Animal rights vs right to hunt

Sad thing is that a liberal could read that great article and none of it would even sink in. They're so thick-skulled.

For the love of the game
Can't argue the numbers, no matter how thick skulled you are. I did a similar paper in school about 3 years ago, and pulled similar data that frankly surprised me.

I always knew we played an important role in this stuff, but again, those numbers are fairly mind blowing.
I like the article also but felt it excluded the huge effect private land ownership has had on conservation. There are sentences talking about the percentage increases in elk, turkeys, deer, and bison. In reality the saving grace for three of those four of those species was private land ownership and management for those species. Yes these species were found on public land but most of the healthy herds and flocks that supply for restocking efforts have all come off of private properties and to this day private properties outperform public properties for game availability and herd health and stability. Private properties also bring billions more in revenue that can be used to enrich all sectors of our economy, not just the outdoors.

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