America?s history



I've been sitting on the sidelines here lately, reading some comments by people like H-dude and Ziggy or Zigga, and it amazes me how devoid they are of America?s true history.

I mean let's start with our founding fathers, it only take a few minutes to research their history and know they had a fundamental belief and faith in the God of the Bible.

Our Constitution shadows the basic theme of the bible and Gods intentions for Mankind, liberty and justice for all! Our country is only a couple hundred years old and in that time frame we became one of the most prosperous and most powerful nations on earth, well at least up until the last 10 years or so!?

With all that in mind, tell me, did God not bless America??

It's only the last 20 years or so, as we have had liberal, humanistic & atheistic people pushing any and all mention of Jesus & God out of every facet of government and public, since then, this country has been going down hill fast!.

Lets see, one little atheistic lady got prayer outta the school system back in the 60?s, since then schools have been a haven for gangs n thugs n drugs and probably pretty dangerous to the faculty that work there.

I've come to read between the lines lately, with people like Obamma n some here on, the change their talking about is a God-less society, well all I can say is buckle up were in for a ruff ride.

From a personal point of view, if I took the time to make some one great and prosperous and then one day thy decided they didn't need me any more and to push me aside, I would be offended and I would make my self unavailable Quick!?an I think that is what God is doing here with America lately.

People have come from all over the world to America for safe haven and such, but for the last 10 years or so, they have come to push their own agendas and not to melt in to the pot!.

When my father came from Malta in 1952 he learned English first and shortly after became an American citizen, he didn't push his beliefs on anyone, he became part of that melting pot, and loved being an American.

I see many foreigners here today, they refuse to speak English or learn the culture, I was down in the bay area last week, I seen line and lines of ?.well let just say south of the boarder people, at home depot asking for work, how?s that gonna work when we see Americans outta work and these guys are leaching out work meant for American? That's a different subject for another time.

I know a couple of guys who predicted this crash we are experiencing right now, they also are predicting race riots will hit America again like the 60?s?.Hmmm

So seriously look at our history, from a steady momentum of prosperity to this today, one other fact in history, in 1925 the Darwin's theory or monkey trial took place and many in science and the teaching field took it as truth, soon after, just a few short years later the worst depression hit america, think about!
"I've been sittin on the sidelines here lately."

You sneaky little bugger.

Good point Manny, preachin to the choir here though.
Xcept for zigger & H'er of course.
Amen Manny!


President Obama and Congress should leave gun rights alone. It's above their pay grade.

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