Algore refuses to debate


Long Time Member
That's right folks, the Messiah of Global Warming is a chicken!!!

Monday, Aug. 6, 2007 9:59 p.m. EDT
Gore Refuses to Debate Global Warming Theory

Best-selling author Dennis Avery is the next prominent figure to challenge the facts Al Gore is promoting in his global warming crusade. Mr. Avery is co-author of "Unstoppable Global Warming Every 1,500 Years." Both Al Gore and Dennis Avery have New York Times best-selling books on global warming, but with opposite conclusions.

The list of Al Gore detractors continues to grow as his extreme rhetoric and conclusions get dissected by scientists, economists, and researchers. Avery joins Lord Christopher Monckton (former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher advisor), Bjorn Lomborg (Danish economist), author Michael Crichton, Prof. S. Fred Singer (former director of the U.S. National Weather Service), Tim Ball, Ph.D. (historical climatologist), Prof. Ian Clark (University of Ottawa), and Prof. Richard Lindzen (MIT) among others.
Gore claims recent climate change is the result of human activities, and society must give up most of its energy supply to prevent global catastrophe. Conversely, Avery amassed physical evidence of past warming/cooling cycles and experimental evidence demonstrating variations in solar activity affect Earth's constantly varying temperatures.

"My book says our warming is natural, unstoppable -- and not very dangerous anyway," stated Avery.

"These books represent the two leading explanations for the Earth's recent temperature changes-and they conflict. If global warming truly is the most important public policy issue of our day, then it is high time the public got to hear the arguments from both sides matched up against each other," continued Avery.

Gore has refused all debate challengers to date. Joseph Bast, president of The Heartland Institute, noted, "Maybe it's because climate alarmists tend to lose when they debate climate realists. Or because most scientists do not support climate alarmism." The Heartland Institute has run more than $500,000 of ads in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and Washington Times promoting a debate.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-08-07 AT 11:04AM (MST)[p]while that might be true, at one point in the the Nations history more people voted for a ***** than voted for the joker that now is in office. . .
I do not believe that Al gore is a ***** or a joker. He is a man without moral conscience, and will do anything to make money or gain power. He would lie to every person and tell them the sky is falling if it would promote his wealth and being in the limelight, and it would not matter if he did not believe it himself.
As for the majority of votes, that speaks by itself, and now you know the reason why he is able to sell his bullcrap.

That's the problem with the NeoConservative Republican Party as apposed to the party I once belonged to, the neocons think that the PEOPLE are stupid. . . I'm must admit, the dems are no better. . . .
Anyone who voted for Al Gore has serious mental issues, JMHO.

RELH is correct, he is pushing this NONSENSE for personal wealth and power, the health and well being of the rest of us be damned! He is still a ***** though, that lisp is not manly. I should be careful what I say, AL is probably getting a lock on my whereabouts, being as he is the inventor of the internet and all I am sure he can get a GPS locale of where my wireless card is transmitting from. I am out!

>. I'm must admit, the
>dems are no better. .
>. .

Theres hope for you yet T

Hope your having a great summer up in MT

LOL - I'm doing okay, I'll be doing a lot better once we get this fire out that's got us on stage 1 evacuation. . .

Thanks for asking.
RELH I agree with you, unfortunately so was the guy that got the second most votes and that is a problem we must deal with. We need a good morally strong person, who will follow the constitutiom, with common sense to run for president and be elected. I personally don't know if one exists in the current field of candidates.
When they have that much time in politics in order to be able to run for President. They have been exposed too much to the corruption in our congress, and the power ego trips, that they have lost their ability to be able to lead the citizens of this country. Some of them never had it in the first place.
This goes for both parties, but the Dems lead the field in being egotistic morons that always know what we want and need.
Both parties need a major overhaul, but the party voting idiots that go to the poles will not get their $hit together and vote out the bad ones. Most of the voters vote for those candidates that will give them the handout they are looking for and nothing else matters. My state is a very good example of that on a major scale. Feinstein, Boxer, Perlosi should be out on their butts trying to make a honest living instead of telling us they are going to support us with their smut grin on their faces.

Al Gore is a *****, but it's irrelevant. He's already won. He doesn't need to debate at this point. We've already lost. Get over it. You'll see in the comming legislation over the next few years. Just the way it is.

The only EELGRASS smug in the knowledge that I purchased my carbon offsets just in the nick of time!

Bend over America!
RELH no arguement from me on the first part they all become arrogant and self important. Personally I see little difference between attitudes of democrats or republicans although many of the Congressmen I do dislike the most tend to be democrats( Teddy, Nancy). I'll do some research on Ron Paul I don't know anything about him.
I urge EVERYONE to check out the so called "second" tier candidates.
Ron Paul, Tom Tancredo, Duncan Hunter et all.
The only reason Rudy, Mitt and John McCain are "first" tier is because the liberal press has given them alot of coverage. IMO!!!
I wonder WHY???? Could be because they are NOT so closet liberals!!!

Owlgore is a publicity whore. He is NOT a conservationist. That has been proven beyond any doubt. Check out how much energy he uses at the homestead if you need verification.

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