Al-Queda Torture songs


Long Time Member
What song(s) would you play over and over to torture imprisoned ragtops?

Surrender - Cheap Trick
Not just because of the name but it gets repetitive and they say "mommy" over and over and over again - which drives me crazy.

Tiny Tim - Tiptoe Through the Tulips

Bruce Springsteen - Born in the USA
For patriotic reasons.

God Bless America. They'd probably waterboard themselves if they had to hear that on a loop.
LAST EDITED ON May-03-11 AT 10:02AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON May-03-11 AT 10:00?AM (MST)

let the bodies hit the floor- drowning pool

I imagine this song was playing back at base when the boys showed back up!! How many packages of the ships bacon where in Osamas body bag when he went overboard?? Do you think it was maple, apple wood smoked or heavily peppered? :)

If I wanted to torture someone I would play Barneys "I love you, you love me" They would crack in a matter of hours!!
Born in the USA is actually about the Vietnam war's negative and destabilizing effect on the economy and national pride of middle class america...not really patriotic...

I would blast some speed metal just to drive them crazy..


"Friday" by Rebecca Black and make them watch the video over and over;

That would do it for me....

Thanks for the music lesson. I doubt they'd understand much past the USA anyway.

WOW that video is annoying!! 30 seconds was more than enough
I know it's not a song, but I should have taped the two hours when my mother-in-law came to dinner Sunday.

I was ready to strap on a bomb, go out to the garage and end it all!

LAST EDITED ON May-03-11 AT 11:50AM (MST)[p]>I know it's not a song,
>but I should have taped
>the two hours when my
>mother-in-law came to dinner Sunday.
>I was ready to strap on
>a bomb, go out to
>the garage and end it

Maybe go out to your pot plantation instead, you can gift all those nice blacktail buck antlers to me and all those BC turtle shells instead of blowing them up eel:)

You must not drink eel? I have found that soothes my interactions with the MIL!! LOL
>Thanks for the music lesson. I
>doubt they'd understand much past
>the USA anyway.
>WOW that video is annoying!! 30
>seconds was more than enough

You're probably right, Ronald Reagan didn't listen to the whole song either... And I like the concept of "USA" being blasted over and over.... Maybe just loop the chorus, ha ha.

Dandyman? I think bobcat called me that in anger five years ago, brings back fond memories....

"It's a small world" at Disney Land. I swear I tried to cut my cartiod with a beer tab before the end of that ride.


"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"
This one has been torturing Z for years now - should work well on Al-queda.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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