Annual BCS is a crock post


Well it is another year, and another BCS controversy. Once again Boise State (perrenially representing the WAC) and the MWC conference get screwed. This just proves that these conferences will never get a championship ever again.

And even though I am extremely pleased my Horns are in the title game and believe they should be there - I have HUGE problems with the BCS. We need a playoff system. Sorry but you can't tell me it wouldn't work in conjunction with the bowl games. You could work something out for sure.

Like I said, Texas belongs in the title game, not because of the WAY they played but because they won. Winning should be the bottom line but unfortunately we have a beauty queen contest instead. I would love to see the championship actually be earned and settled without any further arguments.

And yes, I know I know - so before you can say it JB, let me beat you to the punch.


Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
absolutly, i like boise state better, but TCU got screwed even worse i suppose. heck i think oregon ducks are the best team in the nation RIGHT NOW, notice the "right now" because that has, and could, change any time.

but who cares who any of us believe is the best? is there any other sport that "votes" who their champion is? let them decide it one the field! i've always like the "+1" idea. play all the bowl game, just like they set them. then add 1 more, it would be the winner of TCU/BSU and texas/alabama for the national champion ship. thats if you want to keep all these bowl games like they are. BUT, a good ol' honest PLAYOFFS- would solve this issue that comes up EVERY YEAR!
Love your post Roy.
Let me first say I think Bamma even though I hate them is in the right spot . I think TCU is the only team that would beat them and should be in the Title game.
I sooo wanted TCU and Boise State to play other teams . I think Cincinnati has a shot at Florida but that Cincinnati would not hold up to either Boise or TCU or most of the Mountain west conference .
It is not just the BCS that was scared to put TCU or BOISE against the poster children ( conferences ) it is the big schools themselves that let a sigh of relief when they knew they did not have to play either school.
Having watched TCU play a few times this year, I think they would house 'bama or Texas. I hate the bcs system, the Frogs got screwed. At least put them against another bcs school. I am in no way taking anything away from bsu, both of them should get their shot at a bcs school. Oh, and one more thing, good luck with the beavers maxie and fairwell. At least TRY to represent the confrence this year, please???!!! Your guys will be in blue.
Here's the games I would have liked to seen.

Alabama v Oregon One hellofa game. Two best teams in nation IMO.

Boise v Texas Find out how good either team Really is.

TCU v Florida Could be considered National Title game #2

I know these will never happen, but it is more intriguing than what we're getting.

>Here's the games I would have
>liked to seen.
>Alabama v Oregon One hellofa
>game. Two best teams
>in nation IMO.
>Boise v Texas Find out how
>good either team Really is.
>TCU v Florida Could be considered
>National Title game #2
>I know these will never happen,
>but it is more intriguing
>than what we're getting.

dam right!!! perfect matchups!!!!
What about Cinci? I would love to see the playoffs too. Maybe we would find out if Boise is as tough as everyone thinks they are. I would love to see them play Florida, Alabama, or Texas. Pretty sure I know how it would turn out.
I Like Boise but do not think they are going to beat them, I think they can but not likely.
TCU and Bama is what i would like to see and Texas an Boise
Oregon and Florida. I do not think Oregon would beat Bama or Tcu
But think Oregon and Boise are of the same caliber With Cincinnati just a step back from them.
The only way the BCS silver spooned conferences are going to play the step children is to have a playoff system
I laugh at you Oregonians saying the Ducks should be in the title game, LMAO! You lost to Boise and Stanford!

Texas should NOT be in the title game, TCU and Alabama are clearly the two best teams in the land. I just hope that TCU can rebound from the crushing blow of not being able to show what they can do against one of the "Big Boys", and get "up" to play Boise, again.... If they use that as fuel for the fire, then I pity Boise......

