And then there were 4


Long Time Member
Suns vs Lakers...I'm calling a sweep ending in Phoenix.

Celtics vs Magic...I think the Magic will get it done in 5. Magic are 8-0 in the post season and their defense has consistently been the best in the league this year.

What do you think dudes?? Who's winning what??

Oh yea if anyone knows him please tell Lebron James in order to win a title he has to make it out of the 2nd round...I don't think he knows that LMAO!!


Lakers in 6
Celtics in 7 - Should be a great series

LeBron was seen in NY this morning
SUNS in 7. We're gonna need them all. I'm less worried about the Lakers than the Spurs. The Suns have always had problems with the Spurs. Almost like a curse. My Suns have finally broken that and I couldn't be happier for'em. The SUNS Vs. Lakers is going to be a coach vs. coach, veteran baller vs. veteran baller, bench vs bench & heart vs. heart battle. I don't say this very often but I sure wish it was Monday. I can't wait. I'm as excited for my team now as I was back when they made it to the finals against the Bulls. Man that was a fun time here in Phoenix. Come on SUNS do it again.[/img][/url]
LAST EDITED ON May-14-10 AT 02:40PM (MST)[p]Bates, a smart man once told me to always hope for the best and prepare for the worst. That way I'd never be I'll hope the Suns win at least 1 game just for you bud :)

Boston is going to need to play perfect basketball in order to win, any less won't beat this years Magic team. Boston is playing incredible right now though so hopefully it'll be a great series to watch. I can't believe how well Rondo has played lately!!

I would love to see Boston win it so LA could try to beat them since they've already beat Orlando and lost to Boston the year before...


I thought California was going to boycott AZ. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
LAST EDITED ON May-14-10 AT 06:44PM (MST)[p]never_catch, you have no idea how bad I want to see you eating crow here in a couple of weeks.

Here's a tribute you never_catch my MM brother:

GO SUNS GO!![/img][/url]
We are all witnesses.... lol. It will be interesting to see James in a Bulls or nets uniform next year.

I really wish the suns would win but they don't have the efense
to beat the Lakers.

I am picking the Lakers in 5
Orlando in 6

Orlando in 6 over the Lakers..
Not a chance the Lakers sweep! I want the Suns to win, but I think the Lakers are too good. I'm calling Lakers in 6, and Boston in 6. That'd be a fun series to watch. With Lebrons latest crap, there is no doubt in my mind that Kobe Bryant is not only the best player in the league, but he also wants to win. Lebron is a great player, and probably the best athlete in the league, but he has heart. He is in it for the business and that's all. I don't like Kobe, but the dude is a great leader, and a freakin awesome player. I'm guessing the Lakers repeat
orlando over the lakers

suns over the lakers

celtics over the lakers

anyone but the Lakers

I don't think it is going to happen unless orlando can do it.
The Lakers are looking pretty good.


Nets are for fish!!
>I really wish the suns would
>win but they don't have
>the efense
>to beat the Lakers.
>I am picking the Lakers in
>Orlando in 6
>Orlando in 6 over the Lakers..

If you really believe that then you havent followed the Suns this year. Alvin Gentry has them playing great defense. Maybe not as good as Bostons D but up to par with the Lakers.
Boston stole game 1 against Orlando...I'm shocked!! Van Gundy is a smart guy though, he and Doc will have a pretty good chess match in this series...will probably be decided by those two making key adjustments?? In all honesty I think that's the number one reason the Cavs lost to the Celtics, Mike Brown isn't a great coach...

Game 1 Los Suns vs Lakers tonight 9ET on TNT...


nevercatch - you seem to be too good a guy to root for that street gang they call the Lakers!!!!:D I think the "BOrder Boys" will give Kobe and the boys all they can handle. Every team that has had a big man that can play gives the Lakers a hard time. SOrry buddy but I'm rooting for the Suns!

It's always an adventure!!!
Hopefully it'll be a better series than I'm expecting but I forsee some huge matchup problems for the Los Suns. Oh and don't worry Jim, I'm not a Lakers fan...I'm a KB24 fan!! :) I don't know why but with the NBA I've never been a big fan of teams, just players.

Border boys...LMAO!! Too funny dude!!


"If you really believe that then you havent followed the Suns this year. Alvin Gentry has them playing great defense. Maybe not as good as Bostons D but up to par with the Lakers."

No doubt they are playing better defense. However, I still think they are average at best. I hope they prove me wrong.
I can't stand the Lakers and Boston is a close second.

I hope there are some upsets!

