Annual Antelope Hunt


Very Active Member
Had our annual antelope hunt a couple of Saturday?s ago. Not as many as before. The oldest boy is out on his own, with some other obligations, at this time. The oldest girl was planning on going, but the only day we could go was the day of the homecoming dance and she just didn't want to risk not making it back in time. Schedules were busy, so we went for only a day. Myself, the 14 year old, the little guy (who eats, breaths, and drinks hunting), and a couple of friends.

The antelope where thicker than flies, which is always good for the kids. My daughter says she likes to hunt, but really just likes to see, kill, and eat critters. Hunting is more work than she likes to put forth. Fortunately we saw a little buck right close to the road. A matter of crawling under a fence, and sneaking over a small rise. She was going to use her brother?s .270 this year, but decided (having shot a couple of different rifles) that she was more confident with dad?s 30-06. She shot high on her first shot, but the buck just trotted a few yards and stopped. I told her to hold a wee bit low. The next shot put him down on the spot.

My goat was just as easy. As we were pulling into our usual camp spot to put her animal on ice, we noticed him walking a couple of hundred yards off. I closed the distance a bit, took my time with a prone shot, and we were done for the day.

Almost too short, but we got some of the best meat on earth, and several hours with the kids and friends makes for an awfully great day. Enjoy the pics.

The mighty huntress

With bro and dad

...and a couple of friends

Dad and his goat
mmwb- Looks like you guys had fun. It's too bad the oldest didn't have her priorities in line....Homecoming Dance? HaHa. What state were you hunting in? I'm assuming Wyoming but I may be wrong.

Congrats on the hunting! Its so cool when parents teach their kids the way of the hunt!!!! Cools Pics! Looks like WY.

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