An SFW fight I stand behind 100%

Im becoming a SFW member today! Lets not let the west go to the dogs. Stick it too em Don.
Excellent war, i'm behind you 100% as well Don!
And your right, if this fails, none of the other wildlife issues will even matter.[/IMG]
I definitely support SFW on fighting wolves. I have always said that SFW does some very good things. However, I still look forward to the meeting on March 25th.


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD
LAST EDITED ON Mar-15-10 AT 06:06PM (MST)[p]Don, It's great that SFW is fighting the wolf issue. I just hope your fighting this issue so that the average joe hunters will have more elk and not for your own personal gain. I mean lets face it.......without conservation tags SFW would go down the toilet.

I think we both love wildlife though for different reasons.

SFW loves elk because they bring you a lot of money.

Average joe hunters love elk because we like to hunt them.

Your actions will help us also even if your fighting wolves for $$$$$.

A elk tag in a elkless state probably won't fetch $265,000 in the next auction. But I am thankful that in this one aspect, that our needs are the same.
Congrats to SFW for working to control wolves. SFW is but one way our voices need heard. Speak up often and loud on this issue.
Fellow Sportsmen - those who live in the west, and those around the country who want to hunt the west one day.

Here are some facts:

Lolo Elk herd down from 12,000 to less than 2,000.

Jackson Moose populations down from 1,200 to less than 120

Gallatin Valley Elk herd down from 1,500 to less than 200.

SFW Alaska has won a few major victories to reduce wolves and bears and rebuild some moose and caribou herds. There are places in utah that havce more moose than there are in Alaska, that is pretty sad.

In these herds above, there are very few calves - less than 6% in these herds, and it has been this way for about 5 years, which means that these herds are going to continue to drop.

More and More data comes out daily, that if wolves are not dramatically reduces, elk, moose, then Deer and Bighorn herds will be reduced 80-90%. that means, in essence, our hunting is DONE, OVER for a lifetime. Wolves are growing at rapid rates, causing ever increasing rapid declines. The attempt to add wolves to Northern Grand Canyon and southern Utah is outrageous, but real.

SFW has invested probably close to $500,000 over the past few years fighting the anti hunting groups that have $100 Million in annual budgets to end our hunting. hawkeye, will explain it in a lot more detail at the meeting, along with lots of other things.

It is a daunting task, but SFW and RMEF and others are gearing up for a a major counter offensive.

Lots of sportsmen predicted wolves would never get of teh Endangered list. Meeting with Bush and Cheney on all the sportsmen behalf, helped bring this about. The relationships with the otehr famous hunters helped this fight, but we need every sportsmen to jump on the team.

As we are about to take on Hollywood and these anti-hunting organizations, every sportsmen will need to join.

And, an 80-90% reduction means an end to all of us hunting, and that is there agenda, plain and simple.

Sportsmen can win, we just need everyone on the team.

within 10 days, there will be a website for all sportsmen to join this fight.

will keep you all posted.

As Jeff Foxworthy said, this is a fight we MUST win or we are all done hunting in the west. MOre and more sportsmen are realizing this very fact.

Don, you forgot to tell us that we are in a terrible recession!


I hunt. I fish. I VOTE.
Well, keep working for us Don. You know I support much of what you and the boys do. Sportsmen, whether they know it or not, do need you on this wolf issue. If it taks conservation tags to keep you fighting this fight so be it, but remember my opinion....NO MORE AUCTION TAGS. Cut it off where they're at.

You know Don, there is still time for you to go to work for the majority of sportsmen in Utah and steer that Antelope Island hunt towards DRAW ONLY. It can be done and still raise good money for the park. It doesn't ALWAYS have to be about maximizing revenue.

PS - Don, you're always welcome to keep us posted on what you're (SFW) doing and accomplishing. You and I know there will always be those who don't support you (SFW), regardless what you do, but most guys are like me and support most. You'll never please everyone. Keep us posted.

Brian Latturner
Go get em on this! I stand behind this fight 100% too.

Hunting is my way of life
Sgt. Petersen
This is a fight we have to win! And it is a fight that SFW cant win alone it will require the envolvement of all the Major Conservation Groups RMEF, MDF, NWTF, WSF, SCI etc.

Together we can win! Alone we will fail!

Elitehunter you are wrong in your assesment of SFW. First off SFW would not go down the toliet with out conservation tags! What would go down the toliet would be over 1 million dollars in habitat projects a year for us average Joe's. 90 percent of the funds generated are ear marked and have to be used on the ground. This program is audited on a regular basis!

It is no coincidence that Utah leads the west in dollars spent and acres improved for wildlife!

We get 10% as a marketing fee. If we generate $800,000 off the sell of these permits we can keep $80,000. Though it helps it will not make us or break us.

SFW likes elk because the majority of our members like and want the opportunity to hunt them along with everything else that Utah has to offer Mule Deer, Sheep, Bison etc.

Brian even though we are on opposite sides of this issue and dont agree on certain points (Antelope Island) I still love ya Man!
Its a great day in a world that opportunity is constantly taken away. We as hunters (averages joes) actually get something given back! The opportunity to once again hunt the Island.

Yes, in a perfect world I would love to see all of these tags issued in a public draw! But this would not have happened any other way! Well worth it in my opinion.

Troy Justensen
I friggin HATE wolves! Its good to see some movement happening on our side! We have to win this fight, or we will not have huntable herds in another 10 years here in Idaho...
>AT 06:06?PM (MST)

>Don, It's great that SFW is
>fighting the wolf issue. I
>just hope your fighting this
>issue so that the average
>joe hunters will have more
>elk and not for your
>own personal gain. I mean
>lets face it.......without conservation tags
>SFW would go down the
>I think we both love wildlife
>though for different reasons.
>SFW loves elk because they bring
>you a lot of money.
>Average joe hunters love elk because
>we like to hunt them.
>Your actions will help us also
>even if your fighting wolves
>for $$$$$.
>A elk tag in a elkless
>state probably won't fetch $265,000
>in the next auction. But
>I am thankful that in
>this one aspect, that our
>needs are the same.

If SFW really intends to lobby Congress at some point according to the article, they may have to auction off every tag in Utah to afford it. Access to senators isn't cheap--Washington isn't Salt Lake City.

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