An open apology to "Nickman"!!


Long Time Member
It has come to my attention that I have offended, disparaged,and totally "pissed off" Don. I'm not sure at this point what I did, said, or implied, but I want to offer my humble apology to him. I do not have knowledge of the hunt area that the G-3 hunt is in at all. I have only 2/3 days of hunting experience there. Don, has lived, hunted, fished, and guided in the area for over 30 years. He knows th area better than most of us know our own backyard. I don't recall saying I was knowledgable to the unit, but people call calling me about it. I guess because my son harvested a buck there last year. I'm saddened to think I'd lose Don as a friend because of this. Again, Don, please accept this as a wholehearted apology!!! Sincerely, Paul H. Crawford

PS On a lighter note, I could "guide" you to the places in Independece with the coldest Budweiser, and the most expensive box of shotgun shells.
So PC?

Was it the GPS Coordinates that you've been passing around that pissed Nicky off?

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
Paul, I'm good with it all. I accept full responsibility for "spinning" the situation and overreacting to it. Old people get testy I guess.

No issue here, come and play here whenever you want.

You know these guys are going to want us to kiss, now that you brought it up!

"Fathom the hypocracy of a Government that requires every citizen to prove that they are insured.....but not everyone must prove that they are a citizen"

You seem like a good dude. Way to step up and try to repair broken fence even though you don't know how it got broke.

Please don't post pics of you and Nicky kissing though...I'm still trying to get the Rosie picture from being burned into my memory forever.

How many Beers will the Kiss take?

How'd PC piss you off Nicky?

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
Alright.......I know it won't die till it's out.

I have these sheep......for "special" occasions.

PC shows up here, steals MY girl, Nasty Alice, forcing me to pick an ornery one, Mean Louise....she bites, you know.

After it is all over, he acuses me of giving him the UGLY one!How rude!

A couple of my friends pointed out that, in point of fact, Alice IS ugly and I had no right to get pissed.

I appologised and all is good, except Nasty Alice is missin' Paul somethin' awful!

By the way, any pointers on getting Budweiser out of a wool sweater? The smell is awful.

"Fathom the hypocracy of a Government that requires every citizen to prove that they are insured.....but not everyone must prove that they are a citizen"
LAST EDITED ON Dec-10-11 AT 10:47PM (MST)[p]Let me see if I can read between the lines.

Model 70 guy (Jim) took PC's directions and shot a buck either in the wrong unit or on private property. PC told Jim that nickman said it was OK and that it's nickman's fault?

Either that or PC lost the beer cooler.

Way to go guys!:)

>Callin him "Nicky" just might stir
>up the ol fart!


Been stirrin the ole Fart up for years!:D

PC has got an Art for Pissin people off!

Bet it was related to a honeyhole & I don't know a damn thing about it!

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
You have PC(beer Hound) taking the last beer and drinking more then his share, Tell me who wouldn't get pissed.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
LAST EDITED ON Dec-11-11 AT 08:53AM (MST)[p]I think I can shed some light on the dispute between Nickman and Paul Crawford..

It seems that motel accommodations in Independence are somewhat limited when the G-3 season rolls around each year. I booked the only available room which had three beds and there were four of us.
So simple math would dictate that someone would have to ?buddy up? and Don and Paul drew the short straws. Below is a picture of Paul getting the news that he has to share a twin bed with Don. Paul was acting a little pissy about the whole matter.
(He is so spoiled)


In the next photo they are arguing about who has to sleep next to the wall.. Well a coin toss decided the outcome and Paul had to sleep on the inside and of course he complained for the rest of the evening. Even after the lights went out Paul kept whining about not having enough room and he also said Don was taking all the covers. Actually the issue resolved itself once they discovered that they had quite a bit more room in the twin bed by spooning. So once they spooned and got comfy Don gave Paul a kiss goodnight Paul FINALLY shutup went to sleep.


Now I have to address the sheep issue..

Nickman said that this was a rare breed of sheep and while she was very attractive I have to call bull$##### on this one. I have never seen this breed of sheep before.. Now I am no expert by any means but below is a photo and I will let you the viewers decide.


I should mention that Don and Paul were getting along very well by the next morning, I gotta tell you, Paul was up bright and early and brought Don coffee in bed and went and got his shower ready for him and even offered to drive to Lone Pine and get him some breakfast from McDonalds as there isn't anything available in Independance at that early hour so I believe they must have had a misunderstanding up on the hill while they went out for an early morning ride to "scout deer".
>AT 07:33?AM (MST)

>I think I can shed some
>light on the dispute between
>Nickman and Paul Crawford..
>It seems that motel accommodations in
>Independence are somewhat limited when
>the G-3 season rolls around
>each year. I booked the
>only available room which had
>three beds and there were
>four of us.
>So simple math would dictate that
>someone would have to ?buddy
>up? and Don and Paul
>drew the short straws. Below
>is a picture of Paul
>getting the news that he
>has to share a twin
>bed with Don. Paul was
>acting a little pissy about
>the whole matter.
>(He is so spoiled)

>In the next photo they are
>arguing about who has to
>sleep next to the wall..
>Well a coin toss decided
>the outcome and Paul had
>to sleep on the inside
>and of course he complained
>for the rest of the
>evening. Even after the lights
>went out Paul kept whining
>about not having enough room
>and he also said Don
>was taking all the covers.
>Actually the issue resolved itself
>once they discovered that they
>had quite a bit more
>room in the twin bed
>by spooning. So once they
>spooned and got comfy Don
>gave Paul a kiss goodnight
>Paul FINALLY shutup went to

