Alcova/Miracle Mile Area


Long Time Member
Does anyone else hunt this area? Just curious as I've hunted it for 20 years. Thanks.

M'Balz Es Hari
Hunted both archery and rifle antelope. Few too many buzzworms for me when its still hot out. Have seen some good deer in there occassionally also.
>Hunted both archery and rifle antelope.
>Few too many buzzworms for
>me when its still hot
>out. Have seen some good
>deer in there occassionally also.

***What in the world is a buzzworm?
I'm guessing snakes! I was inquiring about deer hunting but I also hunt goats in 48. Do you see these nicer bucks in the summer? Cuz I have been hard pressed to find many good ones in October. :)

M'Balz Es Hari
>I'm guessing snakes! I was inquiring
>about deer hunting but I
>also hunt goats in 48.
>Do you see these nicer
>bucks in the summer? Cuz
>I have been hard pressed
>to find many good ones
>in October. :)
>M'Balz Es Hari

***Gotcha, and if he's worrying about those little suckers they have in Wyoming, he best not head down to Texas where those Diamondbacks will eat them for dessert, LOL! The biggest one I killed down there was 64" long and had 13 rattles, but I've also seen bigger ones than that! They truly do make the ones in Wyoming look like worms!
I hate snakes!!

I have hunted the area a few times in years past.Took a couple of real nice antelope but have only took one nice muley from the area and that was years ago.
Been antelope hunting that area for the past 3 years and this year will make #4 can't wait... Every time we are in the Ferris Mountain foot hills we see nice deer but have yet to have a deer tag in any of our pockets just to occupied chasing them lopers around. I need to get a few points and hunt that area for deer then try for some trout afterwards. Pretty diverse area IMO with ample trophy potential for several species including the fish. Likely won't have time to scout this year but feel we have a good handle on the region to be successful. Buzzers have not been an issue for us YET even while camping there in the summer but with each passing trip the odds for an encounter increases. I loathe the day. LOL

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
LAST EDITED ON Jul-29-13 AT 05:02AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jul-29-13 AT 04:37?AM (MST)

Wiz, You are asking about the country East of Alcova and the Mile right? My plumbing Contractor buddy and his girlfriend took pretty good bucks out of that Shirley Basin Country their first time there with not much help pointing the way.

They found a road from the north side and went higher and higher until they were about to leave the good sage country. They camped and come morning they hunted on foot, down hill, and away from the roads into some draws until they found a good vantage point. Clints buck was about 24" but real nice tall with lotta bone, especially for the area, and she shot a small 4X4 but was thrilled. He said that he passed up on 4-5 bucks until he took his buck a couple-few days after finding that vantage.

Maybe they were lucky and found a little honey hole, don't know, but they did good.

Across the Mile, I'd love to hunt 87 again. It's a bit steep a country for me but we had a blast in 2009 hunting both deer and lopes. I don't believe it is now near worth max deer points but i believe you gotta have that or near it to draw out.

My area 87 buck. I seen lots of bucks but only several such as this... or a bit better. We had a big storm coming in, my Pard had filled, not a bad buck.

My 63 lope. 7"+ bases and 7" cutters, not very tall. right at 80"


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Hey Joey- That's a good lookin buck. We hunt a few miles just North of the Mile. The quality of bucks is poor and that's why I'm asking around. I'm wondering if the quality of deer changes in just a short distance to another area. Most of the bucks we see are spindley 3x2's or 3x3's. We rarely see anything wider than 22-23 inches. I've thought about hunting up in the Seminoe Mountains but we've only driven through that area and that stuff is steep!

M'Balz Es Hari
I'm hoping to hunt Antelope 48 type 2 in 2014, so would love to hear your input on that area and also if anyone has an opinion about the HMAs there (Hanna Draw and Simpson Ridge). Based solely on the topo map, it looks like the block of BLM northeast of Dome Rock might be a place to look for lopes too, or are there better places?
We've traveled that county road that runs from Dome Rock to Alcova a ton. We've only seen a handful of goats from the road. This leads me to believe there aren't many that far north. We hunt farther south a ways. Hunt closer to Dome Rock and you'll find more goats.

M'Balz Es Hari
Well, good luck Steve. They say that there are good trophy bucks in all the zones but your area giving out so many tags makes it tougher than a very limited zone like 87 that is just across the creek.

I scouted the Seminoles, also in limited area 87, for our hunt. Steep, Very, but there are access two tracks that get you up pretty high and in good country. What i didn't like was that hunting them, pretty much isolated us from hunting the majority of 87 and/or where we hunted lopes without going all the way around. It's highly possible that a lot of NR's also think this way and pass over a very good area in favor of a bigger hunt area and more mobility.

After helping several others with their hunts in 87, i think that the bucks we took is about what you can expect to come across if you put in the effort in 87. There are a few way better bucks killed each year but it's the exception. We seemed to see more and better bucks than most of the guys i have helped since but they still mostly ended up filling on bucks of similar quality


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I don't doubt there would be some good bucks up in that stuff in the Seminoes. Have you come in through the Sinclair side? There's goats everywhere the south side of Seminoe Res but I think its checkerboarded to death. I'd hate to make a mistake and shoot something on private and end up in trouble.

M'Balz Es Hari
So do you hunt antelope mostly in the southern half of 48 or around Dome Rock? I was thinking we might stay in Elk Mountain, so if we found good hunting in the southern part that would be ideal, but the bigger tracts of BLM seem to be up north. The Fourmile Ridge area also catches my eye on the map. You're right about the southern part being all checkerboard, but much of it is in Hanna Draw HMA (and some in Simpson Ridge HMA), which I assume I can use to my advantage. This will be my first time hunting 48 so all I know to do is use my GPS and BLM maps and any advice I can get from those with more experience.
We primarily hunt south of Dome Rock and a little west of it at times. We have a ranch that we are able to hunt on that has a bit of private so we're kinda lucky that way.

M'Balz Es Hari

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