Advice for a first time bowhunter



I am heading out this year for the first time with a bow.
I am very limited on experience for one but also am without a blind or calls.
I drew a deer either sex license for area 18 in Colorado and I know the lay of the land pretty well as we have hunter here the last couple of rifle seasons.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated on gear I should have or a approach on how to hunt deer and or elk cause I have a either sex elk license as well.
Fogey is how I act like a old Fogey but I am not old by any means Thanks for the input in advance.
LAST EDITED ON May-31-15 AT 09:56PM (MST)[p]lol thanks so bring a extra quiver with me check ;)
Shoot a lot, but not too many in one sitting. Don't over bow yourself. Practice in the setting (or similar) to your hunt area. Be patient. Be prepared for adrenaline rushes beyond anything in rifle hunting. As is always the rule, know your limits and don't take the shot if it isn't within it. Don't try to punch an arrow through brush, etc. as some might a bullet.
Watch videos (I'm sure you already do) Read articles, Go to bow shops and bow shoots to meet up with like minded hunters. Be humble in your conversations, and you will find people more than eager to help you along.
Shoot, shoot and shoot some more. Shoot every day. You'll want to be 100% confident at 40 yards minimum. 50 or 60 is even better. 80% of my practice is at 60-80 yards. Yet most of my kills have been at 30 or less.

Get yourself an entry level rangerfiner. Bushnesll's ARC finders work great for a good price.

You don't need a blind or calls for deer.

If you really want to get into calling, check out Elknuts website and start practicing with a simple single reed diaphram call. Don't worry to much about calling. Get your shooting honed in first.
If you can find some water in hidden areas, you can sit that for elk if hunting early season. Mid-to late season I would concentrate on calling more (doesn't mean to call every 25 yards...)

Deer, there are natural funnels/travel/concentration areas that I would hunt if I was after deer in there, yes in the timber. If you have been in there rifle hunting you should know of some areas like that. Gonna be hard hunting deer in that beetle kill with a bow though. I'd spend my time chasing elk if I was you.

There will be many many hunters in that unit and all of the surrounding units, a lot are the local guys. However lots of guys camped in those units too. Gonna have "friends" up there.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
Thanks I have a hole that is between a bedding area and a pretty open meadow its a long hike so little human activity there and lots of game trails into the meadow just a little north of the river
thanks i will check them out I shoot as much as I possibly can at 20 yds but the range i go to s moving closer to my house so I will be able to take longer shots at their new facility
Spend 10% of your time learning to shoot.
Spend the other 90% of your time learning how to hunt.
Be a hunter not a glorified live target, target shooter.

When you think you are close enough, get closer.

When all else fails Take advice from that plick ELKASS,
he digs us stick flippers.

"The State of Utah has not given BGF anything.
They have invested in BGF to protect their
Birdman 4/15/15
It is the end of the world im in agreement with wapiplick

C'mon Plickerton, quit pulling my chain. We agree??


What's next, you gonna tell me that one of the greatest
Athletes of our generation decided to split the noodle in to
Meat curtains and change his name to Caitlyn??

"The State of Utah has not given BGF anything.
They have invested in BGF to protect their
Birdman 4/15/15
Thanks I shoot alot in my basement and have been doing a ton of field scouting I am putting up 2 game cams this weekend I will post if I see anything.
And who the hell is Caitlyn and whats sointeresting about her meat wallet?

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