An article for Daddies

Thanks for a great read. Very well written as well.

I would also recommend a book by Meg Meeker intitled "Strong Fathers Strong Daughters".
This book has been my road map for rasing my oldest daughter to young adult hood.

Take a kid hunting. You will enjoy it more than they do!
Jenn, your Dad is a very lucky man! He has both you AND Garrett! He sure did alot right in his lifetime!

As a "Daddy" myself "love means letting go" is one of the hardest things a Dad can do!

Great article. As the dad of a 16 yr old daughter it is scary. Your dad had it figured out. I still have a lot of work to do.
LAST EDITED ON May-14-08 AT 02:30PM (MST)[p]Well at the time we for sure as heck thought he didn't know what he was doing! Guess he had a plan all along.

I liked the article too, however there could have been more mention of a certain big brother whose wrestling tournaments you were traveling to, and who you were going to visit when you rode horses because he worked on the trail crew for the FS and who was right there by your dad's side when you wrecked that red car. Sure, make this story all about DAD and just write me out of the history - as if I never existed. I guess that's how you treated me then though come to think of it! ;-)

Love ya!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

You have a talent for writing. I hope you put it to good use in the future.


Roy if you did more winning at those tournaments she would had to put you in the story, BUT. LOL
Jenn, great reads, all of them. I had my wife read them, she teared up on "Daddy's Girl" she had a very similar upbringing. She and I both say thanks.
>Roy if you did more winning
>at those tournaments she would
>had to put you in
>the story, BUT. LOL

HEY!!! I'll have you know I was the worst wrestler on the best team in the state! My record wasn't all that bad! Yeah I had a couple more losses than wins but I won the biggest matches at the most important times! My goal was more of a "make it through the season for the sake of the team" type deal rather than go for individual glory.


Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Very nice. I can only hope my 6 year old feels some of those things when she's grown.

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