LAST EDITED ON Dec-07-09 AT 09:06AM (MST)[p]I can normally overlook bad spelling, but Lesgo's post 5 spelling is so awful I have to comment. Lesgo, it is DROOL, not drule and it is ROLL, not Role.
Alabama does deserve to be there, they killed Florida. But as far as Texas being better than TCU, that is a great question that we will never know the answer to. I would have liked to See TCU play Cincinnati, and Boise State play Florida. I don't care so much about the bowl they play in as who they play. I think both Cincinnati and Texas barely slipped through their last games. All I have to say is Texas should have killed Nebraska, look at the stats. I say Alabama will win 34-21 over Texas, Florida will beat Cincinnati by 13 at least, and I say that TCU will walk all over Boise State. The BCS is a nightmare each December, and will be until they are broken, which they managed barely do this year.

My question is how Florida can be ranked 5th after choking against Alabama? And I am a Gators and Utah fan!

I went to school at BSU (played baseball). I'd LOVE to have played Texas and truly believe we'd win by 10 to 15.

I think the championship game should be TCU vs Alabama. I'd bet on TCU.

Florida had better not take Cincy too lightly.

BSU beat Fresno (in Fresno) more easily than Cincy beat them in Cincy. Utah WHIPPED 'Bama last year and was LUCKY to have won against TCU at home.

The point: simply that claiming "the big 6" conferences are better than the best of the rest is silly. NOBODY in the BIG 10 would finish first OR 2nd in BSU's OR TCU's conferences.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
Please dont compare the MWC and the WAC! BSU is a good team they are not a great team! The WAC can not be compared to the MWC in anyway other then they will never have a national champion from there conference!

Texas should not be in the National Championship but until a playoff system (will never happen) comes about teams like Utah last year and TCU this year will always be left out of the dance! TCU will blow out BSU in arizona, and I truely feel like the only team that could hang with TCU is Bama and that is because they have a great defense.
They had to match the two non BCS schools against each other to save face. They couldn't have two of their beloved BCS coference teams get beat by two teams from non BCS conferences. The BCS is a JOKE. It should've been TCU - Florida and BSU - Cincinnati.
Please Tony...All I want are some match ups that aren't based on revenue and conference championships like the NFL. Clearly Bama and Oregon are the best teams in the country RIGHT NOW. Who did Cinci, TCU, Boise beat all season. You need to look at strength of schedule and not ONE Game. If either Bama or the Ducks had those schedules they would have won most of those games by 60.

Your kidding right?

At Clemson 14-10
At Byu 38-7
and Utah at home 55-28.

And Boise if im not mistaken beat your ducks!

SOS is just a number! Oregon is a two loss team and your saying they should be playing for the National Championship? Its not April 1st!!!
I didn't say they "should." I said I'd like to see the two best teams play. If you're denying SOS then I can't help you.

Well, Texas does deserve to be there - as much as any other team UNDER THE CURRENT SYSTEM. (What - you expected it to be any differently??)

They went undefeated against their schedule. Go ahead make your arguments about strength of schedule and margin of victory, that is exactly what the BCS wants, you play right into their hands when you do that. Oh and by the way, you will lose that argument when comparing TCU and BSU with their schedule. The fact is they are 13-0 and won their conference championship. If this were the NFL - NOBODY would be saying anything about how they got there, just that they did. It's like all of a sudden when you start playing one day later in the week it doesn't matter how ugly you play, only if you win and if you play the day earlier you have to blow everybody else out to be considered worthy. GIVE ME A FREAKING BREAK.

That is my whole point. The BCS settles nothing - unless you can settle it ON THE FIELD, then there will always only be speculation and conjecture.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON Dec-07-09 AT 04:21PM (MST)[p]Im not denying SOS, but Oregon could not handle there SOS and lost twice! How can you say they are one of the two best teams in the nation? By your thinking Texas, Alabama, and Flordia are better then your ducks. The ducks are not the 2nd best team in the nation and are right where they should be! TCU is the only team that possibly (will never happen until a change) got left out! Like it or not the BCS got it right under the current system!
Well, there is only one common opponent to compare Oregon and TCU, that is Utah. They both played Utah on their home fields, so no difference there. The only difference is, Oregon struggled mightily against them, TCU had the game in had 10 minutes into it en route to a 55-28 beatdown.

