all time classic answer


As reported earlier this week, some dirt bag who got pulled over in a routine traffic stop in Florida ended up "executing" the deputy who stopped him.

The deputy was shot eight times, including once behind his right ear at close range.

Another deputy was wounded and a police dog killed. A statewide manhunt ensued. The low-life was found hiding in a wooded area with his gun.

SWAT team officers fired and hit the guy 68 times.

Now here's the kicker:

Naturally, the media asked why they shot him 68 times.

Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd, told the Orlando Sentinel -
"That's all the bullets we had."
(Talk about an all time classic answer!!!)
What kind of low-life shoots a cop? They're real tough until the barrel is facing the other direction, then the sissys usually cry like a baby and give up. Then what?, they get to stay ALIVE and waste tax dollars and never really pay fully for the crime. All I can say is it's about one of these pansies gets lit up!

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