

Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Apr-09-08 AT 10:11AM (MST)[p]Me and wife, sis in law and nieces were in Vegas for a quick trip not to long ago staying at the Lexor. Nieces really wanted to mean Criss Angel badly so they spent a lot of time hanging out at the covered entry. as luck would have it we were all there when he arrived in his 69 beefed up camaro. Ended up being a hell of a nice guy and talked to us quite a bit and let us take some pics of him and his ride. Interesting guy and a great illusionist. Anyone watch Mind Freak? Opinions of him?
I love watching his show, feleno, and also got to meet him at the luxor a couple month's ago.....but i still don't beleive those tricks!!

If ya wanna see a funny guy at the Luxor....i HIGHLY recommend going to a "Carrot Top" show....OMG he's funny!!

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"

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