>Now I have to address the
>sheep issue..
>Nickman said that this was a
>rare breed of sheep and
>while she was very attractive
>I have to call bull$#####
>on this one. I have
>never seen this breed of
>sheep before.. Now I am
>no expert by any means
>but I will let you
>the viewers decide, this is
>a photo of "Mean Louise"
>and I can understand how
>she could inflict a nasty

>I should mention that Don and
>Paul were getting along very
>well by the next morning,
>I gotta tell you, Paul
>was up bright and early
>and brought Don coffee in
>bed and went and got
>his shower ready for him
>and even offered to drive
>to Lone Pine and get
>him some breakfast from McDonalds
>as there isn't anything available
>in Independance at that early
>hour so I they must
>have had a misunderstanding up
>on the hill while they
>went out for an early
>morning ride to "scout".


Does PC think Bud is Coffee in the mornings?

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
LAST EDITED ON Dec-11-11 AT 08:06AM (MST)[p]
>Bet it was related to a
>honeyhole & I don't know
>a damn thing about it!

Funny you should mention honeyhole...

You might be on to something..

I was at the motel with those two and they were bickering about that sharing the bed thing like an old married couple.

just sayin'
Thanks for the clarification Jim. Sleeping arrangements was actually my third guess, but I didn't want to go there.


LAST EDITED ON Dec-11-11 AT 08:51AM (MST)[p]>LAST EDITED ON Dec-10-11
>AT 10:47?PM (MST)

>Let me see if I can
>read between the lines.
>Model 70 guy (Jim) took PC's
>directions and shot a buck
>either in the wrong unit
>or on private property. PC
>told Jim that nickman
>said it was OK and
>that it's nickman's fault?
>Either that or PC lost the
>beer cooler.
>Way to go guys!:)

Well Steve let me clear up some things about where I shot the buck..

First of all there was not a single private property sign anywhere..

The fact that the deer was in what I guess would be considered a backyard is where the conflict started. It seems that the people were in the house having lunch when I shot the deer and I believe that they thought I was shooting at their dog which clearly was not the case, that and the fact that we interrupted them while they were eating is what might have made them so angry and probably gutting the deer in their backyard was not such a good idea but who knew??? (They also claimed this deer was a family pet since it was a fawn but I don't believe that for a minute)

They are or I should say used to be good friends of Nickmans and Paul told them that Don gave us the okay to shoot the deer. Anyway they said that they were going to give Don a call to discuss the matter.

Folks up there are not real friendly..
STTM......I don't think that is a BEER in PC's hand, more like a non-alcohol drink.
Unless his BUDWEISER WAS TOSSED AGAIN....looks like a SODA...LOL

>STTM......I don't think that is a
>BEER in PC's hand, more
>like a non-alcohol drink.
>like a SODA...LOL

Better put your Glasses on there kilo!

Sure looks like a Christmas time Budweiser Emblem to me?

Or maybe PC uses them Bud Insulators to keep his Beer cold?Na,that ain't it,they don't have time to get warm!:D

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
Wow... I go to bed last night and wake up to this!!! You guys have been busy little beavers. First of all when it comes to sheep, I don't kiss on the first date. Plus, that "sheep" is my Austaralian "Princess Jenny". What Jenny and I do in Independence, stays in Independence. Brian, I must confess that is an ice-cold Budweiser in my hand. I was handing it to Don. Any questions? pc
I'll bet you were handing it to nicky!!!:D

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
Well I hardly drink beer anymore and I sure don't drink beer in a can....tastes like Aluminum.

Give me a glass and some Crown or Chivas and I am happy...LOL

Brian, those are my brother's favorites. However, he sometimes just pours gin over the rocks!! YUK!!

ShowThem, I think if you call him Nicky one more time you'd better watch your back. lol pc

I've called Nicky,Nicky For many moons!

He's called me a few choice names too!:D

Until I make Nicky as mad as you have PC I ain't worryiong about it too much!

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
I'm looking for some secret buck hunting spots on the east slope of the sierras that I'd be willing to trade some beer for the locations. Just saying.
Not to interupt the gay reparte', but it is snowing here tonight, so maybe something will show up tomorrow. Still workin' it, in case it breaks open.

Alas, I no longer have ANY secrets..... and as far as the "Nicky" thing goes, me and the "Unknown Utard" do have a historical understanding. I like him, so I don't get ruffled.

"Fathom the hypocracy of a Government that requires every citizen to prove that they are insured.....but not everyone must prove that they are a citizen"
By the sound of it.....I'm glad I wasn't invited! LOL.

I don't like sheep....they bleed too easy.

Worlds Best ebayer
Great transaction, fast payment, A+++++
Well Nicky!

All I can say is next time PC needs help is tell him another Secret!

This next Secret PC might not be as good as the last one!:D

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
Snow storm was a bust.....lasted about 4 hours of light snow, followed by about a 75 degree day. Maybe Thursday?

I am dying to see a solid 28" main frame.....alive or dead!

"Fathom the hypocracy of a Government that requires every citizen to prove that they are insured.....but not everyone must prove that they are a citizen"

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