Still gonna try and tell me that Oregon is better than TCU?? We'll see after they handle Boise, a team which beat your Ducks.

How many top 20 teams did TCU, Boise, Cinci, and Texas beat? Oh and how many did OR beat? Duh.

TCU will crush Boise. They both lose. Shouldn't have put them together.

Bama will crush Texas. Texas got exposed big time. Another "great" game.

Ducks will crush OSU. This will be the highest rated game other than the National Championship.

I want great match-ups and intriguing plot lines. You homers are only spewing bias. You know the Ducks rock and BCS is BS. I feel badly the little schools didn't get a shot at playing with the big boys. Maybe next year. And NO I didn't say the Ducks should be playing Bama. I said they are the two best teams and it would be a better game than what we are getting.

>I laugh at you Oregonians saying
>the Ducks should be in
>the title game, LMAO! You
>lost to Boise and Stanford!
>Texas should NOT be in the
>title game, TCU and Alabama
>are clearly the two best
>teams in the land. I
>just hope that TCU can
>rebound from the crushing blow
>of not being able to
>show what they can do
>against one of the "Big
>Boys", and get "up" to
>play Boise, again.... If they
>use that as fuel for
>the fire, then I pity

i'm by no means saying they should be there, they lost 2 times- their out! but "if" they play like they have, i dont think any of these teams could beat them. that "if" is because when they played BSU and stanford , they looked horrible. but by no means am i saying they got screwed or should be in the championship game, hell i think they did well just making the rose bowl.
I did not compare conferences....however, the current Nevada team or the Fresno team would do just fine against anybody in the MWC. Wyoming isn't scary to 2/3 of the WAC.

However, my post/thoughts are that the BIG boys wussed out. Read the leaked behind-the-scenes stories. Seems Florida said they wouldn't play TCU OR BSU....just didn't want to risk it.

EITHER BSU or TCU would WHIP Iowa.

Texas didn't play such a tough schedule. I know they played in a tough With the exception of Oklahoma State (3 losses) and Nebraska (didn't they lose 4), the Texas list doesn't impress anyone.

I don't see Alabama being a pushover but I do see TCU kicking their rear (if they were given the chance); Boise would certainly keep it close....3 years ago, the same "experts" said Oklahoma would destroy BSU. But for some extreme Oklahoma luck midway through the 3rd quarter, Boise destroyed them and won any way. Alabama didn't get so lucky last THUMPED.

BSU POUNDED Oregon this year. BSU beat them soundly in Eugene last year.

BSU's quarterback can't throw as hard as Tebow....but he throws with MUCH greater accuracy and reads the field better. He has more efficient footwork and well, he UNDERSTANDS the game better.

BTW....Only 1 BSU starter (granted he's probably a first-round NFL pick) leaves this year. They'll be back. I think TCU will be, too.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
I'd say Oregon is playing like one of the best teams in the country, but TCU is too. You say Oregon is better because they have beaten more top 20's well that's not really a good point because TCU has beaten every opponent they have faced and to say they couldn't have beaten the teams Oregon beat is simply foolish!
muzz, you said TCU couldn't beat the teams OR played...not me. It helps if you read the writing.


Your ducks went 3-1 vs top 25 schools. All your wins were at home.

TCU went 2-0. One at home and one away.

Texas went 3-0. How do you figure they are the best team besides Bama? Im just trying to understand your point? They finished 7th in the polls right? How in your mind do they skip over the 4 teams in front of them?
i have to say i think the b.c.s. is a joke as well. i just wish we could somehow add boise st. to the mwc than we would have a true bcs conference. what would be even better would be if we could trade san diego st. and new mexico for nevada and boise st. i think we'd be better than the pac 10 and big east if that were to happen. it wont though
>AT 09:06?AM (MST)

>I can normally overlook bad spelling,
>but Lesgo's post 5 spelling
>is so awful I have
>to comment. Lesgo, it
>is DROOL, not drule and
>it is ROLL, not Role.


