Adam Lambert got Ripped!

LAST EDITED ON May-20-09 AT 11:30PM (MST)[p]....except for the part that he wears more eye liner than a line up at a whore house and looks like a creepy vampire.

Being an old country boy myself, yes, he was hard to get used to but this is a new day and age, i can accept people for being who they are. Adam's overall talent was/is obvious...even to this old Hag fan.

it was a shock but I was happy with the outcome. Adam is very good But he wears way too much make-up and is to dark for me. His fanbase is limited.

Kris is the all american type. Everyone will like him no matter what kind of music or fashion there into.
LAST EDITED ON May-21-09 AT 05:19AM (MST)[p]i'm a big Idol fan, been watching it for years... maybe I shouldnt admit that :)
adam is by far the most talented performer in Idol history. unfortunately he's gay and has a unique look which many couldnt get over as referenced by the comments above.

when Kris was announced as the winner Simon just sat there with a stunned look on his face while the other 3 stood and graciously applauded. he didnt look to happy.
1st. It's not eyeliner, it's guyliner.

2nd. Y'all should be ashamed of yourselves for being Idol fans.
LAST EDITED ON May-21-09 AT 07:21AM (MST)[p]"1st. It's not eyeliner, it's guyliner.
2nd. Y'all should be ashamed of yourselves for being Idol fans."

And you should be ashamed for knowing eyeliner from guyliner.... :) Terry
Those of you that watched Idol from start to finish know that Adam was the favorite. I think that most got tired of hearing the sceaming and irritating high pitch notes that he'd hit. I got tired of it. I'm glad Kris one....I think he's more mainstream but may not be quite as noticeable on the radio.

Adam was by far the better artist and singer. He will go on to make millions while kris sits back and maybe makes an album or two.

I'll admit it, I'm an Idol fan. So what if the guy is gay and where's black and guyliner. He can sing and thats what it is, a singing competition. His rendition of 'Mad World'... phenomenal!

I just thank god that psyco chick Tatiana got the boot early on. Shaking my head.
"Dudes shouldn't wear makeup. End of story. "
Ditto IMO the best man won,Even though there were a few songs the other kid did well he was to" Showy " But as it has gone in years past few go on to be stars and the rest fizzle out and you never hear about them again .
"as it has gone in years past few go on to be stars and the rest fizzle out and you never hear about them again"

Well, i'll say this. That guy Adam Lambert is the next huge thing in hard rock-goth-Kiss type music! If i could buy stock in a singers career, i'd hock everything i own to get some of his.

Would i buy his records, maybe, prolly not as his music and looks are not what i generally like to see and hear but there is no doubt and mark my words "that guy Lambert, is going to make millions, if not Billions of dollars of revenue in his career"!!!! The guy is That Good!

You guys!!Some here must be insecure in their masculinity. Me, i know who i am and if i want to watch something, if or not it is the manley thing to do never enters my mind.

Saying that something is gay... IS GAY!! :) lol

So, does this kali boy, me, look like he's gay? I don't think So!! lol


Adam Lambert sucks. I dont like Idol in the first place and I dont watch it other than auditions. My family watches it so I can see a little of it. Adam is nothing more than a queer that can scream and wiggle his tongue. The guy is creepy and had a zit problem.
I don't watch Idol much, but the family does. I'll have to admit that from the little I saw, Lambert's high notes and appearance bugged me, but he obviously can sing. Win or not, I don't think it hurt him. mtmuley
Alright, enough is enough! Founder is revoking all your MM ID's! Give him your man cards too!

lol. All jokes aside, I admit that I used to watch idol for about the first 3 seasons but the same ol' insults from Simon got stale.
have heard from someone "in the know" that Mick Jagger has asked Adam Lambert to open for the Stones tour next year. Adam will end up being the lead singer of some big time rock group and make boatloads of cash. Kris' future aint so bright.
> Saying that something is gay...
>IS GAY!! :) lol
>So, does this kali boy, me,
>look like he's gay? I
>don't think So!! lol

Yeah, in the gay community you would be labeled a "Bear."
Well, I bit my tongue as long as I could, I don't watch that show. I wouldn't know Lambert from Lazuras.

