All Disabled Hunters need to Redo Certificates of Registration



When I was at the Utah Northern DWR yesterday I thought I would grab my COR permits... Certificate of Registration and Tiffany stated that all Disabled Hunters would need to go to their Doctors and have the Docs fill out New COR's certifying that the Hunter is Disabled... Can I say WHAT A ROYAL Pain in the behind.

I'm sure the DWR never thought about how strapped for cash some of us are and needless trips to the Doctors cost money. You will need to get the paperwork with a revision date 04/10. I honestly don't understand the logic on how many times does a Doctor need to sign paperwork that your permanently disabled for the DWR to get a clue ?

I thought I would give you other Disabled Hunters a heads up so you can get the paperwork and not have to schedule a Special needless visit to the Doc and do it during a regular visit.

The New Forms have Kenneth Johnson's phone number of (801)538-4839 if any questions or additional considerations at the DWR.

Destiny Densley

I'm not very good at quilting or sewing but I can make a nice Grenade Launcher
I feel your pain...
I have to go to the Doc every 6 months to maintain my drivers license, and a yearly balance check, and every time I get a new prescription It has to be reported to the DOPL and they call the Doc up and ask if it is really necessary.

I have not tried or used the disabled hunter stuff, I believe you have to be over 90% or something and the VA said I'm only 70%.

fortunately I have the VA so seeing the doc don't cost, but getting a appointment is a real pain, faster to use Medicare....
My dad got a COR about 10 years ago and he renews it every time he want to bow hunt. He has a crossbow because he can't use traditional equipment because of his many back and neck problems. I see the reasoning behind annual renewals however. A guy who busted his back last year could be perfectly able to use traditional archery equipment a year or two later. That way people who are still disabled are the only ones with special privileged. Plus most disabled persons visit the doctor monthly anyway so getting a signature is not very difficult.

I understand that there are people with more severe disabilities and will never change from being disabled but because so many people try to get away with being disabled when they are not they all have to renew annually. It is like social security disability, I swear they have spies.

I would rather use my AM 32 any day over my dads crossbow.
Glad i dont live in utah..idaho is 30 percent VA disability, i am 40 percent connected, with the possibility of more comming. I go to the VA every 4 months. Gets annoying, idaho has 5 years unless you get your doctors signature on a form. There are people like us that will never be any less disabled.


has anyone seen my kittie
yeah i hear u guys i have to go to the dr's every 3 months to get my steroid prescriptions refilled. u would think they could just call that in. then every other month i have to go to another doc to get my canabus needs fulfilled. now i hear because of all my drug dependencies i can qualify for mi. holy crap can u imagine? a chemically enhanced stinky high as a kite drivin the roads before normal hunting season opens with his fifty hangin out the window?

friggin doctors!

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
And after that a hush falls over the room.

Stinky your kiling me.Your G** D*** killing me!LOL.That line is from Tom Hanks in the movie A Leauge of Their Own,(only it's Alice).If you haven't seen the movie I highly reccomend it, funny as heck.

Joe E Sikora
i was settin back waitin for my inbox to fill up with disturbed forum members mail. quess they figured they didnt need some psychopathic redneck goin roid rage on em! lol.

seriously though joe, glad to see your reading comprehension is top notch. most guys on here have zero comprehension skills.

Stay on your toes though. Im gonna be starting a new round of attacks on founder soon. U didnt know we were gay lovers did you?

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)

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