America's Strength


Long Time Member
Everybody takes credit for the quote that America's strength is it's people, I think most everybody that ran for office this year Republican or Democrat used it. This quote really came home to me last Saturday when I went to the Democratic Caucus. Relax this isn't a rant about Democrats or liberals having the answers or Republicans or Conservatives either.

This was the first year ever for the Caucus format in Nebraska held only by the Democrats. Unbelievable attendance in many Location buildings were full as well as the parking lots outside waits of 2 to 3 hours in traffic to get in. My point is the people of this country still care about the future of this nation a lot. Really an interesting format a debate somewhat like what we have on MM with a little more politeness. I went with a couple of friends who were both Republicans who changed to Democrats at the caucus I had already changed party affilitation.

Usually intelligent comments accept for an 80 year old lady who said it's not right for a black man to be president. The Caucus didn't even boo her, she was in a walker but they let her know the comment was unacceptable. Not looking for this thread to be a big arguement just stating that it really upped my spirits on the real strength of America.

I stayed with Obama and he won decisively (Please no hate mail)

"Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept responsibility for the future."
John F. Kennedy
I don't know of any. I haven't kept it a secret on here I'm not real happy with either Obama or Clinton on gun control. I don't think I've ever agreed with a candidate on ever issue. I believe the court will keep them in line on new gun legislation. That's why I join and support the NRA. I guess I believe in the system of checks and balance.
Obama has inspired people like nobody since Kennedy has, I can't say he's inspired me that much but if he can motivate and unite the population in a positive mannor what the heck give him a chance. that's what's so great about this country, no matter who wins there won't be any bombs or attacks other than verbal. that shows strength in itself and is something to be proud of, like 2000 election the majority of the people voted for a man who would not be elected due to a unpopular delegate system and a court decision. try that in Iraq or most anywhere else and see what happens, it's impressive to me.

I think you are lucky enought to live in a mid western state where the majority of the people still care about where their country is heading and plan to support the politician that may give them what they feel is needed to keep this Country great.
Here on the west coast in the big city areas, I think we have a lot of people who are not in touch with reality and only want what is best for them and will not look into the background of the person who promising them the moon.
I find problems with the politicians in both parties, but so far the GOP has offered me a little better then what the Dems have. I do hope that Obama beats the crap out of Hillary and the Dems will stop offering persons like her or Kerry or Gore to lead their party. That also includes that far left field Ted Kennedy. I always say they shot the wrong Kennedy brothers. Ted would not make a pimple on John's or Robert's behind.
I think McCain will have a harder time beating Obama then he would Hillary, but who knows, maybe a new face is what we need to shake up both parties and have them remember who put them in office and get back to honest true values and keep this country great.
Would you be willing to take Feinstein, Boxer, and Perlosa, we do not need all three of them in CA.

I think you are right RELH. My son who lives and works in the Bay Area was quite shocked that many of the engineers and Physicists, educated people that he works with didn't even realize that Super Tuesday wasn't the end of the primary process. He said the Pakistani's and people from India had a better grasp of the process than many American born citizens. I guess I might be a little naive, always lived in one of the midwestern states never on either coast.

No I don't like Feinstein, Boxer or Pelosie way to far left for me. I really like both of our Senators Ben Nelson a Democrat and Chuck Hagel a Republican. Unfortuantely we are going to trade Chuck Hagel for a rat named Mike Johanns in November.

Thanks for making me think a little with your post. Perspective is really a lot of where you are located in the country. I understand a little better why the anger on this site at times anyone perceived to have any liberal thoughts.
>believe the court will keep
>them in line on new
>gun legislation. That's why I
>join and support the NRA.
> I guess I believe
>in the system of checks
>and balance.

And what happens when the Dems put in judges with far left views and they 'interpret' the constitution to mean that you don't have the right to bear arms?
Looking at the present court I don't forsee a new Justice on the Court for at least four years. There are no series health problems of the 9 and age isn't going to be a factor for a while. Now at the Federal district court level there will always be change and judges will deffinitely resort to judical activism to get their views through and some of these judges are going to be appointed by the next Democratic president. Remember throughout history Justices and judges have often shocked presidents who appointed them with their views when they got onto the court. They don't vote like the president thought they were going to. But the Supreme Court who has the final say I don't believe will change for 4 years and quite possibly longer. I'm sure if I'm way off on this, many people on this site will kindly let me know.
Obama is all emotion and no substance. If you are into thinking with emotion instead of facts then barak Husien Obama is your man. Touchy feely limp wristed crap aint for me.
Does anyone even know where Obama stands on the issues. He has never run anything in his life and he has never been tested.
I do hope he beats Hillary. She is even worse.
Mccain like it or not will be our next President.

It truely is a sad state of affairs when you look at who we have to choose from for President.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
McCain could make Hillary work for it, Obama beats McCain in all the polls. you're the only one other than McCain's mother who thinks he can beat Obama, and she just doesn't want to hurt his feelings.

