done recently. THere are many more if you look.
Lots of these deals were done with the help of RMEF or other conservation groups. They have consolidated scattered public land into larger, huntable sections.
Not all these deals are good. Not all are bad. Just don't paint with too broad a brush. If you actually do the research, most of these deals benefited the state, and some were just plain stupid deals. we have to watch over our elected officials constantly. But deciding as a reflex that everything they do is bad is not useful.
It does make for good internet entertainment, however, :)
Once all school lands are sold where will they look for more money, Hope you have full pockets, Because they will be looking at the people to cough up more money..

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
When the States get control of public lands they are only in it for the revenue. They will sell off the "prime land" to the highest bidder and then give the rest back to the public for "public use". The problem is that the rest of the land is useless and the State knows it. If the State has control, you can bet your butt you will not have access to prime land, regardless of use i.e. fat Utard hunting, hiking, camping, pissing on a bush, etc.

It's always an adventure!!!

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