All in one post?



Hillbillery, I almost feel sorry for the chick, everyone?s hammering on her, one thing I do see now, is, she's really not qualified to run our government!

Bonds, now I'm just a simple minded guy, so why bother with the indictments, who gives a rip if Bonds put garbage into his body that could potentially hurt him and his future off-spring, a waste of time to me?

Alaska, $5.00 for a gallon of gas! Chit is anyone paying attention, what happened to Bush?s plan to drill up there?

Honda with a car that runs on water did hear right?

Did anyone see this??
Don't feel sorry for her. That is what she wants.

Bonds is a dumb A

Get the peace hippies out of the way and lets start drilling.

I saw a cumbustion process with radio waves that burns salt water.

Someone playing a joke

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
Oh it's definitely a ghost! Just look at this comment...

and BTW...this explains ALOT about what is going on in society today. Tears in the fabric of space letting blue ghosts in to inhabit our wonder the government is so screwed up. Why are all the blue ghosts inhabiting the bodies of politicians????? lol

"This is definitely a ghost. If you watch the video carefully while you're wearing sunglasses that are polarized and then rotate the polarized lens in front of your eyes, you'll see that this is definitely a ghost. While ghosts live among us, ghosts have not been able to materialize in the physical world. But, due to a recent tear in the fabric of space, a few of the blue ghosts have been able to leak out among us. Most have inhabited living humans, but some are freely floating around looking for a being to inhabit."
It doesn't matter if Hillary is qualified to run the country, all she has to do is beat Rudy.

Bonds is a jerk

They are drilling in Alaska, there's no reason for oil to be as high as it is so a few more barels won't change much.

Honda has a car that burns hydrogen coming out, hydrogen is made from water and is the future energy source of the world many say.

Someone is playing a joke.
HillbileryDude is brilliant right?

Bonds is a moron.

Alaska? Drill!

Honda running on water? I though only Jesus could do that.

Ghosts? No just ball lightning or something similar. If not it's a trick.

Hillary won't beat Rudy

Bonds is a cheating (on his taxes, on his wives, on his friends and on baseball!) egomaniacal moron.

"NORTH! To ALASKA - Go NORTH the rush is on!" Drill deeper and more remotely. Just be careful about it not too many roads.

Honda running on H2O? Hmmm... lets see if that thing can outrun a smoke belching deisel.

Yeah, if I were a blue ghost I'd for sure hang out at a gas station.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON Nov-16-07 AT 10:46AM (MST)[p]"Honda running on water? I though only Jesus could do that".

I got my laugh in for the day, thanks

the ghost thing?

2Thessalonians 2-9 that is, the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders...


Tired of politics..

Let bonds do all the roids he wants,just pay him 35,000 a year like most of us hard working non-spoiled americans make.

If that ghost was real it would have come back while the reporter was by the pumps and grabed her a(s)(s). Thats what I would have done if I was a ghost :)


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