No doubt Phoenix made a good hire in Gentry.
always will be a lakers fan...since the days of showtime and magic karem worthy scott....but i detest kobe i was in LA area when lakers won their 3 in a row...what an experience...i was supposed to be at the game that horry hit the 3 to keep the lakers alive....i missed the riots sadly too.....celtics lakers classic series i would love to see it


has anyone seen my kittie
LAST EDITED ON May-17-10 AT 06:19PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON May-17-10 AT 06:14?PM (MST)

I've been a Suns fan since 1968 when they were formed and the Suns (or the league) have always found a way to disappointed. Jerry ran a well organized business, the Suns would win 50 -55 games every year and generally made it through the first round of the playoffs. Twice they have made it to the finals only to have Boston in '76 (?) and the Bulls and Michael Jordan (mid 90's ?)with the help of Paxon's three beat them.

After the mess in San Antonio a few years back my feelings that the NBA front office would "never" let the Suns win it all were validated. Throw in the cheating ref who went to jail and the scrambling the NBA front office had to do to shore up that mess as additional validation of "the ix is on".

There is a lot of truth in follow the dollars and where does the league make more dollars? Lakers VS Boston. Big markets, big dollars and back the the NBA roots. Rember the Magic vs Bird era? At that time they did not need a regular season, just wait till June 1st and play a seven game series. Flip a coin to see who had home court, LA or Boston.

Hope I'm wrong about all this, but it will probably be LA and Bean Town....AGAIN.
LAST EDITED ON May-17-10 AT 09:23PM (MST)[p]looks like there are big holes in the suns defense. just as bad of match ups as the Jazz.

What would you do if someone like Brown tried to jump over your head and dunk on you in the playoffs?

Id put him to the floor so hard he would defiantly think twice about ever doing it again to anyone.

Ive seen enough of the match ups to know I was wrong with orlando. making it in the playoffs. The Celtics are the only ones that can play with the Lakers.

It sucks but the Lakers will take it all


Nets are for fish!!
LAST EDITED ON May-17-10 AT 10:22PM (MST)[p]that would have been his last jump. No body jumps over my head in the playoffs and shoots free throws after the fact.

the dudes freeking shoes cleared the defenders head. WTH what kind of defense is that.

If it would have been Koby doing the dunking it would have already been on the news.

Koby doesn't impress me as much as Gasal he is the x factor in this series. If anyone can stop him the lakers will fall. He is having his way with everyone on both ends of the court.


Nets are for fish!!
And Kobe scoring 40, with 5 boards and 5 dimes didn't help at all, did it? The only reason the Suns player did not take out Brown.......... is cause he would be banned from the NBA and lose out on millions of dollars! It is easy to say what you would do, then to actually be in that situation. None of those players want to hurt each other, they are not the Pistons from the late 80's. If the Lakers play like they did last night, I'm not sure anyone could beat them.
Wheeew. My SUNS got their a$$'s handed to them lastnight. As Mark Grace would say; "they got shelaylayed" or how ever you supposed to spell that word. It'll be interesting what kind of adjustments Coach Gentry makes. Another thing that I noticed about the game is that the Lakers had the zebras (refs) eating out of their hands. Ticky-Tac calls against the SUNS that were obviously bad. For example the "T" against G. Hill for waiving off the call. The ref is a little overly sensitive. He needs a man check. IMO.[/img][/url]
If there were any doubters that Shannon Brown doesn't have the best hops in the league...they can't doubt it now. I was amazed at how high he got. Wouldve been nice if he could have finished that dunk.
It's a long series....Lakers in 6 is what I figure.

Suprised no one has commented on lamar odem...he had a great game...think he finished 19 points and 19 boards...and while i dont like steve nash much i admire him even playing with his eye..i think he will come out on fire in game 2...


has anyone seen my kittie
LAST EDITED ON May-18-10 AT 06:51PM (MST)[p]Kobe aint the reason the lakers are winning games. You take Gasol and/or Odom out of the picture and you have an average team. Kobe is way over rated!

I also agree whole heartedly with 264x300.Look at the bulk of the championships won in the last 30 years.Boston and Lakers have taken the bulk of them.Seems fishy to me.I quit watching the NBA for almost 10 years because it got old watching the same old teams win championships.My son has really became a Jazz fan in the last year, so I'm back to watching games again.Unfortunately, the only thing that has changes is the tatooes have got bigger.

