
Long Time Member
When just out of college, looking for work, i answered a call for sales reps and it turned out to be a recruitment for Amway products sales guys. I was 22 at the time, 34 years ago.

My question; Guys that got in the game back then, did they do any good? Do you know any Amway sales people and are they making money at it? Just curious! I even got approached by another outfit couple years ago... this kinda stuff still going on??

Thanks, Joey


Don't know sage?

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
NVB clears $675,000 a year pedaling that stuff......he is 56 and started when he was 22

That's right!

I forgot about how NVB made his millions!

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Joey, I never could bring myself to brush my teeth with the same stuff I could use to clean the outside of my truck engine. (that was Amway's big sales pitch back in the day).:)

I know that wasn't your question.......I know a couple people who jumped in big time, but it never amounted to much and they dropped out.

LOL!! Oh i figgure that i could sell something if i believed in it. Just seemed like those guys way back when were too pushy! I also went for a ride with a guy that was selling boxes of Meat and such. Blue Star Meat Co. He sold his 20 or so packs every day on routes where he'd go to Drs. offices and the like. He's start off with, "Do you like steak?" if they answered yes, he zip on out to the cooler and bring in a whole armload of his wares to peddle. lol

I didn't sign in for that job either!

I played that game whem I was first married and desperate for money. I gave up when my wife kicked them out of our home because they wanted us to pawn all our stuff to make it to some convention. Its ok, I got tired of lying to people and looking for suckers. My dog wouldn't eat the $65 a bag dog food anyway.....just sayin.[/IMG]
LAST EDITED ON Nov-11-10 AT 01:25AM (MST)[p]Thanks Slam, Thanks Eelgrass! Sounds about right! Looking back since back then, can't say that i hear much about them but i looked them up in Wikipedia and though the names are somewhat changed, they're still going strong.

Here's something i pulled up;

"A Dateline NBC report from 2004 picked up the criticism against some Amway distributor groups.

Some Amway distributor groups have been accused of using cult-like tactics to attract new distributors and keep them involved and committed. Allegations include resemblance to a Big Brother organization with paranoid attitude to insiders critical of the organization, seminars, and rallies resembling religious revival meetings and enormous involvement of distributors despite minimal incomes. An examination of the 1979?1980 tax records in the state of Wisconsin showed that the Direct Distributors, comprising less than 1% of all distributors, reported a net loss of $918 on average.

Sociologist David G. Bromley calls Amway a quasi-religious corporation having sectarian characteristics. Bromley and Shupe view Amway as preaching the Gospel of Prosperity. Economists Bhattacharya and Mehta propose an alternative economic explanation to negative claims, concluding that distributors' continued involvement despite minimal economic return results from social satisfaction compensating for less economic satisfaction."

Well parts of that i can relate to, "social satisfaction compensating for less economic satisfaction."

That's kinda like 35 years of chasing Mule Deer all over the country! :)

Well, I am involved and love it. Say what you want but I challenge any of you to find a better rated company through legitimate sources...not, I knew a guy or some blog or something from 30 years ago, try Better Business Burerau or equivalent. Today they (Amway)are close to 9 BILLION dollar per year DEBT FREE private company. They have grown from 7 Billion in 2007, even during this down global economy. Even after lowering their prices to be competitive with Costco and Wal Mart. Many people are quitters, losers, scumbag sales types etc. but there is that in every profession. How many of you changed professions in your working career? Does that make your previous career unethical or wrong? Does it make you a loser or scumbag?

They are one of only 2 companies to win the United Nations enviornmental award, have been the industry standard for green products before that was a popular thing. They rank #1 in on-line sales in Health and Beauty sales. Try this link. America-_-MAO-_-Homepage-_-Tile Ad

I must say that our line of sponsers (MENTORS) MAKE ALL THE DIFFERENCE. World Wide Dream Builders.

When people like Robert Kiyosaki write a book called " The Business of the 21st Century" I pay attention.

John C. Maxwell The #1 leadership author also supports our group by speaking at our Spring Leadership conferences (3 weekends)in the month of April. With his connections and busy schedule that says a lot to me.

Maybe you should try educating yourselves just a little.

Last I know you will ask well how much are you making Marc? Well I did deduct $5,000.00 from my earnings through deductions last year on my taxes, it helped. I am currently making $200.00 to $300.00 per month as a supplement for my income. I work about 10 hours per week doing this, it is more of a life style. I am buiding a legitimate business with residual income that will last for generations. I do not trust Social Security or my Cal Pers to be there when I retire so I am doing something now to help when I reach that golden age. I am on track to cheat the system and retire much sooner because I am willing to be coached. I sure do not get that from my day job.


