And the cancer spreads

Oh, they're so cute and cuddly!
I just read some of the comments below the article.
Poor misguided souls.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-20-15 AT 04:02PM (MST)[p]Thank you Zeke. The thing is it's impossible to communicate with them in a rational manner. I posted a comment and then deleted it. I don't have the time or energy to deal with it.:)

Edit: Zeke, 2015 is the year of the Ram. Great read!


Guns are like parachutes. If you need one and don't have one you probably will never need one again.
We've been saying for years to "stick a fork in us, we're done" . Don't know how many times we can keep saying that before hunting in this state is a thing of the past. Sad for sure.
Myself being from the Midwest Why are they wanting to repopulate the wolves or whatever they are doing?
And I seen somewhere (maybe on here) why don't they want to thin out the Grizzly bears, wolves in Yellowstone that are killing off our elk population?

Thanks for your time

"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
LAST EDITED ON Aug-22-15 AT 02:34AM (MST)[p]You can bet they were secretly transplanted by our very own Fish/Game. Some 20 or so years from now we will find that out...
Coincidentally the wolves are near the hippie Mecca of Kalifornicated. The city of New Age, MT Shasta. Gawd there has to be some backwoods hillbilly in them thar neck of the woods that love to consume dog meat.

You ask a good question about why would people want wolves but I don't think there is any easy answer. There seems to be many different groups with different goals that want wolves.

One group would be the anti gun group. If there isn't any animals to hunt then citizens don't need guns to hunt them.

Another would be anti hunting groups. If animal populations drop to the point that governments have to close hunting seasons then they have achieved their goal.

Some groups want to stop cattle and sheep grazing on public lands. If ranchers can't protect their animals they will have to stop.

Some tourist operators that aren't into hunting can get people to give them money to see a wolf.

Some environmental purist believe man should not interfere with nature and the earth should be as it was a thousand years ago.

Some believe "I am a leftist pinko communist and leftist pinko communist like wolves so I like wolves". Although they don't really know why.

Anybody else have any reasons?
How many of you California hunters attended the public meetings held by the CDFW? Or even sent in emails, made phone calls to same or your representative wildlife group? Just curious here. I'm fairly certain most hunters can read the writing on the wall that political/agenda driven individuals/groups will make certain the Gray Wolf will be allowed to establish in any state or area within said state that will provide sustainable habit.

What we do to mitigate negative consequences in relation to our hunting heritage and sustainable ungulate numbers is in our own hands. Hunters are out numbered, out financed, and out classed in stakeholder active participation. It is imperative that we hunters educate ourselves as much as possible with regards to this wolf issue if we ever want to contribute anything substantial with regards to the wolf management. SSS just doesn't get it done.

For those interested and willing to immerse yourself with a little info, there is plenty here. Notice who the players are, exactly what they are asking for, and then ask yourself what is it they have to gain...

We must choose our battles carefully, and our ammunition MUST be within the realm of science if we can have any chance at all of having our voices heard.
>How many of you California hunters
>attended the public meetings held
>by the CDFW? Or
>even sent in emails, made
>phone calls to same or
>your representative wildlife group?
>Just curious here. I'm
>fairly certain most hunters can
>read the writing on the
>wall that political/agenda driven individuals/groups
>will make certain the Gray
>Wolf will be allowed to
>establish in any state or
>area within said state that
>will provide sustainable habit.
>What we do to mitigate negative
>consequences in relation to our
>hunting heritage and sustainable ungulate
>numbers is in our own
>hands. Hunters are out
>numbered, out financed, and out
>classed in stakeholder active participation.
> It is imperative that
>we hunters educate ourselves as
>much as possible with regards
>to this wolf issue if
>we ever want to contribute
>anything substantial with regards to
>the wolf management. SSS
>just doesn't get it done.
>For those interested and willing to
>immerse yourself with a little
>info, there is plenty here.
> Notice who the players
>are, exactly what they are
>asking for, and then ask
>yourself what is it they
>have to gain...
>We must choose our battles carefully,
>and our ammunition MUST be
>within the realm of science
>if we can have any
>chance at all of having
>our voices heard.
LOL! This is a Sanctuary State.
Stillhunterman you must be dreaming. Sending in emails or attending any meeting of the CDFW is nothing but frustration at best and useless at worse. The board controlling CDFW is nothing but bleeding heart liberals that would love to see hunting stop.
Gov. Brown did a good job of stacking the board with anti hunting liberals after they kicked off the one hunter on the board.

Like any opposition we now face in this world, If our words do not mean anything to the rich yuppy's that run this country, our guns will. WE as a hunting society police OUR hunting grounds, NOT the overpaid tree hugging liberals! WE as a hunting society WILL overcome our own dilemmas as we are a versatile and a resilient group of people. WHO on this forum willingly lets a thief come onto their property and have their way with your belongings?? I will answer that question! NONE of you! There is a respect of ownership that we know and understand all too well!

