AK Moose Success X 2



Hunting partner Rich and I just back from southwest Alaska moose hunt. Great Hunt! (hope the photos work)



We got flown in to our lake and dropped with camp, gear and boat with motor. Set up a good camp the first afternoon. Headed out scouting the next am, in pouring rain. Stumbled upon a cow as we learned the area we were in. Also learned quickly that alders suck! Had a cow walk past our tent flap that evening. Back out scouting the next morning, found a great glassing vantage point. Headed there the following morning, opening day. Glassed up another cow and got a very brief glimps of two bulls (through a "window" among trees at about 1/2 mile). Next morning headed closer to the area we'd spotted the bulls in and found another great glassing spot, and a much easier access route to the "flats" we'd been watching. Didn't see any critters that day, but on day six, third day of the season, we hiked up to the top of that knob and I spotted two bulls, out about 400 yards. Rich was the shooter, so I grabbed the video camera and he grabbed the rifle and the bulls cooperated, they started walking right toward us! The first bull walked right by and to our right around the base of this knob we were on without giving us time to field judge him adequately. The second walked into a small clearing amongst the spruce and I grunted him. When he turned and stared us, I judged him at over 50", told Rich and he squeezed off the .300 U/Mag at about 130 yards, and that bull just folded! A quick adrenaline filled congrats and we snuck around the ridge of that hump and wouldn't you know it, bull #1 was standing there looking back for his buddy! We traded camera for rifle, I grunted him, and he gave us that same perfect "field judging stare"!!! I judged him at over 50", checked that Rich had good footage and squeezed off the second shot and that bull crumbled just 130 yards away! Absolutely incredible!! Two bulls, two minutes apart. We just couldn't believe it. They sure aren't the biggest bulls that Alaska has to offer (54" and 53"), or probably not the biggest in that particuliar area, but they are total trophies for two Pennsylvania "do-it-yourselfers"!!! Will say one thing, once they're down the WORK begins. Took two full days to quarter, cut and pack those buggers out, and we had only about 500 yards to lakeshore! Overall, what a great hunt!

Ed, thanks for sharing your story and pics! Your right, those things are massive once they hit the ground, you really can't appreciate it until you've done it. Congrats again to you and your friend. Lets see some pics of the mounts when you get them back.
Congrats to the two of you on a couple of great bulls. You just can't beat a DIY hunt. Do you mind sharing the name of your outfitter/air taxi, and cost? Thanks, Scott
Air taxi was Bay Air out of Dillingham, very professional and definitely go out of their way to be accomodating. Total cost isn't fully calculated (still waiting for gear & meat to arrive back home), but a pretty good guesstimate would be $3750 - $4250 per person. Shipping "camp" there and back was expensive, and we took some "not necessary", but comfortable stuff, like cots and a big tent. If you donated a large % of meat, stuck to original flight plans (we flew home early and had to buy extra tickets to get us to Seattle since Delta had no flights for 3 days once we arrived back in Anchorage) and went with a very sparse camp, I think one could do it for $2750 - $3500.

Very cool Ed - Congrats. Awesome story, thanks for posting that and the pics.
Great hunt Ed!
I've wanted to do a moose hunt for a long time.
I did a DIY carbou hunt in Ak in '96.
You guys did real well...
Congrats on a good hunt.
Great moose and a great story.

Hey look, you've got "ghosts" in your pics (oh sorry...ORBS is what the ghost hunter folks call those). Wooo-oooo-oooooo...ooooo LOL ;-) You can make up some wacky story about a hunter who was killed in these same woods, hunting moose, many, many years ago.... lol

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