Anger Management!!



I can just hear it now "UP AGAINST THE WALL MF'ER (PLEASE!!!!)

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -- The Utah trooper who used a stun gun on a motorist who was walking away from him in a confrontation widely viewed on the Internet is back on duty after taking a verbal communications course.

Trooper Jon Gardner returned to work Dec. 7 after internal investigators questioned the motorist in the Sept. 14 confrontation on U.S. 40 in eastern Utah, said Col. Lance Davenport, commander of the state highway patrol.

The driver, Jared Massey, obtained the trooper's dashboard camera video through a public records request and posted it on YouTube in November. Gardner was placed on paid leave after the video was posted, and his superiors acknowledged that the attention prompted them to speed up their review of the confrontation.

The state patrol had said soon after the video surfaced on YouTube that Gardner felt threatened and was justified in jolting Massey after the motorist walked away from the trooper and refused to sign a speeding ticket.

The video shows Gardner drawing his stun gun after Massey refused the ticket.

A surprised Massey asks, "What the heck is wrong with you?"

Gardner fires, and Massey shrieks and falls.

"Face down! Face down! Put your hands behind your back!" Gardner orders.

Massey's wife, screaming hysterically, emerges from the passenger side of the sport utility vehicle Massey was driving, and the trooper tells her to get back inside "or you're going to jail, too."

State patrol policy allows troopers to use a stun gun if someone is a threat to themselves or others and other means of control are unreasonable. Though an internal investigation has not concluded, Gardner's superiors have said while his actions were justified, his attitude was a problem and could be a good case study for training.

Davenport said Friday that Gardner has learned better conflict-resolution skills. "We have admitted that interaction could have been better on the trooper's part, and he realizes that," he said.

The highway patrol has declined to make Gardner available for interviews.

Massey paid $107 on Thursday for speeding in a construction zone, down from an original fine of $232. Uintah County Attorney Mike Drechsel said he offered to reduce the ticket to 15 mph over the 40-mph speed limit, down from 21 mph too fast.

"I just put the offer out there the same way I've done for other people who got tickets," Drechsel said.

Massey told the Deseret Morning News of Salt Lake City that he and his wife are still deciding whether to sue. "I think we're looking at pursuing a civil rights case against them at a minimum," he said.

even though i hate cops when they pull me over and i get a speeding ticket, or when i got an alchohol ticket or when i got my 4 mudflap tickets and had to drive in and prove i had them on, or when i got a freakin littering ticket because my buddies threw water balloons out of the back of my truck and i didnt stop and pick them up because i was driving. or the time i had one pull a gun out on me because me and my buddy was going hunting at 3 in the morning and we were running in and out of his garage grabbing stuff and the cop thought we were stealing, or the time they chased me on my dirt bike for riding in an area i wasnt supposed to and finially caught me and impounded my bike, or the time the cop made me push my fourwheeler home because i was riding it in the neighborhood, or the time they they walked right into my house without knocking and breaking up a party, or the time they showed up at my parents house at 2 in the morning because i was power boxing the neighbors, or the time me and my woman where getting it on in the back of my truck in a park and they caught us, i still respect what they do. they are involved in a lot of scary sitiuations in there life and some end up even loosing it. after i watched it on you tube i thought it was a joke. that cop had every right to tase him and should have hauled him off to jail with a big fine. you dont get out of your vehicle and mouth off to someone doing there job, an officer doesnt know if the man has a gun or gonna take his car or attack him, i watch a lot of worlds wildest police chases. and infact i would have liked to see the cop rough him up a little more.

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