Lesgo is Cajun and he speaks and writes in cajun. Don't go gator hunting with him after you gave him a spelling lesson.

The BCS is a bunch of crap!! TCU should play for the title IMO they are the best team in the nation, hands down much better than the ducks. Who names thier team ducks anyway? After what Utah did to Alabama last year the big boys don't want to play a MWC or WAC team because, they are afraid to be beaten up by thier little brothers.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-07-09 AT 07:59PM (MST)[p]Can't forget what Boise did to Oklahoma in '07 either!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
HK, your right you didn't say that, but neither did I. You said how many top 20 teams has TCU beaten, and how many has Oregon beaten. Well to me that is saying you think that Oregon is better because they won those games. So that would mean you think that TCU wouldn't win those games. So I guess maybe I misunderstood what your reasoning is that makes Oregon better. Please tell me what you mean by what you said.
Seems to me like they didn't want another Utah type team pounding on one of the "Big Boys" again this year. The BCS knows if another non BS team won it may have to answer more questions they just don't want to answer. So the easy way out was to match up TCU and B-State.

Reminds me of when Utah beat Pitt in the Fiesta Bowl. Utes got shaffted that year to with that match up. Same as the Mountain West and the Wac are this year.

I was listening to the Dan Patrick show today and they flat out said they got screwed, I would have to agree, let em play the big boys.
On a side note,
I agree that 2004 Utah team could have beaten anyone that year. The pairing they set up is a total cop out. TCU could beat anyone and BSU isn't far behind. I would have liked to see Bama and TCU and Boise and Texas, but that's just me. Those would be some fun games to watch IMO.
BCS stands for big crock of sh#t. BCS schools are just plain scared to lose money and recruits to what they think are lesser schools. Utah got screwsd twice TCU is now getting the same treatment along with BSU. The match up of TCU and BSU stinks. After all BCS busting has become common place. Oh yeah, I almost forgot I like beavers more than ducks!
Pro-playoff and anti-BCS here, but the only way it's ever going to get fixed is if the fans collectively decide to boycott the BCS, and that ain't ever gonna happen.

Teams can only beat whoever is on their schedules. Ever see the movie Hoosiers? SOS should not be a determining factor on selecting a champion, which needs to be determined on the field. Otherwise, it's just a beauty contest. Sorry TCU and BSU, but Alabama and Texas are just more beautiful than you.
Duece was that a sexual preference? Ya know Bum you're correct.

SOS means nothing.
Home field means nothing.
How they are playing at the end of the year means nothing.
How they crush ranked opponents means nothing.
Where their offense and defense ranks means nothing.
Conference strength means nothing.

I don't know what I was thinking.

Sorry dude I was wrong. Errrr the BCS sucks. Againg I'm not saying the Ducks SHOULD BE PLAYING IN PLACE OF TEXAS. I'm saying it would be more interesting. TCU and Boise is a lame match up too. Two smaller divisions going at it...give them a chance to play FL, Bama, Texas, anybody but eachother...

Bottom line is BCS always sucks. We need a plus one playoff.

>Duece was that a sexual preference?
>Ya know Bum you're correct.
>SOS means nothing.
>Home field means nothing.
>How they are playing at the
>end of the year means
>How they crush ranked opponents means

>Where their offense and defense ranks
>means nothing.
>Conference strength means nothing.
>I don't know what I was
>Sorry dude I was wrong. Errrr
>the BCS sucks. Againg
>I'm not saying the Ducks
>OF TEXAS. I'm saying
>it would be more interesting.
>TCU and Boise is a
>lame match up too. Two
>smaller divisions going at it...give
>them a chance to play
>FL, Bama, Texas, anybody but
>Bottom line is BCS always sucks.
> We need a plus
>one playoff.

The only ranked opponent Oregon "crushed" was USC, and the only reason USC is still ranked is because of their legacy. Oregon squeeked by Utah, Arizona, and Oregon State.

