American Tax dollars going to France???


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Mar-01-08 AT 07:40AM (MST)[p]What is the feeling (if any) about our pentagon awarding a European company American tax dollars to build our Military refueling tankers??? A country who will not support us in Iraq but will take our tax dollars (soldiers pay taxes) and American jobs to build our military planes. What is wrong with us?? We should have an American tanker built by an American company with American workers," I'm really pissed!!!! To me, this is treason by our own government. Yes, I work at Boeing....
Nothing new about that, our military contractors have been subing out high tech projects to the Chinese for some time.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-01-08 AT 09:17AM (MST)[p]i don't think this kind of stuff gets out to the genral public,. cause i didn't hear about till now.......

Nafta perhaps?
It's bullsh*t. This is one thing I really can't stand. Boeing makes a fantastic plane, and our military should be buying AMERICAN planes. I'm not aware of any other jet the military buys from a foreign country, so why start now?
Plus Boeings plane costs $35 mil LESS per plane than the French plane! This kinda crap really pisses me off. Top it off with the fact that Sikorsky and a European company got Boeings C-SAR contract award canceled and Boeing could be in serious trouble.


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