Alask Moose DIY Help



Looking at a possible '07 Alaska Moose (maybe + Caribou). Three or four of us going, have all necessary gear, etc. Would like to keep cost down, but would consider air taxi or float trip, but unguided. Any help for a decent area, moderately priced air taxi, etc. would be a great help.

I've spent about 3 years reserching this off and on, and my good friend went last year with out me. He and his bro both killed moose actually shot them at the same time, but I think in 8 days they only saw 4 bulls. I would recomend if 4 of you go, you split into two groups. Your odds of killing 4 moose in one area if very slim, even 3 is a long shot. I wouldn't get you hopes up too high for all tagging out, let alone killing a moose and a caribou. Do a serch on Alskan hunting forums, you'll find a wealth of knowlege on another site. I'd post the link but the mods would cry.

My buddy used Renew air taxi I believe. Good luck on your quest.
2 moose is good and AK forums are great, I have been researching this for a while, odds are not good. Even using an air charter with a good reputation - moose success is 25%.

I agree about splitting up, 2 max in one area.

DIY good moose (legal moose most places) are very very few and far between - lots of competition.

Good luck, I am planning on going in 2008 moose and or bou

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