Ammo tracking

I smell a civil war coming if they start screwing with our 2nd amendment!!

A stupid idea that would be so easy to beat that it would not prevent a single death, nor help solve a single crime.

Someone smart enough to develop this technology should be smart enough to figure out that it will not have the impact being claimed. Thus, me thinks the real end game is something else entirely...
>Someone smart enough to develop this
>technology should be smart enough
>to figure out that it
>will not have the impact
>being claimed.

These guys are pretty smart.
1. Develop a cheesy bullet tracking technology that will never really work.
2. Patent the system.
3. Get several states to require exactly your bullet tracking technology.
4. Make lots of money at the citizens expense while doing absolutely nothing to decrease crime.

A side benefit to the anti-gunners is that it will drive a lot of ammo manufacturers out of business.
Let me ask this,

This is suppose to make it easier for big brother to track who and where a bullet was bought so that they can track crimes back to the criminals right.

Tell me what criminal is going to go to the store and say to himself, "Let me buy these coded bullets so that when I commit my crime they can come find me." YEA RIGHT.

They are just going to go out and steal ammo from other places or file the code off some how so it is not traceable. Its not going to stop their crimes. If fact it might just increase Home break ins so thy can still ammo.

The only ones this is going to hurt is the ammo makers and it will put some out of business because the price to encode each bullet will be outragous. Then they will have to pass the cost on to us.

Basicly if the Government cant get our guns then they will make the ammo so expensive that we cant afford it.

If this legislation is ever enacted in any state, the NRA should file a lawsuit on behalf of NRA members in that state for the economic damage they'd suffer in the name of 'law enforcement'.

Many thousands of law abiding shooters and sportsmen would be needlessly harmed by this attempt, and I think it is high time that the NRA and other groups that represent hunters, shooters and gun owners take on the tactics of our ememies, and begin fighting our battles through litigation. We've certainly been on the receiving end of enough of it, it's about time we delivered a little of their own medicine back to them.
You Tube video says Discovery Card going to start tracking ammo/rifles purchases starting April. Does anyone else have information on this. I don’t have this card but it might start on other cards?
You Tube video says Discovery Card going to start tracking ammo/rifles purchases starting April. Does anyone else have information on this. I don’t have this card but it might start on other cards?
News is out there if you look for it. Visa & Mastercard backed off on their plans. Google is your friend. ;)


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