If Pelosi, Feinstein and Boxer are too far to left for you then explain how you can support Obama? His record is to the left of those three. Can you name something that Pelosi, Feinstein and Boxer support that Obama doesn't also support?

If it an emotional connection that is fine but if it based on record I guess I need some proof that he has any middle ground in his voting record. The problem is that his record is almost 100% liberal, there is as much middle ground with him as there is with Carl Rove.

He may be the next president and that is how our system works. I don't think he is much more then a media creation. I am happy that he is getting people involved in the process and energizing young people to take an interest in our system of electing a president. He just has not done anything in his time in office that makes me really want him for a president, especially on issue I care about.

Dude you fail to look at the fact that Obama has not been chalenged by Hillary or the media for fear of being labeled a racist. I predict that once he gets the nomination the gloves will come off and Obama will be exposed for all his liberal stupidity. I just don't see how he can win once he is exposed, and he will be exposed the likes of he has never seen. The other thing he has going for him is McCain is a liberal Republican that will draw the so called (you included) moderates. The ones that allegedly decide who will be president.

Oh and on to your quote of national polls. Those same polls show hillary beating Obama. Polls don't mean jack except for the exact moment inwhich they were taken. You should know better.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
Obama is a liberal, that's what's going to be exposed? big news. Obama is a great speaker and McCain is a poor one, when the debates start he'll make McCain look like a senile old coot. I'm not saying he is but that's what is going to stick in peoples minds , politics are mostly show biz and Obama's going to slam McCain.

At this point I don't know which one I'll vote for if it comes to that, I don't like or dislike either one very much. I still say if Obama beats Hillary and looks like he will he'll beat McCain, I'll bet a beer on it.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-13-08 AT 01:12PM (MST)[p]Dude,

I agree with everything you just said. My question is more about people like Cornhusker who say they that Pelosi, Feinstien etc are too far to left but they like Obama when he is as far or further left then any of them according to his own voting record.

I really don't care whom anyone votes for and at this point I haven't made up my mind. If I feel like have to settle for the lesser of two evils I will write in Mickey Mouse. I am done settling.

I would just like some clear concise, non emotional facts about Obama and his record that make his views mainstream in America. From my research he is as far to left as Rove was to right and if experience has taught us anything is that when extreme positions carry the day bad things happen to this country.

As always NeMont a clear concise intelligent gentlemen's arguement. You are 100 % correct he is a liberal although most of the sources list him less liberal than Clinton. I have read a lot about his position on guns and I believe he will not push legislation to limit gun sales to legitimate buyers from legitimate sellers. I do look for him to push legislation to try to take some of the inner city guns off the streets. ( I expect to take heat for this)
I didn't say he was my favorite candidate all time but at the present time with the selection available I will choose him over the other two. Several reasons.

1. He sponsored two ethics bills one in the Illinois legislature and the other in the Senate that I feel were sorely needed.
2. He hasn't taken any money from lobbyist so he's not already bought and paid for.
3. He is the only candidate that has fully disclosed his financial status.
4. I believe he is less fully entrenched in Washington than most.
5. He sponsored more legislation than both of the other candidates combined. (Experience)

You are right he is barely to the right of Pelosi I didn't do the rating thing with Feinstein or Boxer but I'm sure he's close to them as well. I can find just as many reasons not to vote for him as I can vote for him but I have voted in every election since I was 18 and will continue to do so.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-13-08 AT 05:13PM (MST)[p]Fair enough.

How does the government decide who is a legitimate gun owner and who is not? I believe that he supports further restrictions on gun ownership regardless of the reason.

I own two semi auto shotguns that I use to hunt with. He pretty clearly states he wishes to ban all semi auto guns.

You may think he doesn't accept money from lobbyist but even he says he has taken the cash from evil corporations.

Again not saying he is any worse then any other candidate and McCain certainly doesn't inspire me but neither does Obama.

Seems to be pretty light on experience of any kind: No business background at all, No long climb up the political ladder, no military experience. I guess he does have a year of serving on the Foreign Relations Committee in the Senate but that doesn't inspire much confidence either.

In general distrust academics as their approach to life is all theorical and not from experience. Never having tasted bitter failure (in eithe business or personally) and had to pick himself up and move on he has no understanding of being tough. That is strictly my opinion, he is just to wussified for me, to Metro sexual. At least Hillary is a nasty, tough fighter.

I'm not inspired either but I will vote because I believe in a democratic republic. I do understand what you mean by he's kind of Metro sexual, I certainly don't understand all these young women going crazy over him but I don't understand a lot. Good links you had I hadn't seen those. I really started the thread not to emphasized my love or fasination with Obama by more my respect for the American People. All the political crap the American people have put up with and yet they still have interest and hope. I don't really understand how we got into a mess with these 3 candidates but one of them will certainly by president.

NeMont I have been thinking about this a lot lately and you have provided even more food for thought. Thank You:
Best Wishes.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-14-08 AT 04:33AM (MST)[p]Jimmy Carter junior is all Obama is. Anyone remember how it was when he was president? You sure you want to go back to that?

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