1 Corinthians 2:2
Some final thoughts....if I can not EARN your business as my customer by offering our 180 day 100% satisfaction garuntee, highest quality, competitive priced products, on-line shopping, with the convienence of personal service or drop shippments directly to your door, then I neither deserve nor want your business.

For those interested in business opportunities...unless you are highly certian that your financial future is secure a person would be unwise to not KEEP THIER OPTIONS OPEN, in this economic climate we are facing.

1 Corinthians 2:2
I did it too in my younger years. Last I heard the company averages < 10% of their people who acually make any real money. Such is the way of multilayer marketing, or whatever they call it these days. Looks good on paper, but in reality, not many people make money at it and it requires more lower level people be brought in on a continual basis to keep it going.

I do think the products are good/top notch, but they are overpriced, again due to multilevel marketing markups.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
"NVB clears $675,000 a year pedaling that stuff......he is 56 and started when he was 22"

JB I think you got it wrong.... When I met NV he was driving a pink Caddy with a Mary Kay sticker in the back window..... Terry
People have tried to "convert" me on 3 different occasions. They first start asking me how great I would feel if I could own a Rolls Royce and buy all of this other BS....

What was even funnier, was they never say they are coming over to talk about "Amway". It was: we have this great new business in the are we would like to talk about....

One of the guys was actually a teacher I had in high school. He was going through his past students and trying to sucker them. He came over with my wife, wanting to tell me about a new exciting business. I told him, great, lets hear about it. I then told him and his wife (I was serious) that I am glad its a new business, I was worried you were coming over to sell Amway! The look on there face was priceless.

Even if I knew I could make money with it, I wouldn't do it. Its not worth lying and trying manipulate people....

Maybe there are some honest Salesmen. The sales pitches I heard were laughable IMO....
Granted the income is not what I will indeed make, but most start up companies post losses for several years then go under within 5 years. So I will gladly dedut $5000 from my taxable income until I show a profit. I have no children at home to claim as dependents anymore. Most start up businesses require large capital to begin as well therefore the risk is substantioally higher. I do not have the credibility of the business men I refered to in my original post but few are in position to critisize thier opinions. I will let this go. Best of luck to all in whatever they chose to do as long as it is not generational welfare.


1 Corinthians 2:2
Hey Marc! I very Glad that you took the time to post up what you did. Even though it wasn't for me, at least at the time i thought it wasn't, that's not to say that it don't work or isn't a great thing for somebody else.

Thanks again for telling us your side of the business and may you prosper!!

Thank you Joey, I agree it is not for everyone. My wife and I had over 60 teenagers go through our foster home and that is not for everyone either. I sure would not want to do many jobs and would suck at many, but that does not diminish their importance.

Blessings back to you as well.


1 Corinthians 2:2
It was a Pyramid type company and only the starters of it made out.
In fact, one of the founders of that company has a hugh home about 3 miles from my aunts ranch between Grass Valley and Auburn. The place is about 4 miles from where JB's rifle still is at a Gunsmiths to have rebored etc. JB, you ever hear back from that guy since I went there for you about 4 years ago or so???

Hey one more thing came to mind. Did you know that we are affiliate partners with hundreds of stores? How about Ace Hardware, Barnes & Noble, Bass Pro Shops, Best Buy, Dell, #####'s Sporting Goods,, Earth's Edge, JC Whitney, Northern Tool + Equipment, Office Depot, Petco, Sears, and Sports Authority to name a few. Talk about getting paid to shop...This is not your aunt Flossie's Amway. LOL

1 Corinthians 2:2
LAST EDITED ON Nov-11-10 AT 04:39PM (MST)[p]Brian, I think that ALL traditional companies are the pyramids. The guy at the top makes the most and the guy cleaning toilets make the least and your boss is not trying to help you pass him up. There is more opportunity today than anytime in the past.

1 Corinthians 2:2
The worst part about amway was they taught me too seek out needy vulnerable people and suck them in promising them the world. Someone thought that of me at some point :([/IMG]
LAST EDITED ON Nov-11-10 AT 05:18PM (MST)[p]Joey, you picked a much better profession. Leaky pipes in the middle of the night, crawling under houses infested with Black Widow spiders working on sewer lines, etc, etc. :)

>NVB clears $675,000 a year pedaling
>that stuff......he is 56 and
>started when he was 22

this is how rans made his millions, he uses his construction company as a front.

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