Strength of schedule got Oregon where they are right now, you'll notice they are the highest ranked 2 loss team. Be grateful you are that high, and that you won your conference for the first time in 8 years.
I think that TCU and Boise State should be playing someone else Like Florida and Cinn then your wouldn't have a debate on who should be where in the polls, now if they Both won have them play one against each other then winner play the Champ. Done deal on who is the NCAA Champion then.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Boise played one ranked team the entire season.....hardly worthy of a championship bid.

TCU played 2 ranked teams and then had a real soft conference, they have played some teams that made them look better than they really are. (IMO)

Texas is the only undefeated besides Alabama and Cincinatti that played 3 ranked teams.

Since Florida is out, the only other team who showed something this year was Texas.....Hook'em Horns!
Cincinatti may have been quiet making their run but they have better stats and bigger wins that TCU or Boise!

LAST EDITED ON Dec-08-09 AT 11:02AM (MST)[p]Texas sucks!! Mac Brown is a cry baby and his attitude should have been thankful instead of "we knew we would win attitude" after the game. They should have been beat Saturday, but Nebraska did cause the fatal errors on the horse collar and kickoff. Alabama will smoke Texas! The SEC is so athletic they will romp UT. Sorry Roy even though I should hope for the Big 12 to win the Nat. Champ. I exclude Texas from that. The 2 best teams are Florida and Alabama. Take your pick of 3 through 6. (yes I know Florida is #5 now) but they are still the 2nd best team
LAST EDITED ON Dec-08-09 AT 12:35PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Dec-08-09 AT 12:35?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Dec-08-09 AT 11:20?AM (MST)

LOL CJ - I guess we'll know in a month. At least Texas will get to play it out on the field, from here on out for them the only thing that matters is the W. Which is my point exactly, the other teams will not be able to do so, and it is exactly why we need a playoff system.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
CAL ranked 6th 42-3
USC ranked 4th 47-20
WashSt ranked 120th 52-6

Clearly Oregon is the second best team in the nation. Flip and SEC or Pac 10 teams schedule with the other conferences and the top 6 teams would go undefeated. Sorry but beating high school teams and going undefeated doesn't make you a top 10 team...makes me sick.


Note: WashSt was an attempt at humor so you Homers don't get ur panties in a wad.
>Boise played one ranked team the
>entire season.....hardly worthy of a
>championship bid.
>TCU played 2 ranked teams and
>then had a real soft
>conference, they have played some
>teams that made them look
>better than they really are.
>Texas is the only undefeated besides
>Alabama and Cincinatti that played
>3 ranked teams.
>Since Florida is out, the only
>other team who showed something
>this year was Texas.....Hook'em Horns!
>Cincinatti may have been quiet making
>their run but they have
>better stats and bigger wins
>that TCU or Boise!

You are right, Boise State did play only
one ranked team, but only because none
of these "BCS Confrence" teams will schedule them
How does a team like BSU or TCU get recognition
if no one will play them!

Boise State is not the best team in the country, no
one is saying that, but Alot of our opinions are, why
does the two play each other? Because no matter who wins,
they will say " well it was just Boise State" or "It was just
TCU", There is no reason they are not playing one of these
"Big Schools"!!!!!!

You say clearly Oregon is the 2nd best team in the nation, I can't even argue with such a stupid statement! Even if they might be playing well right now, the season ended them at #7 in every poll! Argure about Texas, or Cinci, or Tcu and even Flordia being left out but how you argue that your 2 loss ducks should be there is just plain stupid! If your as good of hunter as you are fan of the ducks look out!

Happy Holidays

PS HK I hope you know this is all in fun and nothing more then a different (IMO right) view!
keep in mind ESPN bought into the BCS so all there opinions on air and print are going to be BIAS.
I just smile when I see all these guys that are so sure Alabama will wipe the floor with Texas.

Seems like in 2005 they were huge underdogs to USC too and everyone was saying the same thing.Anybody remember that game?

Heck Alabama barely won the "Iron Bowl" vs. Auburn. I would wait and let 'em play the game boys.