WE will silently fight the war waged by ignorant no-goods of society, quietly removing the cancer THEY introduced. Just as WE would protect our belongings, our family and ourselves, WE will protect our GOD GIVEN RIGHT to hunt within the boundaries and guidelines established for the preservation of OUR sport! Let the LEAD FLY!
Oh no! They will eat all the game just like they have here in Montana! jimd, are you a genious or something? mtmuley
Gov. Brown
>did a good job of
>stacking the board with anti
>hunting liberals after they kicked
>off the one hunter on
>the board.


Just you wait...
ULTRA liberal, California Lt governor Gavin Newsom will be California's next governor ....guaranteed.

You think things are bad now?
You ain't seen nothing yet...

Remember when Newsom demanded that Ca Fish & Game commissioner Dan Richards be ousted from his job for LEGALLY hunting a mountain lion in IDAHO?

Read the statements by Newsom in this article.
Hunters are absolutely beyond screwed.... it's over folks.

You can cry all you want about how horrible California's liberal politicians are, thing is they are elected by a huge majority.

It's the people that live here, they WANT leaders like these!

Oh and howabout the Ca dept of fish & wildlife being in bed with rabid anti hunting groups like Camilla Fox's 'Project Coyote"????

>It's no wonder that piece of
>$hit state is on fire.
Governor moon beam say's it's climate change, just another way to tax us!
LAST EDITED ON Aug-23-15 AT 07:55AM (MST)[p]Jerry Brown will look like a staunch conservative compared to your next governor...

Here he comments on the Cecil the lion debacle...

Newsom's Facebook page.
There he comments "GREAT NEWS!" in regards to California's new wolves.

He is the dream candidate for San Francisco liberals and yes, I truly believe he will run for president some day.....God help us all.
One of the biggest issues is going to be the management of wolves in California. I can't even fathom a formal hunting season on wolves. I guarantee that's not in the plan. A wolf tag will be as scarce as mountain lion tags.

I wonder what will happen when F&W has to start aerial gunning wolves?

Actually the whole idea of trying to protect wolves in California is insane. Everyone knows that wolves have a complex social structure and require vast expanses of wild territory to live. Every time a wolf turns around in California he is going to be in some kind of conflict with man. What a stupid idea. Anyone who supports the introduction of wolves and claims to be a wolf lover, should be charged with willful animal cruelty.


Guns are like parachutes. If you need one and don't have one you probably will never need one again.
Eel I believe that CA. listed the wolf on the state endangered list some time back. There will be no hunting of that predator as there is no hunting of the mountain lion. Sooner or later the Bobcat and coyote will join that no hunting club.

The animal lovers could care less about Bambi the deer, it is all about abolishing hunting in this state.

Nature will take care of them when their is too many and not enough food like Rabies, the plague, scabies and so on.
I swear to God, I can't continue to live in this shitttttttthole if I have to divorce my loving wife of 25 years to escape this phukkkkkkking madness so be it, I'm fUUUUKKKKKKKKIIIINNNNNGGGG done.

My little brother is moving to Salmon Idaho soon and I simply cannot stay here any longer, he's offered me a place that I can no longer reject.

This state is killing people like us.
>I swear to God, I can't
>continue to live in this
>shitttttttthole if I have to
>divorce my loving wife of
>25 years to escape this
>phukkkkkkking madness so be it,
>My little brother is moving to
>Salmon Idaho soon and I
>simply cannot stay here any
>longer, he's offered me a
>place that I can no
>longer reject.
>This state is killing people like
I'd leave Cali in a heart beat if I could make a living elsewhere. Both of our business's are client based and we've both lived here for 43 years...all of our lives. We preach to our kids to get out of California after college or during. This state is a joke. Take my hard earned money and give it to the border jumper on the north end of town who doesn't speak English and is content living off the system. Each time he has another kid, he gets more money. It's ******** insane. Thanks I need a shot to calm down. :) You know they take EBT at fast food restaurants now??? OMG...

Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
Wiz, my father told me the same thing growing up. I'm glad I made the move years ago. The only problem is many from cali try to change their new home to, "the way it is in cali". Just look at colorado folks who came from cali.
If you live out of CA. and a Californian moves into your area. You need to ask them where in CA. they are from. If the say southern CA. or the Bay area. Give them a hard look and tell them they are not welcome. They are the ones that ruined this state and packed up and left in their retirement years due to the high cost here. They will not admit their voting was the cause of the high cost and this state going down the $hithole.

LAST EDITED ON Aug-26-15 AT 00:26AM (MST)[p]Problem is people, too many of them, it's universal, it's everywhere.

