angled or straight?



I am going to buy a spotting scope and am not sure whether to get a straight or angled model. I can think of advantages and disadvantages to both but dont know which way to go. Any information you can share would appreciated.
I depends on how you use it... If you plan to put it in you back pack and carry it in the field the angled is easier to use once you get used to using it... If you plan to use your spotting scope from the truck or using a window mount, the straight model is perfered... Just depends on your usage. I espically like the angled scopes that have the feature to "rotate" the eyepiece on the body... that gives it super flexability. Glassing up hill is also much easier with an angled model. Hope this helps! NJS
I agree with NJS about the models that allow you to rotate the angled eyepiece to straight. I would personally make my choice based mostly on that alone. Why limit yourself to one or the other?
Wade why do you prefer straight. I use my spotter for pack in hunting only not out of a truck
Personal preference more than anything else I think. It is easier to fit a straight tube in the long side pocket of a pack and because other than the offset or stacked Leupolds, straight is all I have ever used.

I am not a big spotting scope fan so I don't use them a lot. I need to learn more about them though.

I don't think there is any difference in the optics is there?

Angled here. Much more versatile and easy on the neck. If you have a model that can rotate in the mount, glassing is very comfortable.
Here is my Vortex Nomad rotated in for easy truck use.

I converted to angled several years ago and won't go back to a straight. Once you get used to using it's seems to feel better when looking through it for long periods of time. Like HardCore's a matter of personal preferance.

It's always an adventure!!!
I think I've read somewhere that angled is actually a tiny bit better optically. I can't tell the difference if there is a difference to me it boils done to personal preference. I'll see if I can find and post where I read this at.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-11-09 AT 10:04PM (MST)[p]>Get the one that rotates so
>you can use it either
>way. Trust me

Pics or a link?...
I do not know but there are three people I know that are legit experts in this stuff and they say that any difference optically between the two is negligible (sp). If someone knows different I would love to have the documentation to show them because I can't remember the last time they were proven wrong.

>I think I've read somewhere that
>angled is actually a tiny
>bit better optically. I
>can't tell the difference if
>there is a difference to
>me it boils done to
>personal preference. I'll see
>if I can find and
>post where I read this

Sorry it was the straight that might be a tiny bit better and that all depends on what prism is used in the scopes. If the scope uses a porro prism for the straight version which majority due I believe and if a roof prism or even an extra porro is used in the angle version to achieve the angle then technically the straight should have a slight advantage optically even though you probably can't see the difference with your naked eye. But there has been people that say they can see a difference between the two if the straight uses a porro and the angle uses a roof. I don't think the difference is enough to worry about so whatever version of scope you feel the most comfortable with is the one you should get so if at all possible try before you buy.

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