And now from the "How stupid do you have to be?" department...


Unreal - what a freaking idiot! The person responsible should never be allowed to associate with children ever again on any level!

10 Day Care Tots Drink Window Washer Fluid
Staffers Mistook Liquid For Kool-Aid
Posted: 10:08 am EDT March 13, 2009
Updated: 1:48 pm EDT March 13, 2009

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. -- The owner of an Arkansas day care center where 10 children were sickened after they were mistakenly given windshield wiper fluid has surrendered her state license to child welfare investigators.

Hospital officials said a staffer mistakenly put the blue liquid in the refrigerator after shopping and later served it thinking it was Kool-Aid. Doctors estimate the children, ages 2 to 7, drank about an ounce of the fluid late Thursday afternoon.

One child remained hospitalized Friday.

Arkansas' Department of Human Services had said earlier that depending on the results of the investigation, day care operator Carolyn Bynum could have had her license revoked or suspended.

The hospital did not identify the Scott community day care.

The fluid contained toxic alcohols. A pediatric toxicologist said those chemicals can cause kidney damage and blindness.

A spokeswoman for Arkansas' Department of Human Services descibed the day care operator as "upset" and worried about the children. She told investigators that the incident was "just a horrible mistake."

A toxicologist said the "take-home message is not to have these products in the kitchen or where you're doing any kind of food preparation."
Copyright 2009 by The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
yeah i think they are going to pound her pretty good and justifiably so. on the lighter side it would stop the kids from streaking
"The owner of an ARKANSAS day care..."

Doesn't that explain it?

She probably thought the Dawn dish soap was strawberry syrup too!! Hey, lady, go have sex with your cousin some more!!

Maybe the helper was one of those persons that can not read labels written in English!!!!

I hope she has a full set of one ounce cups and just didn't give the kids a drink one at a time and not notice the first one to drink it was turning green and walking into walls.
That's what I thought too RELH. She can't read.

She probably put the Kool-Aid in the windshield washer.


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