(And to dis Mack brown is just plain stupid.Lets see-he's 25-1 over the past two years and has 10 or more wins is something like the past 7 or 8 seasons.You may not like him but he's a great coach by anybody's standard.)

Yes I am a UT grad and proud of it!

>CAL ranked 6th 42-3
>USC ranked 4th 47-20
>WashSt ranked 120th 52-6
>Clearly Oregon is the second best
>team in the nation. Flip
>and SEC or Pac 10
>teams schedule with the other
>conferences and the top 6
>teams would go undefeated.
>Sorry but beating high school
>teams and going undefeated doesn't
>make you a top 10
>team...makes me sick.
>Note: WashSt was an attempt at
>humor so you Homers don't
>get ur panties in a
Cal is not ranked! It doesn't matter if they are ranked when you play them, its all about how they finish! USC is barely ranked, and probably shouldn't be, but they are USC, that's why they are still ranked! You expect to jump a team that beat you, and is undefeated? How does that work? You better hope and pray the your team doesn't lay an egg (pun intended) against Ohio State, or you are gonna look even dumber.

Duck fan here! I will be one to admit that on Sept. 3rd, Boise was the better team. Are they now? We could argue forever. I would love to find out but it isn't going to happen. Ya, I think the Ducks beat them, but hey, I am a fan. But, any given day, anyone can beat anyone. Ask Michigan...Appy State!!!

Boise is a victim of their own schedule and a weak conference. They deserve a chance to prove they are for real and not just a team that got up for one big game this season. All the more reason for a playoff. Until then, we will have this same discussion next year.

How great would it be?
Ohio St. at Alabama
Oregon at Texas
Boise at Cincy
Florida at TCU

For the first round, talk about a fun weekend!

Then, because the BCS does not want to look as stupid as everyone knows they are, they schedule Boise and TCU together. Thats the biggest crock of chit. Your welcome Florida, you are safe from the Peterson smack down! Two non BCS teams go undefeated and they have to play each other. Florida slipped a little cash someones way!
EXCELLENT bullnrut!

Tonyzamboner, you are clearly a Homer. Homer is someone who can't see through their own stupidity due to their vision being blurred by bias. I was born in Nampa and all my relates are from Boise. I love Idaho and Boise State...but I'm also a realist...This is fun jousting and I don't want to take the time to explain SOS etc. Clearly you missed the entire point of interesting games and what your little colleges need to get more big college games. Now they will get NONE and they got the shaft. Why would they. Do you get that?

Like bullnrut said...those games would be way more intriguing than what we have...I would like to see Boise get the Ducks again...just to shut u up. Don't take is personally but u have no clue what the best thing for Boise would be or College Football. It certainly isn't playing TCU. And the Ducks are the 2nd best team in the nation right now IMO.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-09-09 AT 08:48AM (MST)[p]>EXCELLENT bullnrut!
>Tonyzamboner, you are clearly a Homer.
>Homer is someone who can't
>see through their own stupidity
>due to their vision being
>blurred by bias. I was
>born in Nampa and all
>my relates are from Boise.
>I love Idaho and Boise
>State...but I'm also a realist...This
>is fun jousting and I
>don't want to take the
>time to explain SOS etc.
> Clearly you missed the
>entire point of interesting games
>and what your little colleges
>need to get more big
>college games. Now they will
>get NONE and they got
>the shaft. Why would they.
> Do you get that?
>Like bullnrut said...those games would be
>way more intriguing than what
>we have...I would like to
>see Boise get the Ducks
>again...just to shut u up.
>Don't take is personally but
>u have no clue what
>the best thing for Boise
>would be or College Football.
> It certainly isn't playing
>TCU. And the Ducks
>are the 2nd best team
>in the nation right now

First off, LOL at calling me a homer!

Secondly, I watch as much CFB as anybody I know, I check the charts, I know all about SOS, Sagarin rankings, etc.

Thirdly, I am most definitely NOT a Boise state fan, in fact I can't stand them for the most part.

Fourth, you can yell at the top of your lungs that Oregon is the best, but the simple fact is they have 2 losses and there are still 5 teams with ZERO losses. Like I said earlier, be glad that your team is as high as they are, their SOS got them there.

