Adoption overseas


Long Time Member
You see a lot of celebrities adopting kids from places like Africa, China and BFE. guy here from work is flying to China in a couple weeks to pick up his new baby. kind of bothers me to be honest with ya. whats wrong with adopting from the good old USA? is it real expensive here? can't imagine it being any cheaper outside the US. what gives?
What's the big deal? Why would it bother you? People still have to go through US adoption agencies. Are you really THAT concerned that the product isn't "Made in the USA"????? This is PEOPLE we are talking about. OR, does the thought of mixed race families seem unsettling to you or something? I won't assume that but your post does imply such and if that is the case it reeks of racism.

But, since I'm not assuming that and don't really think that's what you are some facts. Plenty of people still adopt from the USA. It IS easier and less expensive to adopt from the USA and people are more likely to get a newborn if they do a domestic adoption. Someone who adopts from China or Russia usually won't get a newborn but a child less than a year old or an older child.

"Current estimates of the annual number of infants adopted domestically (excluding foster and relative adoption) range from 25,000 to 30,000?more than all international adoptions combined. Moreover, the process can go much more swiftly that you might imagine. In a 2007 Adoptive Families survey, the majority of respondents were matched with a birthmother in less than 12 months, and 15% got ?the call? to travel after the baby had already been born, without a prematch." ?2008 Adoptive Families magazine

It just so happens that there are also plenty of orphaned children in "BFE", China, Africa, Russia and many other countries. People's hearts just go out to those children.

"An estimated 600,000 children live ?without parental care? in Russia. About one-third live in institutions; the rest typically live with guardians, or under police jurisdiction." ?2008 Adoptive Families magazine

It's a good thing. Why on earth would anyone have a problem with it??

Nothing racist meant at all about it. i'm the furthest from racist you'd ever see. I have family that is not "white" if that helps.

just saddens me to think of all the kids that don't get adopted here that end up in foster homes when they get older. i have personal knowledge of this. yeah i think its great some rich people are able to go overseas and adopt from cultures that may be worse than our, but in some cases not. Why should peoples hearts go out more to those overseas? probably because celebrities ad the media glorify it more.

i don't think there is anything wrong with keeping it American, heck it ain't like the Chevy vs. Toyota debate.

thanks for your input and information
LAST EDITED ON Apr-30-08 AT 09:25AM (MST)[p]Well if people from other countries don't adopt those children in China, Russia..etc. then who will?? I still do not understand why you think a child who just happens to be born in the United States should be adopted by a US family over a child not born in the US. I just don't get it.
Why is it up to us to bail out all the other countries? we've already spent billions of dollars on wars and other causes that we shouldn't have been involved in while these other countries sat on their hands. I DO think a child born IN America should get preferential treatment. i am first and foremost an American and have pride in whats home grown. i don't think there is anything wrong with that. i know the US is a mix of many nationalities and i don't have a problem with a white couple adopting a black baby born in the US for example but i'm having a hard time seeing the GOOD reason for going out of the country when its available right here thats all.

I don't see your post as racist at all; most likely just curiousity. I believe the reason many people adopt foreign is
the "availabily" of newborns and also many couples want to
adopt caucasion children (wich are less available in the US).

I have explored the adoption process extesively over the past few years. Price, difficulty, and availability of children all depend on the country.

Even foreign adoption will run 30-50K per child. Its unfortunate that there are so many children in such bad positions. Most costs of course, deal with the "red tape"
and politics of foreign government.

I comend people who adopt children; regardless of their nationality and ethnic background.
I made my last post BEFORE I saw your previous post. I could care less about politics, government, and nationality when it comes to a child. A "Foreign"and ="Domestic" child has equal

Just because an adult is an IDIOT does not mean a child should
thanks for the reply and the info. the cost issue even ruffles my feathers even more. its a sad deal knowing there are kids out there all over the world that won't get adopted because someone doesn't have that kind of jack. i had no clue it was that pricey to want to provide a loving home for someone in need. amazing.
We have relatives that have been actively searching adopted children for over 10 years & have received two children to date with a measurable degree of difficulty, the fact is the domestic demand exceeds the supply of children, thus parents seek out children elsewhere.
One problem as with anything, when money becomes involved a seedy underbelly can be exposed.
>You see a lot of celebrities
>adopting kids from places like
>Africa, China and BFE. guy
>here from work is flying
>to China in a couple
>weeks to pick up his
>new baby. kind of bothers
>me to be honest with
>ya. whats wrong with adopting
>from the good old USA?
>is it real expensive here?
>can't imagine it being any
>cheaper outside the US. what

Yes, its very hard AND expensive to adopt a white USA baby.

I think for you (TripleK)to bust out the race card so quickly is "unsettling". If your definition of racism is be "unsettled" with mixed race families, hell most of our country (whites, black, mexicans, oriental, green yellow, etc) would be considered racists. I believe he was just asking a question.

>I think for you (TripleK)to bust
>out the race card so
>quickly is "unsettling". If your
>definition of racism is be
>"unsettled" with mixed race families,
>hell most of our country
>(whites, black, mexicans, oriental, green
>yellow, etc) would be considered
>racists. I believe he was
>just asking a question.

I also believe he was just asking a question which is why I gave him the benefit of the doubt and why I asked him a question. And YES my definition of racism DOES include being unsettled with mixed race families. How could it not be?

BTW...I am usually the first one around here to "bust out the race card"
Well my wife and I did foster care for over 60 kids, mostley teenagers. We adopted one young man at 17 years old we had him in foster care for 3 years prior. We then adopted a 13 year old girl we had her for 1 year as a foster child. You do not HAVE to adopt an infant to impact a persons life. The cost was less than $1000.00 and we even recieve a monthly stipend to help with thier special learning and counciling needs.


1 Corinthians 2:2
We obviously have differing opinions on what constitutes racism and how quickly or always "busting out the race card" is actually hurting/hindering real progress.

buckchaser, that's wonderful! Many people such as yourself are quietly making a big difference in so many young lives.

No doubt Eel,
You're exactly correct.

Jen, I think you're being a little hard on
some of these folks. You and I discussed my
situation a couple of years ago. You were GREAT
to talk to about it.

My deal didn't work out for several reasons.
I think race would be a non-issue with me in all
of this.

Jen, just because they're bringing up the race subject,
doesn't make it a racist issue.

Some situations are hard on kids. I live in white-trash
rural BFE, and I always thought I could make a mixed race
adoption work GREAT. But it would have challanging.

Big time considerations for all involved.

I Love Kids. I don't give a Darn what they look like.

Steve, I can sympathize....I tried to get someone to adopt ME for years, soon after my father made me learn to operate a hay baler, do preg tests and stack hay. The adoption process was real hard 50 years ago.....and I'm WHITE!

I actually believe that in the case of some of these celebrities, foriegn adoption is sort of like buying a Porsche Turbo Carerra, Lamborgini, or a Ferarri. You get more publicity with the import model.

And knowing our government lately.....probably, there is a tax break!
One of my very best friends adopted two boys from russia that were right at a year old. I asked why Russia and not US. He said the odds of the mother coming back and wanting to claim the child are slim to none, where as in the states the odds are better that could happen.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
202..........that may be the most sound piece of logic you have ever posted! You should have said you thought of it!

I cannot imagine a worse nightmare for an adopting parent, than to have "Dorathea Dirtbag", show up 2 years after the adoption to stir up trouble.

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