Anniversary Question



In years past I have always purchased my wife something nice for our anniversary. Diamonds, Pearls, lingerie, etc. This year she has been complaining that we don't spend enough time together and when we do all we are doing is watching hunting shows.

For our anniversary this year I bought her a new Parker compound bow so that we can spend more time together watching hunting shows, and getting ready to hunt.

My question is this, Did I really out do myself this year or what. I have got to be the best husband ever..........
Well, if you want some advice from an old, multi married guy, I personally think you have fallen short.

You might be able to recover if you took her to an archery shop, with a range, had some custom arrows cut to fit her and bought her a tailored camo outfit.

It is important not to halfstep when it comes to Anniversary gift giving.

I have bought a couple of REALLY nice over & under 20 ga. shotguns for the "little women" in my life. They were "on special", so I could not return them.

I was forced to subsitute them with dinner at Denneys'.
i love my wife to much to ever let her go hunting with me. dumb really- if you think about it...

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