I watch alot of MWC conference play.

I think they just didn't want to let them into the sugar bowl even worried that a MWC team would embarrass their "bcs" schools again like Utah did to bama last year.

Even Boise St. has won the big bowl games in the past.
IMO, TCU wuold beat any of those other teams.

The other issue I have with the Boise St and TCU matchup is we already have the New Mexico Bowl which is a WAC vs. MWC
We dont' want to see these two teams play!
I want to see our boys go up against the Floridas and the Cincinatti's!

>Please Tony...All I want are some
>match ups that aren't based
>on revenue and conference championships
>like the NFL. Clearly
>Bama and Oregon are the
>best teams in the country
>RIGHT NOW. Who did
>Cinci, TCU, Boise beat all
>season. You need to look
>at strength of schedule and
>not ONE Game. If
>either Bama or the Ducks
>had those schedules they would
>have won most of those
>games by 60.

sorry, ORegon sucks
>CAL ranked 6th 42-3
>USC ranked 4th 47-20
>WashSt ranked 120th 52-6
>Clearly Oregon is the second best
>team in the nation. Flip
>and SEC or Pac 10
>teams schedule with the other
>conferences and the top 6
>teams would go undefeated.
>Sorry but beating high school
>teams and going undefeated doesn't
>make you a top 10
>team...makes me sick.
>Note: WashSt was an attempt at
>humor so you Homers don't
>get ur panties in a

umm, ya, Pac 10 sucks this year.
>>CAL ranked 6th 42-3
>>USC ranked 4th 47-20
>>WashSt ranked 120th 52-6
>>Clearly Oregon is the second best
>>team in the nation. Flip
>>and SEC or Pac 10
>>teams schedule with the other
>>conferences and the top 6
>>teams would go undefeated.
>>Sorry but beating high school
>>teams and going undefeated doesn't
>>make you a top 10
>>team...makes me sick.
>>Note: WashSt was an attempt at
>>humor so you Homers don't
>>get ur panties in a
>Cal is not ranked! It doesn't
>matter if they are ranked
>when you play them, its
>all about how they finish!
>USC is barely ranked, and
>probably shouldn't be, but they
>are USC, that's why they
>are still ranked! You expect
>to jump a team that
>beat you, and is undefeated?
>How does that work? You
>better hope and pray the
>your team doesn't lay an
>egg (pun intended) against Ohio
>State, or you are gonna
>look even dumber.

unfortunately Tony they do jump teams, look at Florida, one loss and in the sugar bowl.

I don't know if anyone saw, I didn't read the whole post, but Congress is pushing a bill to force the NCAA to institute a playoff system, it looks like it's gaining momentum.
With TCU and BSU playing each other there is no chance of another BCS school being beaten. What a blow that would be to the current system to have two of them beaten in the same year.
There are a two teams that are breathing a sigh of relief because they don't have to play TCU.

I personally hope that Texas treats Alabama worse than Utah did last year, Nick Saban drives me nuts. IMO he deserves every loss he gets.

Go Texas and TCU

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>Seems like in 2005 they were
>huge underdogs to USC too
>and everyone was saying the
>same thing.Anybody remember that game?

I sure remember that game all to well.. I was there...
Damn Longhorns... Vince Young made the USC defense look bad that day.

I agree with Roy and it sure would be nice to see a playoff system like they use for Sunday football.

But my Trojans are going to the Emerald Bowl...

What the hell is the Emerald Bowl???????? lol..

Guess they have plenty of tickets available since I get emails daily wanting to know if I want to purchase some. I don't think I will attend that one.
>Good to know they are working
>on such important issues for
>our country.....

IMO -our tax dollars go to State schools and if your kid attend's any private school you pay in tuition dollars for this broken pile of garbage "system" -(IMO system implies there is structure!). I have no issue whatsoever with Congress making sure our money is well spent, I don't care what the issue is, waste is waste and as long as our money is spent on football it should be regulated.

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