Alright, Who Here...

Not me! My resolution is to make 10K posts by June 1!


Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON Jan-02-09 AT 08:52AM (MST)[p]how

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Are you kidding? Not me!

Funny Roy


Contrary to popular demand I fully intend to keep posting my brilliant and informed opinions.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-03-09 AT 07:12AM (MST)[p]...made the New Years resolution to stay off MonsterMuleys?

Let me guess......"huntsonora"??:)


President Obama and Congress should leave gun rights alone. It's above their pay grade.
Well if anyone answers yes, they will have broken their NY resolutions already....LOL....
Funny there are not a few yes votes yet!
Cloriderus, ...And i will fully appreciate about 95% of them ;-)

Eel, LMAO, you really do keep up on current events, don't you. Aside from him trying to adjust my opinion, bust my chops a time or two...

Antlerick, Yes, that was the origional idea. I was curious if i'd get any takers though doubting that i would. Spelling and grammar aside, who cares, the majority of this gang seems fairly bright.

Reminds me of an old saying; when you look around and can't see any dummys in the crowd, you're him!

That how i felt in College Chemistry 101 when the professor, way down there, on the first day said, "...and about 50% of you will eventually receive from me a D or F." I GOT A "C" , WOO HO000!! :)

I will probably continue to be a d##k and piss everyone off.

"I needed a cheesy signature saying like everyone else"
> I will probably continue to
>be a d##k and piss
>everyone off.
Come on, Nunya. That's a safe bet. Be risky. Try being NICE. ;-) lol
I will get to 3,000 before he does. But, I will do it legitimately. Roy will do stupid stuff like post one word in his posts or start posting stupid crap. Oh wait...he does that already. LOL
I must have started over on the counter, cuz I've been here way longer than ROY!!

I have less than Bessy??? WTH!!!

Hey T- hows the bunny situation out your way? Notice any? I'm in need of fresh bunny buns for the fryin' pan......
LAST EDITED ON Jan-03-09 AT 08:18PM (MST)[p]Well I've been here since 99 - and had a dry spell for a while and lost some of my posts too - so really I am up over like 5K - but I am after quality really - not quantity so much. Just because I don't gush and say "Ohhh cute picture of your dog licking your kids butt - that's sooooo adorable...." on every other post doesn't mean that my contribution is any less than Jenn's!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
>I will get to 3,000 before
>he does. But, I
>will do it legitimately.
>Roy will do stupid stuff
>like post one word in
>his posts or start posting
>stupid crap. Oh wait...he
>does that already. LOL

Nice reply - thanks for replying!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
WTH??? Jenn, is this how he does it??

Really, are you sure there isn't a divergence in the Force somewhere in the family????

Roy, thanks for your reply to my reply, buddy.
See what I mean...he posts weird stuff. (but he's funny, huh? LOL)

I haven't noticed ANY bunnies this year, Lisa. I think we're on a down cycle. The kids and my dad went out a couple of weeks ago and saw nothing. I only saw a few out in the Books at Thanksgiving too. I could be mistaken though. I may not have paid close attention.

Anytime you're ready to come freeze your butt off again though, gimme a yell!
RUS! Don't you be sneaking up and trying to out do me and ROY, trying to get 3000 posts!! You'll go all crazy and post bad stuff and get nuked and banned. I know how you work.

I guess I willl have to stay off MM After all Pred is looking for bunny bunzzs and Tk is having a down cycle. But I did see a ton of rabbits out Promitory


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