Annoying Passenger on Plane.........


What to do in a flight when you have an annoying passenger sitting next to you ...

1. Remove your laptop from the briefcase;

2. Open the laptop slowly and carefully:

3. Turn it on, as well as the sound;

4. Make sure that the passenger next to you is looking;

5. Access the Internet;

6. Close your eyes for a few moments, open again and look up to heaven:

7. Take a deep breath and open the site:

8. Observe the facial expression of the passenger seating next to you.

Have a good trip.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-28-09 AT 06:38PM (MST)[p]lmao, i bet u would get in serious trouble doing that on a jet
Hell I would reach over and start choking the $hit out of him, he would see those virgins before me.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I hate to fly because people are idiots. They act like they have never flown when they get to security with all their liquids, metal hoop ear rings, belts, shoes, keys, lap tops and cameras in carry on bags, etc. They all drag oversized bags on the plane to keep from paying for them and then they hog all the over heard space.

Even worse, we had to book a flight at the last minute for an emergency once so my wife had to take a seat in the row behind me. I thought surely someone would would trade seats with us. Wrong!! I could understand that the couple sitting beside my wife didn't want to trade but the blue haired old lady by herself and the teenage girl reading Cosmo that I was sitting in between had no excuse. So, long story short, my 260 lb frame made sure to spill over the arm rests as much as possible, drank every Barcardi on the plane and made them move everytime I needed to go the head to get rid of another Barardi. The old lady wouldn't even trade an aisle seat for another aisle seat. Sometimes it pays to be courteous and trade when you have nothing to lose, that is, unless you want a drunk, sweaty fatman sitting beside you for 4 1/2 hours.
Nice way to get even. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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