Allright!Who did it?



I was in Beautiful downtown Cosmopolitan Myton this Morning and somebody had cut the horns off a decent Buck Roadkill right on hi-way 40!

Somebody seen something!

Just wondering who's sporting the new cut-offs?:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Were you out chasin roosters and got mad cause you left your battery powered sawzall home?


I had the cordless Sawzall!

I'm just not Quick enough!:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Ya I saw some guy cutting the horns off a roadkill last night along the 40. Kind of a scruffy looking character with turtle stickers on his back window and his spotlight was still on. I'd have stopped but he had California plates so right there you know you can't trust him.

For long distance dial 1-800-338-EDGE
LAST EDITED ON Nov-14-10 AT 05:01PM (MST)[p]check with 5.o DWR. THEY WERE ON 40. BY MYTON.
Being downtown Myton I was surprised they didn't take the meat & leave the horns!:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
You'd best hurry elkun!

There's lots of stray Mutts in Myton!:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!

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