I wouldn't be so rude as to label this post "gay"...........but it is way lame by ANY standard and the envelope is definately being pushed.

Next thing I know, you guys will be discussing "guyliner" shades for deer hunting camo, as opposed to elk hunting camo.

Feleno said; "have heard from someone "in the know" that Mick Jagger has asked Adam Lambert to open for the Stones tour next year."

I believe that Adam actually has the chance to be as big as the Stones, Rod Stewart, Kiss, or any previous artist up to Elvis or the Beatles. He Can Sing and perform that good!

The only possible trouble i see for him is if or not, he has the ability to come up with his own music, find his own identity in the music world, and make a break from the contract they make you sign to be on the idol show. If and when he can do that, from what i've seen that shouldn't be a problem, there will be no stopping him from being among the greatest singer, entertainer, performers of all time and like i said "mark my words" :)

I wish I could comment on the subject, but I dont watch gay TV shows! LMAO When I clicked on this post I thought it would be about some hunting figure / authority being ripped by the media. But no it is about singing. Huh? I guess it is alright on here, but Lets just not talk about this in hunting camp:)
"I believe that Adam actually has the chance to be as big as the Stones, Rod Stewart, Kiss, or any previous artist up to Elvis or the Beatles. He Can Sing and perform that good!"

Come on sage are you kidding me? I mean really! Those are some big groups that have been around for A LONG TIME and your comparing that dude with the likes of Kiss and the Rolling Stones and you think he's coming up just shy of Elvis and The Beatles? I absolutely 100% disagree. There have been a lot of "good singers" that had a few good years and then faded away. Not many groups have the longevity of The Stones or Kiss or Van Halen etc. I would be really surprised if he's around in 10 years let alone 30+.

It's always an adventure!!!
Lotabull Said; "Come on sage are you kidding me?"! :)

Bull, i understand the reason behind most of the above comments and i figure most of the guys are joking about the "gay thing" and i did go out on a limb with that statement you quoted but i did say, "Has the chance to be...",

I'll speak for myself here. My go out and buy CD's, go to Concerts, and listen to lots of rock music days are behind me. I do see lots of young kids n teens running around though and God bless them that they are here. They don't seem to like the same kinda stuff i do. These kids aren't going to idolize the same rockers or country guys that we did. They're going to want their own stars. As these kids grow, Adam Lambert has a great oppertunity to be "it" for their generation. Heck, many in ours already think he's the chit. I really do believe that, Yes!

Have a good one! :)
NEW YORK (AP) - Clay Aiken is no fan of Adam Lambert.
The "American Idol" also-ran has blasted this season's runner-up on his Web site, mocking Lambert's rendition of "Ring of Fire" as "contrived," "awful" and "slightly frightening."

According to Aiken, he tunes into the show about once a season?and this year, he caught Lambert's take on Johnny Cash and thought his ears would bleed.

But wait?there's more. Aiken aims his vitriol on "Idol" itself. He thinks the series showed bias for Lambert over eventual champ Kris Allen and has focused on "slick productions and polished contestants" rather than raw talent.

Aiken lost out to Ruben Studdard in 2003. He's since released several albums, appeared on Broadway and publicly confirmed he's gay.

1911, I've heard of Clay Aiken but really, who cares what this guy has to say, he's just another want to be, never gonna be, probably jealous. If just adding to the topic, fair enough but if trying to use his comments as "proof" that lambert isn't the prospect that i believe he is, well, nice try i suppose.

Of all the talent i've seen come off that show, Lambert IMO has the most talent and the most potential to go "All World". That includes my favorite gal, until she decided to back HSUS, Carrie Underwood.

You guys all know how to use google. Try putting in Adam Lambert and see what the rest of the world says of him then think of how many albums he'll sell if just half, who are as high on the guy as i am, buy his stuff.

In my opinion the red head Alison has much more talent singing than both of the two finalists. I hope to hear more of her in the future cause that girl can sing. When she did "Alone" by Heart I was amazed at the vocals she had for only being 16 years old.. Her problem was that when she wasnt singing and the camera's were on her she really didnt know how to act and seemed boring..