Another problem in the NBA is that many of these gang banger thugs who are free agents won't play anywhere but for the BIG names. They like the lime light, and the night life these teams provide.Unfortunately, the rest of the NBA teams have to depend on the draft and taking chances on rookies in order to compete for championships. I think the NBA is the most flawed of all the professional sports leagues. The free agent market has killed the league IMO.
LAST EDITED ON May-19-10 AT 01:28AM (MST)[p]YD...Boston's definitely playing some badass ball right now I'll give you that buddy...but so is LA. I just hope nobody gets hurt on either team so they're both at full strength entering the Finals. LA will have home court advantage this time around...

lol and compared to hunting yes I agree who cares!!


Wow, the Lakers would be better without Kobe than without Odom or Gasol? What are you smoking dude? Gasol could not even win a playoff game in Memphis! Odom is a role player, not a leader! The hate for Kobe is amazing. I understand not liking him as a person, but making statements like that just makes you look like you have no idea about sports.
I didn't say Kobe sucked or that the Lakers would be better off without him, I said he was over rated. You have Kobe switch places with Kevin Durrant or Labron James and the lakers still win championships. Why? Because of the Big men like Gasol! Look at the history of the Lakers. When Shack left, they quit winning championships. It wasn't until they added guys like Gasol, Odom, and Fisher that they started winning championships again. Why do you think the Cavs haven't won any chapionships?Because Labron is the only good player on the team. With the Lakers it's the whole package. My point is, there are a 1/2 dozen players in the league that could step in for Kobe and the team wouldn't skip a beat.
>I didn't say Kobe sucked or
>that the Lakers would be
>better off without him, I
>said he was over rated.
>You have Kobe switch places
>with Kevin Durrant or Labron
>James and the lakers still
>win championships. Why? Because of
>the Big men like Gasol!
>Look at the history of
>the Lakers. When Shack left,
>they quit winning championships. It
>wasn't until they added guys
>like Gasol, Odom, and Fisher
>that they started winning championships
>again. Why do you think
>the Cavs haven't won any
>chapionships?Because Labron is the only
>good player on the team.
>With the Lakers it's the
>whole package. My point is,
>there are a 1/2 dozen
>players in the league that
>could step in for Kobe
>and the team wouldn't skip
>a beat.

I couldn't agree more! Bryant is a heck of a player. the best on their team. However, Gasol doesn't get near enough credit. He a great passer and rebounder, in addition to putting up 15-20 points a game.

There is no way they would be winning the way they are, without him.
Looks like Doc and Celtics stole another one from the Magic and Coach Jeremy. Uhhhh I mean Van Gundy. Ron Van Gundy? No, not Ron Van Gundy, Mike Van Gundy?? No that is his skinny older brother, anyway, the fat guy with the porn-stache.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
The best part about this series is Jack. He is the only one that can get away with F'n the Ref's this and Calling the F'n Refs that in all of NBA teams coaches or otherwise. He is a hoot to watch. Go Suns

Hell yeah. The SUNS finally looked like the SUNS last night. I'm hoping that they show up again tomorrow night.

GO SUNS GO!![/img][/url]
LAST EDITED ON May-24-10 AT 07:12PM (MST)[p]if Steve Nash would quit playing with his gay hair he could probably play defense and might be able to dribble without throwing it off his feet. Every time they show a close up of him he's adjusting his hair. If I was the coach I hold him down in the locker room and shave it all off.

the suns got lucky with last nights game and I actually hope they get lucky again and make a series out of it. but I got the fakers in 5

I do like Steve's grit though when he broke his nose he kept right on playing.


Nets are for fish!!
My team looked solid last night. I looks like we've pushed it out to game 6. Now if the SUNS can go into L.A. and steal game 5 then they should be O.K. If the SUNS make it to the finals the opponent will have a real tough time playing our zone.

GO SUNS GO!![/img][/url]
Refer to post #5. YD you are correct with what you just said. It's all about the bench and the zone. The SUNS bench had 54 points lastnight.

GO SUNS GO!![/img][/url]
Both series are getting good! Hopefully the Suns come out hot tonight. I would love a Boston-Phoenix series. I still wish Phoenix hadn't traded Rajon Rondo to the Celtics. Imagine Nash and Rondo running the backcourt! Could of been GREAT.
never_catch that crow I shot the other day for you..., well it tastes like caca.

GO CELTICS GO!![/img][/url]
lol you crack me up Bates :) I was at my cabin tracking game 6 on my cell phone...was honestly hoping Phoenix would have taken it but oh well. The Suns did a much better job the last 4 games than I expected them to!! And there's always next year...


Atta boy rugarm77, I'm with ya 100%.

GO CELTICS GO!![/img][/url]

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