Alabama Hills


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Jul-20-10 AT 10:27PM (MST)[p]I know nickman is very familiar with this little range of hills in Owens Valley. How about the rest of you? Many movies have been filmed in these hills especially old westerns.

Here is some information from Wikipedia.
"The Alabama Hills are a popular filming location for television and movie productions, especially Westerns set in an archetypical "rugged" environment. Since the early 1920s, 150 movies and about a dozen television shows have been filmed here, including Tom Mix films, Hopalong Cassidy films, The Gene Autry Show, and The Lone Ranger. Classics such as Gunga Din, Springfield Rifle,"The Violent Men" (1955 film), the Budd Boetticher/Randolph Scott "Ranown" westerns, How the West Was Won.

More recent productions such as Tremors and Joshua Tree, were filmed at "movie ranch" sites known as Movie Flats and Movie Flat Road. In Gladiator, actor Russell Crowe rides a horse in front of the Alabamas, with Mount Whitney in the background, for a scene presumably set in Spain. Star Trek Generations was filmed here in addition to Overton, Nevada and Paramount Studios. More recently, many parts of the films Iron Man and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen were filmed here."

What got me thinking about these hills is last night I was channel surfing and came to a movie that was playing that caught my eye. I immediately recognized the location as the Alabama Hills. Some of you film critics may have seen it. Movie was called "The Hills Have Thighs". A nice story about a man who got lost and was held captive but a bunch of sex starved women who continually had their way with him. :)

(apologies for the sidebar titles but its youtube)

Come on nickman, you ever act as an extra in any movies there? Or as a stunt double?



As a side note there appears to have been two movies made under that title.
On a side note, that movie script is about as real as the one where a young NVB fights to keep himself pure of thought and deed until he marries his soul mate.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-21-10 AT 00:36AM (MST)[p] Actually, except fo a minor degree and angle change, that last picture could have been taken from my kitchen window. I would have to walk out to the back yard to take the other ones.

It is an ugly place to have to live, but somebody has to do it!

That is Mt Whitney in the background, highest mountain in the US....except Alaska.

As far as participating in movies, commercials and various photo shoots, my list of "extra" work is extensive, actually going back 50 years to a Ford commercial where I got $20 for waving at a car going past me, as I fished from an old wooden bridge.

"Extensive" means that I have been seen standing around, doing nothing important, or famous, in a bunch of stuff. It is really no big deal. You pretty much are just live scenery.

My father was a wrangler on the set of "Gunga Din", and many others in the 40's and 50' was/is sort of what you do if you live here.

The only cool thing is that I have had lunch with dozens of actors.....who don't exactly eat cheeseburgers. Cast and crew are fed on the set, and fed as well as is humanly possible.

Most of the actors sit at the same tables with with the crew and BS just like regular people....Mel Gibson was one exception. He was a rude, arrogant, abusive wuss, during the "Maverick" shoot. James Garner and Jodie Foster, on the other hand, were very nice and actually called Mel out, on his abuse to the crew.

My last one was titled, "What I Did For Love", a Hallmark production, with Sally Struthers and James Gammon...who just died this week.

Movies, commercials and documentaries are continously being shot here. You cannot believe how the Asians and Europeans use the scenery.

Every once in awhile, the local casting guy has an opening for a scruffy, old fat guy and they call me up......and I am WAY past gettin' $20 for wavin'!

Just in case you were interested, and you probably are not, I have NEVER asked ANY actor for an autograph or a photo......they never have asked me for one either.

I have had some good times with several of them off the set, and I always try to leave the celebrity factor aside. They don't get to play around very much, due to insurance restrictions.

Very few of these "tough guy" types, are actually who we think they are. For the most part, they are the guys who were in all the plays in hi school, wore pocket protectors and mostly acted gay.

In my opinion, most actors earn every dime they make. I wouldn't do it. Most scenes are shot a minimum of 5 many as a dozen, on occasion.

I do have one photo I will try to scan and post in a day or so.

EDIT: That is also part of the infamous G3 deer zone.
Sooooo... nickman, were you in the porno? Were you the poor guy they tortured? :)

Interesting stuff. Thanks for sharing.
MS NVB leaves for a week & NVB immediately is watching Porno movies while she's gone.
Don't worry,I'll keep her clued in!}>}>}>

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
one of my favorites Nevada Smith <<Alabama Hills, Lone Pine, California, USASee more ? was also filmed there ,,,,, the hills have thighs huh? LOL
While MS NVB was away did you dream/wish this was you in the movie?
Or is "These Hills Have Thighs II" on the way?

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!

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