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Seriously???? Ok, let me state the obvious. I posted that story for a couple reasons.

#1. The under tone of this whole thread seemed to evolve into a situation where ANYONE who was critical of your boy must be a homophobe, or in your words, 'can't accept people for who they are.' Oh yes, Clay also is gay. (Ironically, I did not know, nor did I give a crap, that Lambert was.)

#2. Clay, who came from Idol, came as an underdog, who was beaten out as the case unfolded, to arrive at the runner up position. The same position as your boy.

See where I'm going? Yeah, they have a lot in common and it would seem peculiar that Clay would single him out for any reason I can think of other than your generic 'he must be jealous.' To discount Clay would be to discount the fact that the runner up can out perform the winner in after show sales/performance.

Oh, and finally, let's not be silly, I'm pretty sure his opinion counts as much or perhaps a little more so than mine or yours. Just do me a favor and remove your artist from 'Joan of Ark' status would you please?? Not everyone who dislikes him it out to get him. The tally of votes would certainly conflict with your assessment of his appeal.

Now MM has a better Talent Scout than someone who broke a ten year record with his first album lmao. Is it that you really don't like Clay, or 'you can't accept people for who they are.'

1911, Honestly, i hardly ever heard of the guy! I haven't a clue what kind of music he sings. I've seen him sing on idol, i think, but from the get go there was nothing that interested me so i did something other than pay attention.

Hey, i think Adam should have won and is going to be a star is all. You guys are entitled to your opinions and especially being i started this thread, i'm entitled to mine!

>Yeah, in the gay community you
>would be labeled a "Bear."
Actually I thinks its "Teddy Bear". But something tells me he knew that already.
SGalot, You should talk! With a name like Sirglassalot, you sound like some flame yourself!!

My babes have called me a teddy bear and i've never taken it as an insult. Some of you guys are just picken fun i know, anybody that's serious though is wrong,...kinda pointless.

I thought Adam was a good performer and vocalist. That said.....I NEVER would have purchased his music or left it on the radio. Not my style. I would listen and possibly purchase Kris' music.

My kids were quite freaked out by Adam's "uniqueness" and his "screaming" into the mic. We all thought that Adam would win and I LOVED their reaction as Kris was announced as the winner. They were so happy.

For me, I know who my favorite "American Idol" was. She is terrific. Can you say......Carrie Underwood? She is a joy to listen to and watch.

fire_hawk, Nice post! Thanks!!

One thing. I always liked Carrie Underwood too. Super Fine babe, great songs... but did you know that she donates Thousands and Thousands of Dollars to Anti-hunting groups? True story!

Kinda take a lot of the fun out of watching her sing.

>SGalot, You should talk! With a
>name like Sirglassalot, you sound
>like some flame yourself!!
Easy there big Teddy! I'm not the one claiming to be Adam Lambert's biggest man fan!
"Easy there..."

You're the one re-posted that stupid comment and added to it. Don't sling it if you don't want it back at ya!

Hey i liked Steve Young, Micheal Jordon, and Barry Bonds too. So What? You're just adding to the BS and it's getting way old!

Sage, you kinda surprised me with your liking for Adam Gagbert. But hey, its obvious that a ton of people liked him since he was in the finals right?
I believe there's a pic/video on the net that shows him kissing some dude.

For me, I couldn't even look at him when he would hit his high notes and the frog tongue emerges. He should really be in broadway with Clay Gaykin. I guess that's what you get when you take drama class your whole life.

I think Kris will have a great career. Adam's style is short lived and the whole "Emo" thing (the dark look w/ make-up) will fade.

I can't believe people would compare him to Jager or Tyler.
Someones got a man crush.

Sorry had to check it out finally. The longest thread in the Campfire.

I made the mistake of going in the room while my wife was watching and saw him sing ring of fire.

Guy was trying way to hard to be different. Beyond annoying. Guess some people like that stuff.

In all fairness that was the only song I saw or heard him sing.

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