Am I wrong?



I got a serious question here cuz I had another of those little marital spouts today and I feel as if I'm totally in the right and was wondering if you guys think I owe qtpie an apology?

Ok its the end of the week and I have to get all my invoices typed up, payroll out, bills paid etc. etc.

Well on the invoicing side my wife always comes to me and asks a million and one different questions. Im cool with that since I'm the one working deals with everyone. Its only natural I'm the one who will know what to charge everyone. She comes at me with round #1 of questions. I ask her if she would please go put a list of questions together and I will answer them all at once.

well she comes back with more. I'm cool no big deal.

A little while later I have to go to the bathroom. So there I am taking care of business. The sitting down type. She opens the door and starts asking questions. I try to be calm and answer thinking it must be one quick important question. Wrong! its a lot of questions. Mind you I'm a cat on the litter box, and I really like my privace. Here I am in my private place eye to eye with my beautiful wife at arms lenght making complete eye contact and I can hold back the urges to push. Its one of those things that is forced out you know. I get mad slam the door and tell her to leave me alone. Now she's pissed and goes stomping off.

So was I wrong? do I owe her an apology? just curious?
Why no stinky, you're the best. I can't imagine why she would get upset with you or why she would need to ask all those questions. You're the man.

Check the date please.

Your on the throne she should leave you alone!

A "courtesy flush" was in order and you missed the opportunity to "clear the air", as it were.

That said, interupt me when I am "slinging mud" and you get what you deserve.....a treat for all your senses!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
Don't f with us stinkbug!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-01-11 AT 07:49PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-01-11 AT 07:49?PM (MST)

I understand completely. My wife learned a long time ago that I am a private pooper. It better be an emergency if you knock on the door. I even like a loud fan or radio to drown out the noise. I get a lot of reading done, too so I guess you could call me a multi-tasker. That's one of the reasons I hate public restrooms. I'd prefer a tree covered ridge or a deep ditch any day, over a public restroom. Can't stand the filth, or the smell. It always amazes me in the summer when I see some men come in to a public restroom barefoot. Sorry, I'm changing the subject. Yes, you deserve to have a moment of solitude.
> It always
>amazes me in the summer
>when I see some men
>come in to a public
>restroom barefoot.

Sounds like you have been hanging out in the "john" a little to much. Try cutting down on the fiber.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-01-11 AT 08:25PM (MST)[p]First she has a right to kick your A for airing your dirty laundry on a public forum. It would be one thing if it was a forum that just you visit, but to air it on a forum that you both visit and are relatively both known is a bad idea. Encouraging people to take sides, again a bad idea.

Second, why didn't you lock the door? Yep, that means it's kind of your fault she got in there.

Lastly, qtip WTF! why would you walk in on somebody pinching a loaf? There is no business question so important as to justify standing in front of your hubby while he's pooping. I would never want to be in the same room as my wife while she is pooping and I know she feels the same. It's just gross. Have a little patience!
Have to admit it kinda pisses me off that stupid people are using up our air. Having said that... nobody really gives a stinker.


"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"
that pic his hilarious ! i know where stinky is coming from my old lady does that to me i can't stand the listining to the " woman sermon " while on the pot or shower , give a man some space !
Your in doing your "business" (it stinks) and she stomps off mad. It all makes sense now, hence the name "stinky stomper". Lol
Alright.....first of all, I take care of the books, invoicing, payroll, and any other paperwork that needs done. So here I am trying to finish payroll, and get invoices out....while dealing with scream kids. Stinky is not the most helpful person....he likes to assign jobs and expects them to get I'm runnignbehind with invoices and I have about 10 min to work before I have to go pick up a kid from school, so I go to ask him a question I have to have answered in order to finish this invoice....and where is stinky??? That's right, on the crapper making a stinky! More importantly he is playing that stupid game on his phone, the same one he is always playing when he is "to busy" to answer me....not to mention he's always on the crapper, so I don't know when the heck he expects me to approach him! Anyways, so I walknin sick my head around the corner and say " what is the price I'm suppose to charge this company"....well the poop hits the fan, I think because I interrupted his game, but whatever, I slammed the door and left...and I still haven't finished the invoices so I'm sure I will get ripped a new one for that. I suppose I shoulda txted him, and it did cross my mind, but he never answers me, so what's the point? So there you go, my side of this crappy story.
Sounds more like it QTPie!

Seems like that same game cost him a New Ford!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
I guess I need to apologize. Its kind of hard for you to do that "other paperwork that needs done", if you're not in the bathroom when its time to do it.
No buck, I draw the line there....that's about the only thing I don't do for him...lmao!

LAST EDITED ON Apr-02-11 AT 08:41PM (MST)[p]..... never mind. Not ready for divorce papers. your totally right honey. my bad
Kind of like being in a prison cell and shareing a crapper with your cell partner.I think the little woman was in the wrong but I have three X's that I thought were in the wrong also so don't put much stock in what I say.
>AT 08:41?PM (MST)

>..... never mind. Not ready for
>divorce papers. your totally right
>honey. my bad


QTIP asked " what is the price I'm suppose to charge this company"....

To avoid any future confrontation on the crapper, from now on the answer will always be....."the price of a leopard hunt"

problem solved!:)

You know stinks at first i was siding with you. As for me if you walk in while im seepin then good luck...
Once QT chimed in i cant help but believe without her helping you out with this all you would be like a lost puppy dog Shi%in all over yourself.
Eel, your hired! Your a friggin geneous! I usually charge "X" amount per hour. Now I will charge a leopard hunt per day!

That's the most intelligent thing I've ever heard. Thats exactly how my retirement account is setup. When I retire I need to be able to afford so many leopard hunts, so many elk hunts etc. So why not just base my entire currency systen off hunting?

Dude can you be my cpa? how many leopard hunts will my taxes be this year?

Did you know my lunch after church yesterday only cost me a box of 338 lapua ammo? LOL

Is Eel simply short for eelnstein?

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