All Year Rounders


Long Time Member
There's a lot of traffic around MM during the days right before the hunting seasons, major traffic while seasons are going on, and quite a bit after the major seasons are over. Some hang out here all year. Why do ya? mtmuley
Well, I'm pretty much hunting something, or at least looking, all year long. Calling coyotes, or chasing lions here in AZ until lion closes for the 3 months. A little largemouth fishing from time to time as well.

I like looking at some of the pics folks post.
Makes for a great way to burn some time at work. A guys gonna be daydreaming anyhow, may as well enjoy some other peoples success'. Keeps me revved up for next year
It's nice from time to time to see what others are up against, besides, where else can you read the comics 24-7?
Because it pays off in spades. Where else can you get a hookup as a squatter at the Kona national museum of Lackey's.
I rarely, if ever, come here for hunting info. I come here to BS with mostly like minded that means year round for me.

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

>'Cuz it is simply the best
>intertainment on the entire internet!

That doesn't give my computer a virus that I have to explain to the wife. hee hee!
It is a good break in between dealing with some of our finest citizens. Plus I enjoy some of the frienships made on here.

What time of the year are these hunts going on??
Well now days I am on the computer for hours a day..not by choice. so hunting websites are kept in the minimized screen section, and when i'm tired of what I'm doing i pull one up and read/post.

I suspect lots of guys are doing the same thing. I've also met some great folks from here, and other forums. even been invited and went on several out of state hunts that I normally wouldnt have, because of these forums.
I'm here in the "off" season more than any other time of year. It's the nature of my work and where i live. My little Service business is always slow until April-May when my mostly seasonal customers move back here from Sun baked lands further south.

Myself, i'm addicted to this place! I'm watching a R Downey Jr movie on TV, on here right now, and always have a good book going. Lately it's been the Bible, but i have lots of interests and seem to manage them all at pretty much the same time. Suppose i could get a wife and have it all end...Naw :)

I'm here year round, same here as REDDOG:

"hunting websites are kept in the minimized screen section, and when i'm tired of what I'm doing i pull one up and read/post."
My wife ask me that question all the time.

My answer: Oh, look at this buck!

Wife: (while walking away) "I love you..."
I too am a MM junkie. I tried to sign up for doctor Drews celebrity rehab and they told me I was not famous and it was not life threatening. I told them Bull$hit my wife wants to kill me half the time because I am on here too much she says:) What does she know?

Like D-13er said- Like minded people with a twisted sense of humor and an affinity for hunting! And I also like how the Website is laid out compared to others (which I dont visit)
I am hopelessly addicted. If MM were a drug I would be main veining it. Seriously have a problem. This is the ONLY place on the web that has an active and healthy turtle hunting population. I mean, there are some other sites, but they are pretty sleazy, especially the turtle hunting sites where Eel is the main hero.

Plus - have made a lot of good friends on here and it is fun to stir the pot a little, though I haven't really done that in a while.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I guess I am like most of you, it is a great time waster at work. I usually keep it minimized while I work, every so often I'll see if anything that interests me has been posted or commented on.

Nocked N Loaded
"Because of the friendships made", and "for hunting information", BULLSHIP, It's cause we have a man crush on F'Dude.
I'm here year around for the cooking forum "After The Shot". Oh yeah and to read the funny's.

"Vegetarians are cool. All I eat are vegetarians - except for the occasional mountain lion steak."
-Ted Nugent-

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