Alaska Moose (pics)



Got sent up to Barrow, AK for work last week and I got these pics from a guy that lives up there.

He and a friend went after moose on the north side of the Brooks Range. The first moose in the velvet is 59 1/2"(outside spread) and the moose his friend got is 70"(outside spread).







Pretty impressive animals.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-18-06 AT 06:40AM (MST)[p]Isn't that Lee Harvey Oswald? Great Moose Pics! It looks like they ruined the cape. Is that standard procedure?
Love that pic with all the meat hanging too.
Imagine the fiesta.

"I Love Animals...They're Delicious!"
LAST EDITED ON Mar-21-06 AT 06:26PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Mar-21-06 AT 06:23?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Mar-21-06 AT 06:21?PM (MST)

That's some moose there! I would love to hear the stories! I bet they had to minimize what they packed out too - it is probably worth the price to get a cape from somewhere else if they want to do a shoulder mount. That's probably an extra 50 - 75 lbs of weight to pack out! Incredible! I think I would have left the smaller one in the velvet if possible. It looks a lot more cool than a deer in the velvet.

Check out the size of the backstrap! It looks thicker than beef - I bet moose filets are darn good.

I definitely want to do that hunt. I already have a spot picked out - right outside of the Katmai. I will have to fight with the bears for a good bull though! Maybe I should have paid more attention to that Treadwell freak after all! LOL!

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