ALRIGHT Roy??? (HomieJ???)



I been doing some research!
All along I believe HomerJ has been somebody messin with us?
This HomieJ JOKER is either Roy or some Joker sitting next to him in the same Library!
How bout it Roy?

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Nope Bess! Not me for sure, but I think I know who it MAY be. Friend of mine - I was going to hold off on sending him an e-mail, but now it looks like it must be done. I did some IP checking earlier too and he has a lot of the same IP addresses as I do, but I have a few that he doesn't! I need to verify but if it is who I think it is, he is using the same campus wireless service for sure, and may have even used a couple of the same PC's as me. He is a major liberal Californian and crank-yanker (but deep down a good guy) and I have had my suspicions but I won't confirm until I talk with him. As soon as I do though I will let everyone know. Don't expect any apologies from him though!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
OK Roy!
Tell him the ole cat has ways of finding people he'd rather not talk about & I've got him pegged!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Maybe cASS's little brother got ahold of Roys computer when he wasn't looking and posted. Just sayin...
That's not it NVB!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Just leave it alone, Roy. Let him post. It's kinda entertaining seeing these guys get all worked up. Sometimes trolls are fun. LOL

Seriously tho...don't confront him if he's going to be doing crazy stuff to your vehicles or your desk at work etc.

Homie/Carlos/Pedro- whoever the hell you are...knock it off or little sis will come to Texas and kick your liberal butt.
IF I HAD TO PUT MONEY ON IT, i'd bet homergay= neversnatch.

all you have to do is look at the posts, and the only 2 guys i pi$$ off with my $%^&$#@ comments v are neversnatch and homergay.

just a guess, i could be wrong.
>Maybe cASS's little brother got ahold
>of Roys computer when he
>wasn't looking and posted. Just

I think your right..


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
No - not nevercatch either. It is my "friend" Carlos. I just got a text from him, he thinks it is just one hell of a funny joke. He is laughing it up.

Check his IP addresses and mine - most of them are the same, except he has one that I don't and I have quite a few he doesn't. We have known each other for about 6 years and I got him interested in MM - though he doesn't hunt. He is kind of a culture nut - just interesting to him. He is from Cali - pretty big liberal, but a good guy nonetheless. Just a crank-yanker BIG TIME - but yeah you did get under his skin KB! LOL

He told me he was getting tired of the game anyway.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
OK Carlos,(HomerJ)

HomerJ,it's time you get your Liberal,Cuban Ass on here & man up!
If you don't,I'm posting more info!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
LAST EDITED ON Aug-13-10 AT 08:51PM (MST)[p]Ok so we have established that HomerJ is a beaner named Carlos who thinks it's funny to spit in the face of American citizens. Well Homie I'm about as liberal as you are going to find and I think you belong way south of San Diego. I don't care how smart or how smart you think you are. The USA was not set up for forign assholes who can't quite make it in their own homeland.

Sorry Roy but your bud is a classic example of what's wrong with the immigration laws.

If you can't say God Bless America then stay home & wallow in your own misery.

Why the Edit job RUS?
I liked all the F words before the Edit!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Damn not California again, you sure he not from Texas or AZ.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
well, if it's not neversnatch, then their pretty close. both get awfully offended when someone realizes their an idiot:), both dont like the words " ni##er, bea##er, spi##, or slave"

what? i'm just sayin'
I always thought Homie was one of Bess's alter-ego's......

If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?
LAST EDITED ON Aug-14-10 AT 04:00PM (MST)[p]One more thing Homie!
Please take your Flag down & fly an American flag while you're here in the USA!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
LAST EDITED ON Aug-14-10 AT 03:39PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Aug-14-10 AT 03:13?PM (MST)

It makes my heart swell with pride for the U.S.A. when I read this thread. It makes me proud to have put my a$$ on the line for the U.S.A. as an Army Soldier many moon's ago. I'm proud of all of you who banded together and utilized the tools at hand to smoke HomieJ out of his hole and reveal him to the rest of us.

HomieJ has stirred the pot allot, he's insulted all of us U.S. Americans and it has brought out the best in you all. If you notice I'm referencing U.S.A. because to just say American would include every country from Canada all the way down to the southern most tip of South America. Believe me when I say I don't like most of the sh*t he writes nor am I coming to his defense but some of it does make one think a little bit more.

I am an ultra Conservative Arizona native so I live around thousands of Mexicans and for the most part they are good people. That doesn't mean that I agree with the way that most of them got here. Most illegal immigrants be it Mexican, Arab, Chinese, Japanese or what ever nationality we can think of, do not come over with a 50 lb. sack of weed strapped to their back on a Kamikaze mission. They are trying to make a living or improve their own lives from where they came from.

IMO this is what needs to happen: 1. Secure the borders to the South and then work on the others. 2. Then get every incumbent politician off of Capital Hill this November. 3. Put more U.S. Soldiers on the border than Obama's 1,500. 4. Vote this Free Mason peace of Comi Feces that some call the President of the U.S. out of the White House in 11/12 (I still haven't referenced to him as "President" ever). 5. Reinstate public hangings for convicted capital criminals. 6.Make being a, Free Mason peace of Comi Feces, a capital offense.

There ya go AZStickman, does that look better? I think it looks a hell of allot better myself.[/img][/url]
LAST EDITED ON Aug-14-10 AT 03:34PM (MST)[p]
You forgot one:

6.Make being a, Free Mason peace of Comi Feces, a capital offense.

.... Terry
Ooops. My appologies AZStickman. Maybe I have time to re-edit it.[/img][/url]

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