


We had lots of rain while the trees were polinating, so our acorn crop is poor. I guess the good thing is that the deer will have to move around to get some and it might help the hunting. How are your acorns?

Venison and Zinfandel are GOOD!
Have seen tons of them in certain areas and very few in others. All trees being white oaks with nearly equal amounts of rain.
We have a good crop this year over in Colusa county and the deer started getting after them this week.
Can't say that i've ever seen a buck that was eating Acorns. I know that they do and many hunters schedule their hunts to when the deer move down to feed on them, just outa the 100 or so that i've killed and the many hundreds of others that i passed on, the bucks were doing something else beside gorging themselves on the acorn crop.

Are acorns overrated? In some places and hunt locations, i would guess not but in others, maybe so.

Joey, I have shot bucks that have been stuffed with accorns. I watch them from the deck eating them, hell they are smart enough to feed on the roads where they are easy to find! O-ya pig likem too
Blueoak, I don't even doubt that one bit. I was just thinking back and it struck me odd that...well, what i said.

Good thing people don't have to crunch them things up like deer and pigs do. That would be hard on the teeth! :)

HaHa!.... looking at the timestamp of the post-in-question Dingo thinks that ol sage was typin' when he should have been sleepn'.
Hopefully it's just a mild case of buck feaver and not something more serious.

Anticipation of an upcomming hunt can do that to even the best of them. I'll bet he's cut his fingers a few times sharpening his knife for the 50th time and has probably worn the blueing off his gun just cleanning it.

You don't need me to remind you that deer love acorns as well as the new shoots on the oaks. I've watched them walking on their hind legs to get a little higher up on the tree. They also seem to prefer certain trees over others as I see them around the same trees every year when they begin to fall. Eventually they seem to manage to eat all of them.

Good hunting to all!

Pigs also like them (as previously noted), and you can also add ducks to the list. Although the ducks like them, unfortunatly acorns give them a bitter flavor.

Sage and Be_Bop_LULU are both plumbers so that is why they are on the computers when most of us are sleeping.....they have a hard time sleeping for some reason.

Dingo said, " I'll bet he's cut his fingers a few times sharpening his knife for the 50th time and has probably worn the blueing off his gun just cleanning it."

You'd lose that bet! Are you ok? Your post, the parts about me directly, seemed pretty odd considering we've not spoken thru threads or PM's?

LAST EDITED ON Sep-14-11 AT 11:07AM (MST)[p]OK, so if you must know, my camper rig is packed and my gear has been ready since i put it up last season. all my knives are sharp and my guns cleaned and ready to go. There has been a few rounds at targets but being i don't care to load up another batch, i only needed one shot last year, i didn't need to shoot many to know i'm right where i'm wanting to be, dead on at 300 yds. Yes, i'm raring to go but this ain't my first Rodeo.

I'll tell you what i do stir over and that is maps and land ownership issues. I'm constantly looking at all kinds of different maps looking for places to hunt the other guys may have missed or didn't want to try to get into. A lot of the time there is private land boundary's involved and once i find out who the owner is, i've had good luck on the phone and better luck in person, getting permission to trespass on thru their property if not hunt their land outright. It's trying to put all this info together with my limited puter skills and then make contacts and get permission that makes it tough. But it's worth fretting over!

I'm heading out scouting again in a couple days and i plan on a good amount of time behind my glass but i've already have 8 stops planned for landowners and various land management offices. This is one of the reasons that i've been excited about this hunt. Usually i'm off someplace over a thousand miles away and a guy can be limited on checking for permission to hunt. This hunt is only a little over a hour away. I'm making use of that in a big way and Yes, i'm way looking forward to the hunt!

I've seen bears eating them too. A couple of years ago I snuck up on a big old boar with a big ole belly and he was sitting on his butt with his legs spread out and sticking straight out in front of him. He would lean forward, reach out and scrape the acorns up to his crotch and then pop thm in his mouth spit out the shells and eat them. Reminded me of a big fat man eating peanuts or maybe sunflower seeds. He would then wiggle/scoot up a couple of feet and do the whole process again. It was a site to see and I wish I would have had a camera as it was pretty dang funny to watch.
I know you're going to be ready and you're probably a lot more careful about it then I am. So no, I would have to pass on any bets.

Don't forget to pack your camera, I have a feeling your going to need it. And if you need a good cameraman, DO NOT call me as I am the worst field photographer on the planet. I have no idea how many pics I have taken where all you see is the deer and a proud, but headless, hunter or a guy with a big grin holding onto a half-rack. Pleased to say I'm getting better with digital though.

Good luck scouting. Although I've known some very lucky hunters, it's no accident that some people are successful in punching a tag.

If your ever this far south your welcome to stop in and pick up a 5-gal bucket of acorns to take with you, (which would represent about 25% of this years crop around my house). I'm not saying it's a bad year for acorns but I've seen woodpeckers hiding grapes this year.

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