Am I banned ?



Just checking... I heard All the cool guys were on the bann list. Looks like I didn't make it :(

I go on ONE ORXY hunting trip and come back to this. I mean Really, I'm not even sure I'm gonig to post a picture...

Uhhhh OK, I will. but you guys will OWE me for this !!!!



Don't hate da playa Hate da Game !!
Got "bro"? I don't think topless photos are allowed--this ain't France. Next time, better go with the two piece... ;-)

Much congrats on a awesome oryx!
I'm claiming photoshopped where the nipple ring or tattoo's.
Nice bow.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
It is the light. Well, that, and I weigh 529 pounds.


The light was bright, but it didn't keep us from glassing durring the day :


IDbugler is a better glasser then me and also spent alot of time behind the Glass looking.


At any rate, I was jsut making sure I wasn't banned. I heard some people were posting unappropriate pictures or pictures that could be mistaken for something else and I agree that shouldn't be allowed.

Some things are just not right............. :)

On a cool note, we did see several of these :


But then again, we did spend alot of time glassing :



Don't hate da playa Hate da Game !!
Native Americans wore loin cloths all the time. Besides the Man boobs, there is nothing wrong with that picture. And as far as the cactus. they were everywhere, It's not our fault they showed up in pictures....

Piggies ? YAh, We saw them :


I didn't shoot one but Chris did well.

We started Caping out the Oryx prior to me remembering to take a picture. So.... it has a cut down the side.

for the "POLICE" that monitor this site, those pictures are "off base" just outside of the gates. the only reason I say that is We were questioned about a friend that came with us from there locally that we talked about on Hunttalk and they asked if he was guiding us because they read about it on Hunttalk and So I know they are watching what we write :)

Anyway, Big game section at hunttalk has more pictures but I figured I would post a couple because I love listening how much you guys love me and yaddy yaddy.... KMA :)

Even though Oryx hunting there is once in a lifetime draw, with 4 boys comingthrough the ranks we'll be back some day !!!



Don't hate da playa Hate da Game !!

I get to go later this year chasing desert ponies myself. I hope you did not scare the all to Panama with that fine body you got. I am happy for you. It does not look like you have missed any meals during the tough economic times.

BTW, you broke Rule #1 already! Where are your new jammies!!!;-) I KNOW that loin cloth wont cover those up! ha!:)

You are a goofy SOB moose-knuckles!
>Is this what gay-porn sites look
>like ?

Why don't you look in your "favorites" and tell us BF. :)


Don't hate da playa Hate da Game !!

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