Almost died laughing.


Long Time Member
Last night my wife and I were watching maverick. Both of my boys were racing trucks back and forth through the living room and Weston (2) stopped and started picking his nose. He cringed a bit when the HUGE booger came out of his nose. I kinda giggled, he then ran into the dark tv room and said here mom. I waited to see her reaction... She goes gross its sticky what is it wes? "Its a booger mom" just as she held it up in the light of the tv to look. She screamed and jumped up and took off running to the bathroom to wipe it off. I was laughing soo hard! Lol good times! Kids are the best and I didn't even teach it to him. He thought it was pretty funny too.

Me and my oldest son (now 14 but about 18 months or 2 yrs. at the time) were laying in bed one night and I was trying to get him to go to sleep so I could go to bed and he is fighting it real hard so I am getting kinda mad and I hear a chewing smacking kinda sound and angrily ask him what he is eating thinking it was gum, after a long pause and me asking again he says, "Boogas".

I laughed my azz off and could no longer be upset with the youngster. Then I explained to him it might not be a great idea to eat them..

Kids are hilarious and GROSS sometimes.


Look out Forkie, FTW is watching us!

When I ask my 2 year old what he's doing he says " diggin for gold" then with a big smile says " I eat gold" and puts it in his mouth. I try to tell him not to do it and its gross but its hard when im laughing
Dryboot how can you tell him not to when he sits in the backseat watching you dig for gold and eat it driving down the road? Lol.


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