all fatso's


Active Member
So what is everybody doing to get down the their goal weight?
I went to the gym today for about 45 mins of weights and 20 mins of cardio. I also am planning on giving up pop and fast food for the year except when I go on my trip to Wyoming, Colorado, and if I make it to Alaska.
Started yesterday with 2 1/2 hours of "punishment" for eating too much on New Years. I split and stacked a bunch of cedar-elm wood. Darn stuff is nigh on to impossible to split. Will get back on the Nordic Track this week and start some push-ups and crunches. Got to back off the grub a little too.

Phantom Hunter
Backing off on portions and cutting down on the amount of sugar intake. Also putting in time on the treadmill.
Biked 27 miles over the weekend. Today I jog 35 to 40 minutes not my favorite thing to do but is very effective at losing weight. Strength training tommorrow light weights crunchs, pushups, pullups not to build up just to tone.
Here's the hard part. KEEP THE FORK OUT OF MY MOUTH!!!! Plan is to cut my food intake by 1/2
Cutting down on pop, eating less (probably the hardest), snow shoeing 2 times a week if any snow, and the dreaded treadmill will get used 3 times a week.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-04-10 AT 09:31AM (MST)[p]Running on the track and treadmill 4x per week with a minimum of 3 miles each time and no food after 8pm. Pushups and situps at least weekly. I will intensify this after April 15th since my workload is quite hefty up until then.
I'll be running on the treadmill 12-15 miles per week untill the end of Feburay and then I'll start running out side instead, couple days a week of weight training, and cut back on what I eat. I would have also said cutting back on soda but I have not had any since the end of October.

I plan on walking everyday on my lunch break for 30-45min I hope by the end of January I can get where I can run a little bit depending on how my knees and back feel. Biggest thing is food intake. I have already given up most soda but I need to work on portion size and cutting out the fats and sugars. i also need to do better on fruits and vegies.

I had a job over the summer where I was working up in the high Uinta's wilderness accually I was liveing up there for 2 months, anyways the day I rode back into the lakes we would be working at was the last day I had a pop. (I used to drink way to much Dr. Pepper)

During that 2 months I hiked at least 2 miles every day usually more at elevations above 10,700 feet by the end of it I had lost 40 pounds, (yeah 40 pounds in 2 months it was awesome) now I have gained back about 15 of those pounds and still need to lose ALOT need to work on the amount of food I eat, I think that was a benefit of being up on the mtn as well, couldnt go and eat all the time what ever I wanted and no fast food.

I have been pop free since the end of June, and am Running on the Treadmill and just started a new job that is going to keep me moveing around alot more so that should help alot too, not to mention shed hunting is just around the corner.

Good luck to everyone I hope you all do well.

I was just working on a post and ran into some technical difficulties I need to resolve.

Looking at the numbers, Jake H posted up one of the most aggressive goals. Current weight of 315, goal of 250. That is 65 pounds and 21% of your body weight. Very cool. Discipline and hard work. Good luck Jake...I hope you meet your goal.

Lots of good goals have been thrown out. I truly belief at this point that a lot of weight is going to be lost.

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