Activities Near Miluakie (sp?)


Long Time Member
My family and I will be heading up that way for the ASA Western Nationals for girls softball at the end of the month. Can anyone give me any info on fun things to do up there? We'd like to take a day and go river rafting for one thing. Anybody have any info for me? Thanks in advance!

my advise? hope your girls dont run into the patriots, my nieces will be there too, and will kick some ^%&%^

just kidding:)where are you from?

dont know, maybe the sandy river might have some good white water rafting, i'll call my cousing, he lives right there, and ask him. what about taking a trip up on mt.hood? there are some killer hikes to do, this time of year is a little late to do a summit hike, but you could do some great hikes with some killer views!
o.k. i called some people.

my cousin gave some good info, the upper CLACKAMAS RIVER
[I think i spelled it right] has some great white water rafting, up above estecada or. he didn't have a name but said you could search it on the net and get alot of good guys who run it.

another, he said was his favorite thing to take newcomers/ friends from outta town, was do a search on MT. HOOD SKI BOWL/ ALPINE SLIDES. all sorts of go-carts, bungy jumps, hikes, pools, great fun for kids. i've never been there, but it's up on mt. hood, and you'll have some killer views of an awsome mountain.

then i called my sister, their team will be at the MT. VERNON nationals in northern washington, so lucky for your girls they wont meet :) my oldest neices best info was to thank god you didn't have to play them............

no seriousy, those tournament are a blast! i cant wait for 10 yrs or so when i can have that kind of fun with my daughter.
good luck to your girls!
KILLERBEE- I got your post in the campfire. Thanks a ton for the info. I've got some google searches to do. Thanks again!

Maybe also do the jet boat tour of the Willamette, I've never done it since I have my own boat and live about 5 minutes from Milwaukie but it looks fun, takes you from Portland up to the Oregon City Falls and back. Sandy is good, Claskamas is also great but I don't know if anyone does any rafting trips, maybe on the upper river which has some awesome rapids.

Killerbee mentioned the Mt Hood Ski Bowl slides, thats fun and heading up to that area is pretty nice as far as seeing Mt Hood. Only about a hour drive from Milwaukie.
Good luck and have fun in Oregon.
Thanks oregonmuley. Sounds like the Ski Bowl slides is a must for the kids. The jet boat tour sounds pretty fun also. Thanks for the info. Take care.

We wont have enough room for fishing gear. I wish I did cuZ that sounds like a lot of fun.

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