All Star Race

I thought the first 3 segments were kind of boring, but that last 10 lap segment was awesome. I wish Darrell Waltrip was an unbiased announcer but ever time Kyle busch gets the lead he starts cheering and his voice goes up. Just gets real annoying to listen to.
I like DW. He is much better to listen to than those guys on ABC. ABC ruins NASCAR broadcasts and are almost so painful to watch it is not worth watching. I wish FOX broadcast every race.

Busch is good, but he sure causes a lot of twisted metal. I was pulling for Martin. DJr needs to pull his head out of his butt or I am going to be a Lagano fan full time.
+1 on FOX, ABC sucks. When NBC had the contract several years ago they were really bad.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"

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