Alaska Experiment


Long Time Member
Are you guys watching this show? It's on after "Deadliest Catch".

This is some hilliarious BS!

They are hunting goats for food and the nerd has slammed this hi dollar 338 Win Mag on the rocks several has a Swaro on it, but I can't tell what kind of rifle it is.

Another group is cutting green trees for firewood.

Third group is canning salmon and didn't get the lids on right......good thing this is supervised....otherwise....bear turds, every one!
its a weatherby ultra lite...
gun was donated.. bet that guys get a hummer every night!!
she kinda of hot! bet the guy with his daughters thinks of eating his young.. I can see the headlines..Man found alive after Alaska's worst winter ever... plump and healthy and two half eating human carcass's that appear to be female!
The group of friends that are two buddies and a girl may do ok if they don't kill each other and start storing some fish and cut back on the wood gathering for a day or two! the others on the coast hope the bears get them because they won't make it!
I know its reality TV however its still fun to watch!
UHH, I watched the first show and assumed the old guy was with his wife and daughter. Both were cussing him out and yelling about the direction he put his boots by the wall. He was fishing and the two pigs were eating all the food. My bet is none will survive the three months. Maybe the daughters will each lose a hundred pounds and become nicer human beings--or get eaten by bears.
I saw last night when the dude shot a goat. Doesn't he need a tag for that? Are they that easy to get in Alaska? I'm sure Discovery paid Alaska F&W thousands to allow it. Seems like an interesting show.

It's Bush's fault!!!
Rack.........I don't see any roads, why would they need a Hummer?

That Super Cub is pretty handy though, I'm thinkin'.

The guy hit that goat at some distance, after crashing that rifle on the rocks harder than some pack horse wrecks I been in.....maybe you can go shoot a Billy in Alaskan wilderness if you are hungry?
I thought for sure that guy was going to bang that scope on the 338 off his forehead.

What a disapointment.

Did you see the rope clip on his backback strap? I'm sure he was tied off to someone most of the time.

Why did they give him such a hugh back? Looked like it had a tent in it and weighed 60 lbs.

Take a kid hunting. You will enjoy it more than they do!
It looks like a pretty cool experiment - might be fun to do once. Or for a week or two. I bet that after a couple of weeks you could easily get a routine down and then it might get easier for you from there. It will be interesing to see how it turns out.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Definitely a good show worth watching. I would have slapped those two daughters by now though. They drive me nuts. That guy banging that Swaro on the rocks really ticked me off too.

I was thinking that gun looked like a Remingtom so I'm glad for the clarification above. That other group is trouble I think. They are going to keep their boney bodies warm with all that wood but no food though. I'll have to see how it plays out. Interesting for sure.
I haven't watched the show, but after reading this thread I certainly will be looking for it. I have hunted goats in Alaska however. I bought the tag over the counter the day before we flew into camp. I was required to hunt with a guide however. Maybe the cameraman is an Alaska registered guide that has found a new nitch market. LOL

I been watching & enjoying the show also.
I've hunted with Paul Claus before(guide & pilot)so I find his interaction very interesting.

Rack are you sure it's a Weatherby Ultra lite? Did they announce that sometime? I know it's a 338 with a skeletonized bolt. I've never seen a Weatherby like that and didn't know they made a Ultra lite 338.
I haven't seen the show yet but do know very well who Paul Claus is. He is an all out Alaska outdoorsman and one of the best bush pilots in the world. I want to see the show now....he is nobodies fool.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-30-08 AT 09:40PM (MST)[p]NICKMAN .........Do I have to expian really what a hummer(protein shake!) is????
not the SUV!! and I said bet that guy get a hummer(protein shake!!) every night!!
MY ULTRA LITE HAS SAME STOCK AND FLUTED BARREL ...Don't even hear them say it was a .338...recoil looked light to me anyway!
Rack.....OH!...that hummer!!!!!sorry. I'm old.

Anyway, when the guide was showing the dude....who had never fired a rifle...., he said it was a 338 Win Mag "perfectly capable of taking any game animal in Alaska and it has even been used to kill elephants".

I kind of thought the recoil seemed light also....whatever it is, it sure didn't look like it kicked like my ABolt 338.
"whatever it is, it sure didn't look like it kicked like my ABolt 338."

Looked like it had a brake.

Must of been full of dirt since the gun doubled as a walking stick.

Take a kid hunting. You will enjoy it more than they do!
I read on another site where they said the rifle is a
Rifles Inc 338 win. topped with a Swarovoski scope.
Not a bad loaner gun, eh.
It was a nice gun / walking stick. He had the barrel end taped up. I wish they would have explained to the guy what he was actually carrying. I don't think the guy had a clue.
Yep! I was right.....bear turds, every one!

Clueless about the most basic skills of survival.

One good thing about it, is knowing that, in the event of a global crisis, there are gonna be one hell of a lot less dumb ass people after about the first 10 days.
Did you see the dumbass try to shoot that buffalo with a .22 from that distance. Moron.

It's Bush's fault!!!
Especially when all that ice melts up there and the polar bears have to move south to hunt for prey!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Final one of these idiots banged the scope off his head.
Know it was coming.

Take a kid hunting. You will enjoy it more than they do!
Didn't get him hard enough for a gusher but it hit him enough that he jumped like hell and went to rubing his head.

Take a kid hunting. You will enjoy it more than they do!
just think....."lack of protein"(work with it dudes!!)It wouldn't be hard to figure out what I mean!
aghh come on baby it pure protein!...(just like before you all got married..)
you see that vat of urine tubby was dumping?(she needs to see a doctor!)..indoor shittier..sniff! sniff!(braaat! plop! plop!what was that?),(WHAT'S NEXT ROLLING HER OWN TAMPONS w/the only 3 rolls of TP? (THE WOMAN NEED TO LOAD UP ON SNOW SHOE HARES!)
why can't you melt snow for water? hike 2 hours for
what's wolf taste like! its fur looks warm! I'd bait him in!
crab traps looked good except 2 feet deep! I'd try 300'...dope! no boat..crap!
If one of the daughter's had an accident and died he could have "FRIED TATORS!"..AND PROTEIN... Stay in build a fire the other daughter wouldn't say chit because she'd be next!!
screw up a moose meat hunt!!!!!
I would love it... I know a guy who just said f---it and went to Alaska and never came back and he left his wife.. (kids are grown) and his house ...took the dog, said it was the best thing he ever did and just e mail an ex girl friend and she dropped it all too and now there are both the happest coulple I know..

lets see next week, nick baby...thinking "HUMMERS"? week I'll dig out my "secret decoder ring" and see what kind of advise you are sending out.

By the way.....what exactly is in female pee that might offend a bear? Male urine will probably work to some degree......but I'd want a plan "B" also.
I am now totally convinced that these people are being paid to act stupid! Nobody is this dumb naturally.
All in the name of TV.. I say f@#k my neighbors if its snowing and I have enough food and water and firewood and its 40mi for a hike just to visit........(that gal not bad looking...hummers)
the famliy guy needs to put the hammer down on the one who made the barf comment (she also was the one on moose hunt) like chain her to a tree over night !
it was cool to see the face of the two that has no food and hike up the coast to the famliy that had a hard wall cabin and tons of canned fish and wood to burn everywhere.....priceless!

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