Advice for Hamstring injury


Long Time Member
I pulled me left hamstring coming out of the Black Canyon a week ago. Slipped and did the splits with a 40 pound pack on. A week later it feels even worse, and I'm going hunting next weekend.

The question is how should I treat it? Stretching seems to make it worse.


Sorry Fred, 4 weeks of complete bed rest!:) j/k

I would stay off it as much as possible this week.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
Well, yoiu can try and do the tough guy routine, and hunt on it. But then you are only going to screw yourself much more in the long run. Do as little as possible on it this week.
Dang that's tough! If it were me I would rest as much as possible until time to go hunting, then grit my teeth and go. Just pack some ibuprofen. You'll have until next hunting season to recover :)

Success is failure that tried one more time
LAST EDITED ON Oct-12-09 AT 08:29AM (MST)[p]Back in my football days, I had a pulled hamstring. the sports med guy did ultrasounds?(I think thats what it was, it involved electrical shock)on my leg. it worked wonders along with the other treatments they were doing.

It was all free for me, but it may cost a bundle having to go to a therapy clinic.

BTW, how was the fishing?
RICE is great advice. Do not try and stretch an alreay torn muscle. Stretch 'around' the torn muscle as best you can in order to keep flexibility and range of motion.

If it was not a severe tear - you will be ready to go by your hunt. Good luck...

You are one sick puppy. That does not help! I wish I could stay off of my feet this week, I've got about 15 acres of winter wheat left to plant and irrigate. Then I'll change the bean head on the IH 1440 for the corn head and get started on corn harvest. But, at Friday noon I will head for the Uncompahgre and unit 61.

Rust never sleeps,


The fishing in the National Park section we prefere was superb. We stayed three nights and four days and had 2 miles of river (with some deep wading to cross cliffed out sections) to ourselves for the whole time. I can't think of anyplace in Colorado which has better fishing and no other people.

What we call the "garden variety" brownie. In four days we caught a couple hundred of these.
The smartest thing you can do is get your butt in to see a physical therapist, right away. I tore a hamstring about 11 or 12 years ago in karate. I kept working out through it until the pain made me stop. I did not give it proper rest and therapy, and as a result I have significant problems with it still. I just returned from a round trip from Sacramento to Phoenix and back over a 5 day period, and I was miserable for much of that drive.

Take care of it now, or regret it for a lot of time in the future. The dumbest thing you can do is keep working it in the coming days.

Thanks for your advice. I will phone my sister in law, who is a masters level PT and have her recomend someone locally. I am sure that my hunt will be changed quite a bit from what I planned. My plans were to get into some of the nastiest canyons in the unit, obviously that will be changed since I am loath to give up a 61 buck tag.

I agree, get a good PT. They are worth their weight in gold and will--if you listen--speed up your recovery significantly.
BeanMan - If your sis in law is an experienced physical therapist why are you consulting the morons on MM's? :)

What kind of corn yields do you get out on the western slope?

Good question. I don't think I have a serious hamstring issue or I would have been to a doc first thing. It's more of a nagging thing that gets aggravated by exercise and bending. But I will call her. I kind of like talking with the morons here!

Best yields I have seen in good soil with a long history of manure being added yearly are over 300 bu. Keep in mind these are in trials and not field averages. The problem is you have to use a really long season variety and they sometime don't dry down early enough.

Under MEY conditions 175bu is the farm average.

>The smartest thing you can do
>is get your butt in
>to see a physical therapist,
>right away. I tore
>a hamstring about 11 or
>12 years ago in karate.
> I kept working out
>through it until the pain
>made me stop. I
>did not give it proper
>rest and therapy, and as
>a result I have significant
>problems with it still.
>I just returned from a
>round trip from Sacramento to
>Phoenix and back over a
>5 day period, and I
>was miserable for much of
>that drive.
>Take care of it now, or
>regret it for a lot
>of time in the future.
> The dumbest thing you
>can do is keep working
>it in the coming days.
Good advice above. Might also pay to visit a sports massage therapist.

Many years ago I pulled my hamstring chasing after a routine fly ball. Did all the right things...warm up, stretch, etc. Still pulled it. Sounded like a pencil breaking. I had about enough time to say "What the heck is that noise?" before I fell to the ground.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
fail and did the same thing,and went to doctor,torn hammy and tendons,wanted to put in a cast for 8 weeks,talked into a leg brace,now i can go hunting and screw it good,he told me no hunting,i know am going to pay for this but hunting season only comes once a year,no out of state this year but am hoofing these mountains in D-7 and taking vicadone,in the evening with a beer or two good luck.
You would know if you actually tore the muscle because the blood will move down to your ankle and it will throb and hurt like heck. I ripped mine bad in a water ski accident. If you just pulled it good my bet is you can do some stretching and take it easy and get around to hunt. Good luck.

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