Advice needed


Long Time Member
1911 some how left Bianca at the gas station and when he went back Bianca was gone.
So the question is can 45 file a missing "persons" report on Bianca?
Thanks in advance for the help.
I suppose this means sage keeps the deposit? I wonder how much it is to put pictures on milk cartons.
Boy am I suprised that Overton hasn't locked 1911 outside in the storm by now...this might cause Overton to DRINK AGAIN.....LOL

>Boy am I suprised that Overton
>hasn't locked 1911 outside in
>the storm by now...this might
>cause Overton to DRINK AGAIN.....LOL

Again?? You mean like since the last time he stopped at 4 A.M. today? Sure you didn't mean to say drink more?

1911 you better quit screwing with my cuz and give Bianca back to him. He has been known to douse a person's bed with kerosine
and light them afire in a jealous rage over Bianca.

I know RELH. That is the best part. I placed her in my bed and pulled the sheets up high covering her head. I am sleeping out on the back patio tonight. The plick will think it is me, strike the match, and kaploooeee. I planned this feud out carefully. I already made sure the gallon of kerosene in the garage was full. By the time the flames are put out and he realizes what he has done I will be safely in a jet plane.
>I suppose this means sage keeps
>the deposit? I wonder
>how much it is to
>put pictures on milk cartons.

Not as much as you think, since you will only have to use pictures of the BACK of her head!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"

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