Accidental Discharge?


I'll bet yours were Self Induced?:D

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Be careful - this could turn out to be a real poopy thread!

Or X-rated.

Probably won't be about gun safety though, will it?!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
OMFG!! F-Dude...the first time I read this I thought you wrote you had a couple in your mouth, not youth...good thing I always read things twice!![/IMG] ~Z~
I had one just last night!....I would have had 2 but I fell asleep!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
Wiz sharted himself one day...and then told us all about it...I guess it's time for everyone else to come clean :)[/IMG] ~Z~
Does a premature discharge fit into this catagory? If so then yes but I swear it wasn't my fault. Right after I tried may dangedest to ##### that suck again but it got jammed and would fire again. Fiddled with it for pernt near an hour until I finally gave up and put it back in its hulster. Made for a short encounter.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling
up anyway."
I named mine Keith, Stacey and Scott.


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