The town I grew up in is 6 times the size it was then, and the quality of outdoor life is about one one sixth of what it once was.
Californians should stay in California, I don't care what stripe you are politically, For one thing there are too many of you.

I have also noticed that Californians tend to become radicalized, either one way or the other.
No center, no balance,and it makes life tough for locals when radicals come to town with preconceived notions and built in preduces.

Stayed home please,? you see it's actually the masses and multitudes of humans are that are killing the wildlife and destroying the heart of wild country.
>AT 00:26?AM (MST)

>Problem is people, too many of
>them, it's universal, it's everywhere.
>The town I grew up in
>is 6 times the size
>it was then, and the
>quality of outdoor life is
>about one one sixth of
>what it once was.
> Californians should stay in
>California, I don't care what
>stripe you are politically, For
>one thing there are too
>many of you.
>I have also noticed that Californians
>tend to become radicalized, either
>one way or the other.
>No center, no balance,and it makes
>life tough for locals when
>radicals come to town with
>preconceived notions and built in
>Stayed home please,? you see it's
>actually the masses and multitudes
>of humans are that are
>killing the wildlife and destroying
>the heart of wild
Yes Sir! You are f#cked up, don't confuse us with you're cousins south of the Border.
> Californians should stay in
>California, I don't care what
>stripe you are politically, For
>one thing there are too
>many of you.

>preconceived notions and built in

Pot meet kettle.... LOL!
So, I see why Californians get "categorized". The state, in general, is liberal but there are a lot of us that are Conservative Republicans who feel Reagan was the best President we ever had.
I have to mention that I was in Colorado over the summer for softball and my daughter and I counted hundreds of Subaru's! What does that tell you? :)

Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
You see wiszard, the same president you idolize is the same one that hired James Watt as Secretary of interior, the guy who tried to strike a deal to abolish all federal wilderness by the year 2000.

The current push to sell off and transfer public land in the west is inspired by your type! no thanks, stay home please.

Wolves and grizzly bears can be wiped out in a heartbeat and the land will be the same, once you wipe out habitat, it's pretty well gone. No thanks, stay home please.

Once land is privatized common folks lose all connection and access to the land. No thanks, please stay home and keep your radical politics with you, I don't care which side of the fence your on.
It's just a personal thing but I'm just going to plug my nose and stay here. As bad as it is getting, California still has enough to keep me here. I can enjoy outdoor hunting and fishing virtually year around. It may not be as good as it once was, but what is?

If I was stuck in Idaho, Wyoming, etc. I would go stir crazy between December and April dreaming about all the mild weather and great fishing I was missing out on. Sometimes you have to keep yourself sane even though you're surrounded by idiots.:) And what I do that they don't know about also puts a smile on my face.


Guns are like parachutes. If you need one and don't have one you probably will never need one again.
You are right Eel, California is an amazing state, and if hunters take care of resources and be conservationists, I think the future of hunting is as good as it can be.

Wolves and grizzly bears aren't the problem, never have been. It's humans, and it always has been.
I think you're wrong piper. The hunting in California is in severe jeopardy and it is in no way tied to how conservation minded us hunters are. The word conservation used to be defined as "the wise use of". More and more "wise use of" does not include sport hunting.


Guns are like parachutes. If you need one and don't have one you probably will never need one again.
Hunters have gotten away from being conservationists, that's the root of the problem.
Look at the history of conservation in America, read about the history.
The Giants of the past are the only reason we have the sport hunting we have now. Teddy Roosevelt, look how he is bashed by some of the political radicals today, look at history.

Now days it's all about BIG money, high Tec weapons, motorized mania and me myself and I.

Shooting well known animals out of a park, giving the animals you kill human names, shooting them when they are so far away they can't have a remote chance to escape.

Really Eel, and you wonder why
Teddy Roosevelt? Are you serious? Was it in 1908 while on an African Safari that he shot and killed 11 elephants and 8 lions? Piper you are a liberal troll putz that may have never killed even a ant. You are pathetic.
YBO I'm putting a roof on right now , if I had time I would explain how you can kill animals and be a conservationist too, like Roosevelt was.
It's hard to quickly explain seemingly contradictory actions.
If I were on safari in 1908, I would kill a lot of big game also, and wouldn't it be amazing to see the African wildlife back then?
Piper our hunting in CA. is going to the dogs in a hurry. The cause is liberal Democrat voters in the coast area and big cities that are anti hunting and very pro predator such as the mountain lion, bobcats, bears, and wolves, and coyotes. In other words Piper they are like you being liberal and voting party ticket Democrat.

