All I want for Christmas!



Is a MM chatroom so I can be really naughty!

"Behind every great woman is a couple of guys commenting on how big her butt is getting"


I've got a feeling we could wish in one hand and chit in the other, and i know which one would fill up first.
I have 3 wishes chat room and

He wants a black shirt, orange hat, and belly diamonds. santa should be able to get that
SHUT-UP MOSNAR!!! I'm concentrating!!


"Uhh .. behind every great set of uhhh.. belly rings uhhh.. is a guy shlobbering .. CRAP ... don't worry. I'll clean it up!

FUGG A DIVE! You are truly a sick person!

clitorusbessransomfugativelizardbfetuffttkroyeelkilobrowjbcheflittleoldmanbcprobeanmanlrvpredhnhg23.2polaretcmerrychristmasall youweirdohsandeveryonei'vemissed.

A cheap azz christmas card!!! thats what that is..... i looked 5 times, ok 6 just to be sure tag wasn't in there?

LAST EDITED ON Dec-15-07 AT 10:51PM (MST)[p]oops...wrong thread.

"Behind every great man is a great woman...and behind every great woman is some guy staring at her butt!"
LAST EDITED ON Dec-15-07 AT 10:55PM (MST)[p]there's no wrong thread for that jenn, put the pic back up!!!

thats an automatic invite to any party, jenn!!
>AT 10:51?PM (MST)

>oops...wrong thread.
>"Behind every great man is a
>great woman...and behind every great
>woman is some guy staring
>at her butt!"

>Damnit. Sounds like I missed something
Pool party thread, Fug. Sorry

"Behind every great man is a great woman...and behind every great woman is some guy staring at her butt!"
>>oops...wrong thread.

Ok..but that's not what I want for Christmas. LOL That's me trying to get my invite back to the pool party. I told Ransom I can come to the party cuz I won't even pose a safety hazard in the pool with my built in flotation devices. LOL
>wow jenn where did u get

Went to the same doc as your ex, Gila. I didn't have to go back 3x though. We did em' up RIGHT the 1st time. ;-)

"Behind every great man is a great woman...and behind every great woman is some guy staring at her butt!"
Tag I talked to RUS and got you on the card.

clitorusbessransomfugativelizardTAGEATERbfetuffttkroyeelkilobrowjbcheflittleoldmanbcprobeanmanlrvpredhnhg23.2polaretcmerrychristmasall youweirdohsandeveryonei'vemissed.

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