Aerial Porker Patrol



I would love to have this guys job! To bad I get air sick. I wonder if you could aerial chum for piggers. LOL
WOW! That guy is a great shot!

The military could save some money in training here..... Put some turbins on those pigs and train our troops.

OO Buck is wonderful stuff!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
LAST EDITED ON May-15-11 AT 04:00PM (MST)[p]That's some nifty shooting coming from a moving platform. Never seen so many hogs eat dirt in such a short period of time. Great video and song.

LAST EDITED ON May-15-11 AT 12:50PM (MST)[p]I have done it! Its a blast! I even have video of it. We attached a video camera to the AK. I killed 84 in two hours of flying. Texas just passed the law to let helicopter pilots and landowners sell chopper pig hunts to the avg joe. It passed this last Wednesday. My friend with the helicopter is going to start selling hunts.
Boz, 84 in two hours? Dang, guys in Kali pay $500 to shoot a pig. You got $42,000 worth in two hours.:) THAT"S cool!!!

LAST EDITED ON May-15-11 AT 09:20PM (MST)[p]I will try to get it on the net. I am not very video/computer savvy. It might take a day or so. I talked to my friend tonight and as soon as the state puts regulations together it is a go. His biggest concern is getting some idiot that gets trigger happy and clips the rotor or is not safety conscious on his shooting. Other than that it is a win for the sportsman and farmers!

Hey Eel if that's the case I owe someone a couple hundred grand and that's no exaggeration!
I wonder what type of shot he was using. Good way to thin the pigs.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Boz how much is your friend charging for a Helo hunt.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Yep the guy was a good shot, but the Pilot is the one who deserves huge kudos. Imagine trying to keep one eye on the pigs and the other on the horizon watching for trees..all the while maintaining proper speed and distance.

Very Cool. I would love to do that on coyotes.


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