As for the ones leaving CA. The vast majority are the same ones that vote liberal Democrat and you are welcome to them as they will change your state in time as they did Colorado, Oregon and Washington state. So learn to like Starbucks coffee and bagels as you will be rubbing elbows with those "know it all" elitists liberal Democrats. The only difference between you and them is that you are the RARE Democrat that likes guns and hunting.
I'm not sure I'm much of a democrat, but this isn't about party politics.

The Californians I know are either radical one way or the other, that's my point.
We have enough troubles battling the radical right who want to sell public land, privatize everything and pollute and industrialize the rest of the west. And the then we have the other side who want to romanticize the wolves, live in a fantasy world with no violence, where meat is manufactured by wal-mart and their Starbucks money comes from a trust fund.

Stay home Californians, please .

Not sure what your deal is piper but I agree that humans are the problem. It's the humans that vote to hurt natures balance. Whether it be to protect mountain lions or to approve the 150 homes to go in on the outskirts of town. No matter how you look at it, it's humans that control it all. We are a liberal state and it's not me...its those that vote for the rep's of each district. You tell me to stay home....I'd be interested to know where you live.

You sound like a know it all.

Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
Harry, you would love Salmon. I live over the hill in Montana, and I like Salmon. And they just repaved the main drag. mtmuley
LAST EDITED ON Aug-26-15 AT 07:27PM (MST)[p]>I'm not sure I'm much of
>a democrat, but this isn't
>about party politics.
>The Californians I know are either
>radical one way or the
>other, that's my point.
> We have enough troubles battling
>the radical right who want
>to sell public land, privatize
>everything and pollute and industrialize
>the rest of the west.
> And the then we
>have the other side who
>want to romanticize the wolves,
>live in a fantasy world
>with no violence, where meat
>is manufactured by wal-mart and
>their Starbucks money comes from
>a trust fund.
>Stay home Californians, please .


I've read enough here at MM over at the last decade to know you live in Wyoming, your state has been often voted as America's most conservative state.

A liberal living in Wyoming must be every bit as miserable as a conservative living in California.

In an effort to avoid intellectual dishonesty, I can actually see your point of view Piper.

California is overwhelmingly and outrageously liberal, democrats dictate most every way of life here, they are also overwhelmingly anti hunting, anti trapping and anti gun, along with all of the other disgusting classic liberal characteristics (certainly my opinion :) ).

When people flee California, it would seem logical that they are either bringing those liberal characteristics with them or they are fleeing the radical democratic tyranny of California hoping to fit into a conservative enclave such as Wyoming or Idaho searching for a polar opposite.

I've lived in Northern California all of my life, in that time I've watched liberal democrats chip away at virtually everything I value.

I watched them ban leg hold trapping, lead bullets, the hunting of non endangered mountain lions, they've banned the use of hounds to pursue bobcats and bears, they are right now pushing forward a ban on lead fishing weights, they banned the box trapping of bobcats.
We have hyper restrictive regulations on most everything imaginable, from gas cans, building permits, vehicle registration, we have "spare the air days" in the dead of winter where you can't use your fireplace or woodstove, the taxes on everything from gasoline to real estate are strangling the life out of us, we have a liberal governor pushing a colossal clusterphuckkkkk called the bullet train, a high speed rail system that will cost tax payers in excess of 98 Billion dollars!

(that number is so freaking outrageous that I need to post a link to support the claim!)

So, I concede my friend.

You want to label me as a radical, I will proudly wear that as a badge of honor.
I'm certain that your left leaning mindset is considered radical by an overwhelming majority of conservative Wyoming residents.

Being unwanted or disliked by left leaning democrats is what I've lived with for over fifty years and I'm comfortable with that as it is my normal, however I suspect that you might not be as liberal as many here have painted you and I also suspect that I'm not quite as radical as you might paint me as well.
I've lived long enough to know that not everyone in Wyoming is a great person and that everyone from California isn't an arsehole...
HH- You didn't get are a radical, I am a radical, eel is a radical and everyone else residing in California is a radical whacko. Piper knows....stay in California. :)

...and every Wyomian is a cowboy with a chew in his lip...

Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
>I'm not sure I'm much of
>a democrat, but this isn't
>about party politics.
>The Californians I know are either
>radical one way or the
>other, that's my point.
> We have enough troubles battling
>the radical right who want
>to sell public land, privatize
>everything and pollute and industrialize
>the rest of the west.
> And the then we
>have the other side who
>want to romanticize the wolves,
>live in a fantasy world
>with no violence, where meat
>is manufactured by wal-mart and
>their Starbucks money comes from
>a trust fund.
>Stay home Californians, please .

Sorry, this Californian is neither one of the two choices you have described. And in a few years when I retire I plan on leaving this state. I'm tired of voting conservative at every election and when my vote is thrown in with the big cities, it get's overwhelmingly outvoted and means nothing. Most of those that hunt in this state understand that our license fees should be going towards conservation ( not preservation ) of our wildlife.

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